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       "BRRRRRIIIIINNNNNGGGGG" Eren's alarm clock went off. Eren moaned and rolled over. "BRRRRRRIIIINNNNNGGGGG" It went again. "SHUT UP!" Eren yelled as he slammed his fist down on the small black noise box.

       He stared up at the white ceiling. "Monday..." Eren thought. He got up and got changed when he noticed something on the floor. Levi's hoodie. 'He must have left it here yesterday.'

       He put on the hoodie, ate breakfast, and walked out the door. When he got to Armin's house, Armin got in with a smile on his face. They were silent all the way to school.



The bell rang. School was out. Eren and Armin walked out to Eren's car and got in.

       "Hey, wanna come over this afternoon to study?" Eren asked.

       Armin smiled. "Sure."

       When they got to Eren's house, they set their books down on the kitchen table.

       "I'm gonna run to the restroom real quick." Armin said.

       "Kay. Do you wanna study on the couch?"


       A few minutes later, they were settled down with cokes in their hands and books in their laps.

       "Okay, so, do you want to look at math first?"


       They kept going from problem to problem, getting some wrong and some right. Finally, Eren stomped his foot on the floor.


       Armin looked up with a smile on his face. "Here, maybe this will help." He leaned over and planted a kiss on his lips.

       Eren pulled back, shocked. "I... I..." hee couldn't produce words. Armin looked down at the floor.

       Finally, after what felt like forever, Eren spoke. "I can't..."

       Armin looked up. "I know..." He replied.

       "It's just... I know I only met Levi a week ago, but he's the most amazing person I know. I want to spend time with him. I want to love him. And I do."

       Armin started crying into Eren's chest. He looked up. "Okay... But... Then... Can I just... I don't know. I just want to feel what it's like to be held. This may seem a bit selfish, but can you hold me close for a while?"

       Eren thought. It couldn't hurt to help him out. "Fine."


       "BZZZ!" Eren got a text. He looked down to see Armin asleep in his lap. "BZZZ!" Whoever was texting him really wanted to talk. "Armin." He said. "Wake up." Armin slowly got up as Eren checked his phone.

       New notification: Two Texts from Levi-Chan.

       Levi-Chan: Hey, brat. Two more weeks till you graduate, right?

       Levi-Chan: Helloooo?

       Eren smiled.

       Eren: Yep.

       Armin was heading out the door. "Bye." He yelled. "Bye!" Eren yelled back. Armin started to form tears and walked home.

       Eren got another text.

       Levi-chan: Cool.

       Eren: Wanna meet up on Friday?

       Levi-Chan: Sure. Where?

       Eren: I'm thinking old town coffee shop.

       Levi-Chan: Sounds great! See you then. Bye! ;)

       Eren: Byeeee! ;D

       (AN: Well I wrote this entire chapter in bed while my mom vacuumed the house. Sorry. Sorry Armin. I love you baby. Ooh, did you notice I started each part with a noise? Yay. I was bored and I thought that would be funny. Yep.-Cora)

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