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       "Hey, lovebirds! Get up before I pull you out!" Jean was hovering over Eren and Levi. Levi's eyes fluttered open. He saw Jean and kicked him in the balls.

        "YOU BITCH!!!" He yelled as he ran off. Levi turned and looked at Eren. He looked so peaceful, sitting there asleep, his top lip quivering each time he exhaled.

        He smiled, and scooped Eren up bridal style. It was quite a sight to see a short man carrying a tall man down the stairs. About half way down, Eren woke up. When they got to the front counter on the first floor, Eren reached out a dollar and handed it the the woman behind the register. "Sorry about all that..." He said.

        Levi carried him out the door and in front of the court house. "Alright, where's your car?" Eren pointed to the parking lot next to the Times building. Levi took him down the hill and set him in the driver's seat. He got into the passenger seat.

        "Wait, don't you have a car, too? Eren asked.

        "Yeah, but it's in my garage. I walked here."

        Eren smiled and turned on the ignition. "So, where to?"

        "You got Netflix?"


        "Your house."

        Eren sighed. "Fine..."

        Once they got there, Levi tokk off his shoes and sat on the couch like he'd been there many times before.

        "Okay, what do you wanna watch?" Eren asked.

        "Ehh... Something Marvel. Ooh! OOH!!! WINTER SOLDIER!!! YASS!!!

        Eren pressed play and put a blanket on.

          "Got another blanket, brat?" He asked.

         The truth was, Eren did have another blanket. But he wanted Levi next to him so badly. "Nah. Just... Just come lay next to me."

         Levi smiled and snuggled up next to him. Eren wrapped his arms around him and leaned on his head. They both were so comfy, they fell asleep right in the middle of the movie.


        The next morning, when Eren woke up, he smelled a sweet atoms coming from the kitchen. "Oh, hey! You're awake!" Levi yelled from the kitchen.

        "Whatcha makin'?"

        "I found some frozen cinnamon rolls in your freezer, so I put them in the oven. Hope you don't mind."

         Eren walked into the kitchen and saw Levi. He was wearing a (how cliche) pink apron, Eren's pajamas, and reading glasses.

       "Mornin'" Eren said as he sat down as the counter.

        Levi looked up from the newspaper. "Well, took you long enough to wake up."

        "Hey, wait, where'd you get a pair of my pajamas?"

        "This morning I woke up and wanted to feel more comfortable, so I went up to your room and got these."

        Eren smiled. Levi came in acting like he lived here. "Well, I guess that's okay."

        "Oh, and I also took the pocket knife from your bathroom and the mickey mouse watch from your dresser.

        "GOD DAMMIT NOT THE MICKEY MOUSE WATCH!!!" Eren tackled Levi and pinned him to the ground. "GIVE IT BACK!!!"

        "But then I'd lose my dignity! Come and get it!"

        Eren started to pat him down, tying to find it. Levi was laughing to hard to care. Finally, Eren gave up and collapsed on Levi's chest.

        "Fine, you win, brat." He pulled out the watch and handed it to him.

        They sat on the hardwood floor for about five minutes, till the cinnamon rolls were done. Then they got up and sat at the counter, eating their breakfast.

        "Where did you get these cinnamon rolls from?" Levi asked.

        "Star market had them in the freezer section next to the eggs and yogurt."

         After they ate, Eren checked his phone. He had a text from Armin.

         Armintastic: Hey, I'm bored today. Wanna go see a movie around one?

         "Huh. Hey Levi, wanna see a movie around one o' clock or so? My friend Armin invited me to go see The Hunger Games."

        "Sure, I guess. But I'll need to change clothes."

         "I have some extra pants and shirts."

         "Nah... My house is just a block away from here. I can just walk there and get some clothes."

        "Okay, you can be back around twelve and we can get lunch."

        "Alright. See you then." He gave him a kiss and walked down the block.


        Levi felt so good as he walked home. He was going to go and see a movie with someone he was quite possibly in love with. He didn't care if other people would be there, at least he would be with Eren.

         Levi drove back to Eren's house in his black sports car. "Whoa..." Eren said as he walked out the door.

         "Like it?" Levi asked as Eren got in.

         Eren grinned. "This is awesome!"

         "So, where do you want to go to eat?"

         "I guess five guys would work."

         "Which one?"

         "Well, since we're going to the movies, the one in Jones valley next to Carmike would work."

         "Okay." Levi showed part the cemetery and cut through the hospital district, part Publix and over the hill into Jones valley. They ate their food and walked to the theater.

          "So, Armin said to just wait out front until he gets here." Eren said, shivering.

          Levi saw him shiver. "Here." He was wearing a jacket four sizes to big, so he pulled it over both of them.

          A few minutes later, Eren and Levi heard someone yell. "Eren?" They both turned in that direction to see Armin with a smile on his face. He walked up to Eren. "Hey! You read-" He suddenly noticed the man with his arm around him, with a scowl on his face. "Who is this?"

          (AN: OMG GUYS THIS TOOK ME A WEEK TO WRITE. Okay, so, I had no time to write this all in one place at one time this week, so I wrote like a few paragraphs a day. IT FEELS SO LONG BIT IT'S REALLY SHORT OMGGGGG. Anyway, I also wanna say that I feel sorta bad since Armin had like zero character development... I kinda got lazy on the story board... Oh, btw, all of these locations are real places. They're all in the city of Huntsville, AL. The story also takes place in like 2013... So... Yeah... I APOLOGIZE FOR EVERYTHING. -Cora)

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