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       Levi was the first to wake up. He looked down to see he was wearing Eren's pajamas. He was careful not to wake Eren up as he walked into the kitchen. He had nothing to do.

       'Hm... Uh... Maybe I could text all of Eren's friends about the party next week.' He got his phone. He texted the same message to all of them.

       Hi! My name's Levi, and next week, I'm throwing a party at Eren's house for his eighteenth birthday! Please come, it would mean a lot.

       Within a few minutes, he had texts back from all of them, except for Mikasa.

       Armin: ...Fine... But I probably won't stay long...

       Jean: Who the hell are you?

       Marco: Um... Sure...

       Hanji: Alright!!! Sounds fun!!!

       Sasha: Sure!!!


       'Shit. I thought that was a different Petra. God dammit. How does Eren even know her? I thought I got rid of that Bitch for good.' He texted back to Jean.

       Levi: I'm Eren's friend.

       Jean: Okay...

       Levi still didn't get a text back from Mikasa. He heard Eren moving in the other room. "Hello? Levi? You here?" Eren called.

       Levi ran into the living room. "GOOD MORNING, BEAUTIFUL! RISE AND SHINE!" His volume obviously annoyed Eren.

       "GOD DAMMIT MAN!"

       Levi toppled over into his lap laughing. "Sorry. You still love me though."

       Eren smiled and pulled him closer. "You know you make me happier than anything. I never want to let go of you."

       "Yes, yes. I know." he looked up. "I love you." He whispered.


       They both got up around eleven. They went into the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?" Eren asked as he opened the fridge.

       "Got any biscuits?"

       "Yep." Eren pulled out a bag of frozen Pillsbury oven bake biscuits.

       "Okay. I'm gonna go to the restroom real quick."

       Once he had left, Eren heard Levi's phone buzz. He reached over the counter and picked it up.

       New notification: Text from Mikasa

       Eren's eyes got wide. His heart started pounding. 'How does he know Mikasa? How did he get her number?'

       Eren was thinking too hard to process everything. He started hyperventilating. Then everything went black.


                           May 21, 2001

       "You're it!" Eren and Mikasa ran around the back yard. It was a beautiful Sunday  afternoon. Mother was watching and smiling from the back porch. Father was about to get home from the store.

       "You can't catch me!" Mikasa yelled.

       Their laughs filled the air. Father stepped out of the car, brought some groceries, and went out to the back yard.

       "DADDY!" They yelled in unison as they ran toward him. He smiled and picked them up.

       "Hey! How are two little monsters?"

       "Goooood!" Eren smiled up at him.

       "Great! Honey, can you help me with the groceries?" He asked his wife.

       She smiled as they both went inside. Eren and Mikasa continued playing tag. Mikasa started to catch up with Eren. "NOOO!" He yelled.

       He turned his head for only a second, when he tipped and fell. Eren cried out in pain. He had landed on a big rock, and he was bleeding in seven places, including his head. Blood started to cover the ground around him.

       "Eren? EREN? MOMMY, DADDY! EREN'S BLEEDING!" Their parents came running out, horrified.

       "EREN! MY BABY!" She fell to get knees next to him. "CALL 911!"

       Eren barely heard or saw anything. All he could see was white and red flashing by him. All he could hear was his family's screams. "EREN! EREN!"


       "EREN!!! EREN!!!" Levi was leaning over him, tears dripping down his face. "EREN, WAKE UP!" He sobbed and leaned over him. "Eren... IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP RIGHT NOW..." He slapped his face.

       Eren woke up. "Huh? What happened?" He looked around to see blood dripping from bite marks on his hand. 'Shit, not again..."

       Levi looked up. "EREN! YOU'RE AWAKE!!!" He pinned him to the ground in a forceful kiss.

       "Well... Yeah..." He said after letting go. They both leaned against the wall as Eren held a wet cloth to his wrist.

       A few seconds later, Levi turned to him and slapped his face again. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR, BRAT?"

       Eren cringed. "I... I... It's a long story..."

       Levi dropped his anger. "No, no. It's fine..." He saw his phone on the ground. "Huh. I wonder what that's there for?" He picked it up and read the notification. A text from Mikasa. He made a connection.

       "Wha... Eren?" He turned towards the brunette, who started crying into his knees.

       (AN: WELL GUYS THIS TOOK ME LONGER THAN IT SHOULD'VE. Omggg I took like for days writing this even though it's really short... I swear... I rewatched the entire series of black butler and kind of had two days of crying in bed because of feels, so I haven't really been updating. Sowwy. I LOVE YOU SEBAS-CHAN WHY'D YOU HAVE TO GO AND DIE ON ME WTF? My one true love though is Grell-chan. I love him.-Cora)

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