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        Eren's week couldn't go any slower. All hee could think about was Friday. 'I need to pay attention... I need to pay attention... Oh shit... But... What if... WHAT IF LEVI DOESN'T LIKE ME?!?!' That was all that was on his mind up until Friday.

        Finally, on Friday afternoon, Eren sped to big spring park and sat on the bench next to the waterfall. There were some college students on the other bench playing Green Day for tips.

        Eren waited for Levi. And waited. And waited... A few of his friends were having a party at Sam and Greg's pizza down the street, and Eren considered walking up the steps and go to enjoy his night with pizza and gelato. He then remembered Jean and Marco were there, and decided against it.

        Finally, he spotted Levi. "LEVI!" Eren yelled. Levi turned. 'Whoa... This guy seems way different in texts.' Levi had a permanent scowl on his face and was shorter than Eren had remembered.

         "Tch..." He said as he took a seat. There was a long pause. "Soo..." Eren awkwardly tried to scoot into a conversation.

         "What? Oh um... Yeah..." Levi turned in the other direction.

        "You know, we're gonna have to talk this out sooner or later. And I perfer sooner." Eren said.

        Levi grumbled. "Fine..."

        "So... Do you, uhh... Like anime?"

        Levi pondered the question. "Sure... On the occasion. What's your favorite?"

        "Hmm..." Eren thought. "I'd have to say Black Butler."

        "REALLY?!?" Levi realized how loud he was and toned it down. "This is a bit weird, but do you ship Sebastian and Grell?"

        "YASS!!! Otp to the max!" Eren looked at the ground and giggled.

        "What? What's so funny, brat?

        "Oh, nothing. I just didn't expect you to ship like a little fangirl."

        Levi hit Eren on the arm. "Shut up about it, will you?"

        Eren laughed again. "Hey, you hungry?"

         "Yeah, sorta. Wanna go to Sam and Greg's?"

         Eren forgot all about the party and agreed... As soon as they got there, he could see it was a mistake. Luckily, everyone was upstairs, so no one saw as they ordered the pizza. For a few minutes, at least.

         "Yo! Eren, man! I thought you weren't gonna show up! Who's this? Eren cringed as Jean ran down the hardwood stairs.

        "Umm..." Eren shut his eyes.

        "Oh... I see where you're at..." Jean had a goofy expression pasted on his face. "Well, I'll see you two later." He winked and ran up the stairs.

        "Sorry about him..." a few minutes later, the waiter came out and set down the pizza. "Damn this is good." Eren took a huge bite out of it.

         The rest of the night was pretty peaceful, with small talk of theater and Broadway and school. Until about eight, when Hanji asked Eren to go upstairs. Eren was confused, but he went.

         Eren got up there, when Jean suddenly shoved him into the closet one the third floor. 'Shit.' Eren thought. A few minutes later, Levi was pushed in as well. "I'LL KILL ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS!" He yelled in the dark.

         "Well... Shit. I believe we've just been forced into 7 minutes of heaven."

         Levi kicked the door.

         "I don't think that'll help... Just sit down."

         Levi slid down next to Eren.

         Without thinking, Eren leaned his head on Levi's shoulder.

         "Um... Okay..." Levi said

         "OH! Um... SORRY!"

         "No No, it's okay..." He said as he held Eren in place. "Eren..." he moaned.


         Suddenly, Levi lost all control. He turned toward Eren and kissed him forcefully. After about five seconds, they let go. "Oops. Sorry. I just-"

          He was cut off by Eren grabbing a hold of him and kissing him back. This time, he slid his tongue into his mouth. Soon, they were only letting go for short breaths. Eren started clawing at Levi's clothes, when he was stopped.

          "You won't be eighteen for another two weeks, remember?" Levi whispered.

          "I know, but..."

          "No." Levi said as he leaned his head against Eren's chest.

          "Okay..." They sat in silence for a moment, with their arms wrapped around eachother, embracing the warmth.

          It was all so comfortable, Eren didn't want to let go. Then the door opened.

          (AN: OKAY LIFE CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL THIS WEEK. Luckily, my parents didn't take my phone away, so I'm happy, but I have two tests on Friday the 13th, and a five paragraph essay on Aretha Franklin due on Monday. And I'm losing my voice because I got sick. Thanks, katamarikitty890 aka kaya aka mike. But I'm listening to Green Day right now, so it's all good...ish... -Cora)

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