Final week

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       Eren felt he did awesome on finals..He actually put effort into it. On Friday, there was so much going on. It was Eren's eighteenth birthday, it was the last day of school, and finals were over.

       "Happy birthday!" Armin grinned as he got into the car. "Now we're both eighteen!"

       "Good thing, too."

       The rest of the school day was pretty much just people saying happy birthday. The day ended. Eren was free. Finally.

       He dropped Armin off and went home. As soon as he got there, Levi had already gotten into the house. As soon as Eren got inside, he jumped into Levi's arms like a five year old.

       "I finally did it!" Eren kissed him like the cover of The Notebook. Eren got down and looked around. Well, obviously Levi was throwing a party for Eren. There were party platers and bottles of coke(soda).

       "Alright. Go get changed then come back down. People will be here soon."

       Eren smiled and ran upstairs. He came back down and Armin was already there. People started to show up and fill all the rooms up. Levi was trying really hard to avoid Petra, his overly possessive and insane ex-girlfriend. Levi and Eren finally made their way through the crowd and met up in the kitchen.

       They wrapped their arms around each other and leaned against the counter. Then the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Eren said. He ran to the front room and opened the door. His heart started to pound. He stared at the girl standing in front of him and dropped his drink. There she was. The girl who Eren spent all his life with until she left. There was someone else there, but Eren didn't notice. He only saw Mikasa. He took a breath and ran up to his room.


       Mikasa was standing out the door next to Annie. They both slowly walked in. "Where did he go?" Annie asked.

       "To his room, obviously." She heard music playing and people talking. "I'm going to go find him. You go sit in the living room." Annie walked away. Mikasa walked up the stairs slowly. She looked at all the pictures on the walls. Tears started to form and she wiped them away. When she got to the top floor and looked around.

       She looked at her old bedroom door. She opened it. No one had messed with it. There was even dust on the knob. The room was all red, with various posters on the wall. Everything was dusty. She could tell Eren had left it alone.

       She walked across the hall and faltered from opening Eren's door. She knew he was in there. She could hear him sobbing. She opened the door. It was dark. Eren sat in the corner, hugging his legs.



       "What? What are you saying?"

       "No. Leave. Leave my house."

       "Eren, it's my house, too."

       "No it's not. You left. Obviously you didn't want to be here."

       "I left because I couldn't stand the pain." She sat down next to him and he scooted away. She sighed. "Eren, when... When mom... When mom died, I couldn't bear having anyone near me. Even someone I loved. I moved to Birmingham and made friends there. Then, a week ago, I got a text from some dude named Levi. He said I was invited to your birthday party, so I came with my friend Annie. And now I'm here."

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