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       Levi woke up to Eren snoring under him. He smiled and brushed away Eren's hair from his eyes. "Good morning, beautiful." Levi whispered. He looked down at the floor. Some time during the night, Levi made him and Eren put on their boxers so that when they woke up or would be civilized. Levi stared out the window. After a few minutes of being bored, he woke Eren up.

       "Hey, wake up, brat." Levi whispered. No response. "If you don't I'll... I'll give you a couple more hickeys than you want." Eren still didn't move. "Fine then, be that way." Levi sat up a little bit more and hovered over his face. He leaned down and wrapped his tounge around Eren's ear. He bit down a little too hard on the top, waking Eren up instantly.

       Out of reflex, Eren pinned him to the floor. "What the Fuck was that for?" Eren asked, clearly pissed off.

       "Well you wouldn't wake up, so I took the opportunity to mark my territory." Levi smiled up at him.

       Eren tried to stay angry, but eventually he fell down laughing. He wrapped his arms around Levi and kissed him.

       When they released, Levi took the opportunity to tell Eren about his ear. "Oh, by the way, you have a new hickey."

       Eren felt it. "Well aren't we glad I don't have to go to school?"

       They both burst out laughing. A few minutes later, they went downstairs. "I don't feel like making breakfast... Do you wanna go to the diner?" Levi asked.

       "Sure... Let me get dressed." Eren answered. They both for changed into sweatpants and drove to Edith Ann's. When they were waiting for their food, Armin texted.

       Armin: You wanna hang out today?

       Eren thought. "Hey, Levi, wanna hang out with Armin and me today?"

       Levi looked up. "Sure."

       Eren texted back, and in a few minutes They had decided to go see a derby bout.

       "What is derby?" Levi asked.

       "I have no idea... But Armin said he saw a poster of it downtown and wants to go see it. He thinks that it has something to do with skating."

       They ate their food and went home. Once they got home, Eren asked Levi a question.

       "So, you said you'd like to move in here. Well, when? Like, soon? Or later?"

       Levi pondered the question. "Soon. At least in the next month."

       The rest of the day was pretty slow, till three o clock, when Armin drove up. "Get in, bitches. We're gonna see female rough housing."

       When Levi and Eren got into the car, Armin announced he had researched the sport before he left. "It's basically a bunch of women or girls skating around a track. But, cooler."

       "Skating? That's... Odd..." Levi said.

       "Well yeah, but cool!" At a stop light, he turned to look at them. They looked tired. Armin smiled. "So, last night, did you two... You know..."

       "ARMIN SHUT UP!" Eren yelled.

       Armin smiled and turned back to driving. Once they got to the rink, they saw Mikasa and Annie.

       Mikasa tapped on Eren's shoulder. "Hey. Fancy seeing you here."

       Eren turned around. "Mikasa! Why are you two here?"

       "Oh, I joined the adult team in Birmingham. That's actually how I met elephant nose here." She pointed to Annie.

       Annie glared at her. "I'll get you for that later."

       They all went in. These girls made skating look easy. Everything looked simple like this. There were two redheads who stood out, Ginger Ails and Cora L. Snake. They worked so well together. The entire support was synchronized. There were different styles of everything, and eventually the home team won. The entire place was wild in the end. Eren fell in love with the sport. They left, and that night, while lying on bed with Levi, he thought of the future and the past. He thought of everything important.

       (AN: HOORAY FOR SHORT CHAPTERS. I made my cameo in this chapter. I am Stan Lee. I appear in my own work. MWA HA HA. Heh... Yeah... Well. I'm Cora L. Snake. That's my derby cover name. Ginger Ails is my best friends on the team. Yep. Cameo. Oh, btw, I plan on having the series only have one more chapter. Sorry! I feel like it's kinda fast, but I'm just... Yeah. Heh. Life. -Cora)

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