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       "Um... What happened?" Levi asked.

       "Yes. I'm feeling nauseous... Shit... Did I get drunk?" Eren put his hand against his forehead.

       Levi shifted. "Yes..."

       Eren looked up and saw several bruises and cuts on Levi's arms and legs. He gasped and ran his fingers along them as Levi tensed up. "Oh Levi..." He collapsed into a hug. "Did... Did I hit you?"

       Levi's eyes started watering. "Yes....." He whispered.

       They hadn't noticed Armin quietly in the corner till he made a quiet sneeze. Levi turned and smiled. "Oh... Come on into the hug. If it weren't for you I wouldn't be here right now." He grabbed him and they all pulled into the embrace, then got up after about five minutes.

       All three of them walked into the kitchen. Armin looked over to see Levi holding his arm around Levi's waist. He gulped. "If... If you want me to go I can..."

       Levi and Eren turned their heads in synchronization. There was a pause. Then Levi finally spoke. "It's improper to have someone over then not feed them a meal. You're gonna stay for breakfast, no question."

       Armin managed a small smile then set down. Levi helped Eren into a chair and got him some aspirin. "Alright, what do you two want for breakfast?"

       Eren looked up. "Food." He put his head back down.

       Levi sat down. "What kind of food?"

       "The kind that has flavor."

       "What kind of flavor?"


       Levi got up. "So, cinnamon rolls for you ladies?"

       Armin nodded then realized what he had said. "Hey!

       Levi snickered as he opened up the freezer and put everything in the oven. A few minutes later, the house smelled sweet and sugary. He sat at the table and started playing with Eren's hair.

       "What the fuck are you doing, midget?" Eren brought his head up and glared at Levi.

       "Oh, nothing. Hey, you gonna be ready for finals tomorrow?"

       "Yeah... Can we go somewhere today, though? Like, I don't know, the skate park?"

       "You have a board?"


       "Well, after breakfast I suppose we could if we take showers and get changed. Armin, you wanna go?"

       Armin lit up. "Sure! Uh... After breakfast I'll go to my house and get changed."

       They ate their food and Armin went home. Right before Eren got into the shower, he asked Levi something. "Hey, so, you're like, always at my house. Well, I just think... Um... Do you wanna, like, move in with me?" He felt awkward.

       Levi smiled and walked toward him. Eren started to sweat. Levi grabbed his waist. "I would love to." He whispered. He kissed Eren's ear. "Now go take a shower. You smell terrible." Levi walked out of the bathroom and sat on the couch, wearing his bath robe. His hair was still soaking wet from the shower he had taken 15 minutes ago. He looked up at the photos on the wall. Most were facing down. Levi picked one up and saw why. They were pictures of his family. His mom, his dad, and his sister. "Oh Eren... I'm so sorry..."


       Levi, Eren, and Armin got to the park around two thirty. Armin sat down while Eren and Levi did tricks and went flying. They hardly ever fell down. Armin had a board, he was just too afraid of getting hurt. He never took the time to learn how to use it. It was in his garage right now, collecting dust.

       "Armin! Come on!" Eren yelled from across the park.

       "No thanks!"

       Levi looked over at him. "Oi, brat, I'm hanging out with two teenagers. I believe you should be the two to be skating." He walked over to the bench. "Get on the board. It's my turn to sit down."

       Armin didn't want to, but he did so that he wouldn't be brutally murdered by Levi in his sleep. He fell down. A lot. Levi and Eren laughed at him, but Armin didn't care. He was having fun.

       They left at five. Eren dropped Armin off first. "See you tomorrow!" He yelled as Armin went inside.

       Eren dropped Levi off next. "Well, bye. Good luck on finals tomorrow, brat. Oh, and, on Friday, I'm coming over."

       "Oh. Are you celebrating my birthday that day, then?"

       "Maybe." Levi smirked then leaned over and kissed him lightly. He turned to open the door but hee was stopped.

       "Wait, Levi." Levi turned back to him. "You call that a good luck kiss? It's finals, for godess's sake. You can do better than that." Eren leaned over and kissed him harder. He bit Levi's lip, causing him to open his mouth. He slid his tounge is and held it for a minute. Then they pulled back. "That's more like it. Now go on, Cinderella."

       Levi got out of the car and ran up the steps. When he got to the door, he waved and went inside. Eren smiled and drove home.

       He got changed and flopped down on his bed. He picked up his phone and texted Levi. "Goodnight, senpai. ;)"

       Eren put in his earbuds and rolled under the covers. He soon drifted off to sleep, listening to Green Day.

       "It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right, I hope you have the time of your life..."

       (AN: AAAAYYYY!!!! OMG THIS CHAPTER WAS CUTE JK HAHAHA. Okay I had no time this weekend. I had two parties to go to yesterday and omg they were so funnnnnn! The first one was with my cosplay group. We had a Five Nights at Freddy's themed party and we did roleplays and it was great. The second was Saturday Night Live themed. katamarikitty890 and I were supposed to show up as the genderbent  blues brothers, but then someone else was a blues brother. WE WERE THE BLUES TRIPLETS!!! OOH AND WE HAD A SKATE A THON FOR MY DERBY TEAM AND I SKATED 427 LAPS IN TWO HOURS! MOST LAPS IN THE LEAGUE! WOOP WOOP! Yeah. Sorry you had to read about my personal life. Thanks guys!-Cora)

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