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        Eren looked over at Levi, then back at Armin. "Uh... This is Levi..."

        Armin didn't know how he felt. It was a mix of angry, jealous, annoyed, and scared. Levi, on the other hand, was feeling protective. Right off, he could tell this kid was in love with Eren. He could see it in his eyes.

        "Oh..." Armin said.

        In attempt to break the awkwardness, Eren spoke. "Well, I guess we can go inside."

       They slowly went in and got to their tickets.

       "You wanna go to the snack bar?" Armin asked directly to Eren.

       "Nah... We got food already."

       Armin looked hurt, but they all went into theater 5 together.

        They went to the top row and sat down. Armin had planned on confessing he was in love Eren during the movie, but he couldn't now. He looked over to see the cuddling. They even brought up the armrests and were practically laying down. But what set Armin off was that Eren was smiling.

       Armin looked to the screen, trying not to cry. No. There was no way. The love of his life He been taken from him. How could this be? Why was life so cruel to him? Why? He started to feel a tear form. He closed his eyes as the movie played.


        After the movie was over, they walked out and talked about it.

        "That was great! I loved it! Don't you agree, Armin?" Eren looked at him with a grin on his face.

        "Oh, yeah... Well... I'll see you on Monday..."

        "Bye!" Eren said as he and Levi got into Levi's car.

        Armin cried once he got home. He ran strait to his room and curled up on the floor. The world melted away with a puddle of tears on the floor. 'No one can ever love you, Armin. No one.'


         Later, Armin woke up and went into the bathroom. He was a mess. His face was red and patchy, his hair was greasy, And his clothes were dirty.

          He reached into the drawer and pulled out a switch blade. He tried to bring it to his wrist, but he couldn't. He looked in the mirror at the skinny, frail boy. "No..." He muttered.

           No matter how much he wanted to do it, something drove him away. It was the fact that he needed Eren. He needed him more than anything. He loved him. He couldn't let go of him. He put down the knife and layed down on his bed.


        Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Levi dropped Eren off at his house. Before Eren got inside, Levi yelled to him. "Hey! I'll come over tomorrow, Brat." He smiled and drove off.

        Eren ran inside. He collapsed on the couch with a happy feeling on his heart. He was in love after only a week of knowing him. He felt great about it.

        He picked up his phone and went to Levi's contact. He thought of what he could rename the contact to. He clicked on his named and typed in: Levi-Chan.

        (AN: YAY LIFE. Okay, my friend pointed out that Levi is OOC. Well, yeah. He's supposed to only be happy around Eren. DUH. XD -Cora)

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