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       Eren got to the bar at 4:56. He turned off the ignition and leaned how head against the steering wheel. 'Do I really want to do this?' He looked up at the neon lights. 'Fine...' He opened up the door and went inside.

       This place was packed. Packed. The entire bar had lights flashing everywhere. There were drunk people "dancing" in all the open spaces to some music Eren didn't recognize. There were people running all over the place, and eventually Eren found a seat. He felt a bit socially awkward, since he had no one to talk to.

       After what felt like forever, someone slurring their words walked up to him. "Hello tthhir, whathh wouldth you like thoo thriiinnnkkk?" Eren looked up to see a short bartender with black hair.

       "Uhh... Just give me anything." He answered. "Alrightthh. Buth I warn youu, I havveee a creatthhivvee mindtthhh!!!" The bartender fumbled with the pumps and mixed four different drinks in a large glass. The bartender set the glass down in front of him. "Enjoyyyy."

       Eren took one sip, and could see why everyone here was so drunk. That was some high gravity beer. He set the glass down, and the bartender started laughing. Eren knew if he decided to keep drinking this, he wouldn't be in a good place tomorrow. But either way, Eren wanted to be a risk taker. He wanted to feel good for one night. To get away from it all.

       He picked up the glass and kept drinking. He kept drinking until he had the courage to talk to people. He talked to people he had never met. He "danced." He kept drinking until his vision got blurry. The last thing he remembered was getting into the passenger seat of a car. Then suddenly, everything went black.

       "EREN!!!" Mikasa was banging the door down. "EREN, GET OUT HERE!!!" So badly, Eren wanted to open the door. He wanted to face Mikasa, but he couldn't. He was drinking and cutting away the pain.

       "Eren..." Mikasa softend her tone. "Eren, please. I under stand we've both lost so much tonight. But I beg of you, come out. I need comfort." Eren almost opened the door. But then he thought against it.

       After the silence, Mikasa got angry again. "EREN! MOTHER MADE YOU PROMISE YOU WOULDN'T TURN ON THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE JUST BECAUSE OF HER. THINK ABOUT HOW SHE WOULD REACT TO THIS." She kicked the door handle clean off, and was horrified at what she saw inside.

       There was blood and vodka everywhere. On the bed there was Eren. Crying his eyes out. He looked up at Mikasa with pain in his eyes. "Help me. Please." Mikasa fell to her knees next to the bed and starred into his eyes. She hugged him and cried into his shirt. "I... I... Eren..." Mikasa got up and looked into his eyes. "I'm so sorry..."

       The next week, Mikasa had left without a word. She had packed her things and left without a single goodbye. Only a sticky note on the fridge that said "I'm sorry."

       Eren went into depression. He was a depressed, alcoholic 15 year old alone in the world. From a broken home, all he had was a house. Not a home, not a family, a house. That was it. That was all he had.

       The next morning, Eren woke up on a surface that was way too comfy for his own bed. He looked over and saw another guy fast asleep next to him. Wait wait wait. A GUY. 'SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?'

       Suddenly, Eren heard an answering machine beep from across the room. He heard the voice say: "Hey, Levi, can you, uh, come to the bar? The place got pretty wild last night and we gotta clean up for that private party at two... Soo... Yeah... Just, when you can, get down here, Levi." BEEP.

       Suddenly it all came back to him like a train. 'Shit.' Eren hopped up and looked at the cell phone on the table. It was Levi's. 'Uhh... I guess it won't hurt to get his number...'  He quickly got the number then put on his clothes. He ran to the bar, got his car and drove home.

       As soon as he got home, the hangover hit him. Hard. He passed out with one word in his mind. Levi.

      (AN: Omgggg this took me an hour to write I swear I started crying. Oh btw, I'm really pissed because today I found out that season two of SNK won't be coming out this year. It's coming out next year. Dammit. I'll go to sleep to get rid of the sadness.)

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