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       (AN: Home alone. Pizza. Coca-Cola. Green Day. Couch. Fanfic writing. Life. -Cora)

       Eren's week went pretty well, considering he had unintentionally  crushed his best friends dreams and thrown him to the gutter. They still sat together and rode to school together, they just didn't talk.

       However, Jean didn't play pranks on him, so he was able to pay attention in class, and he actually understood most of it. He was reminded that his tests were on Monday, that he needed to bring donations to the manna house, that he should buy a yearbook, yada yada yada.

      When Friday afternoon rolled around, Eren drove Armin home, hopped on his skateboard and went to the coffee shop. Levi was already there.

       "Hey!" Eren said. He wrapped his arms around Levi and gave him a kiss.

       They both walked inside. It was the smallest coffee shops in Alabama. There was only room for two tables, so there were extra ones outside.

      Eren ordered hot cocoa, and Levi ordered a chai latte. They sat down out front and watched the traffic go by.

       "So... Got any plans for tonight?" Eren asked.

       "My friends Ymir and Christa have a studio at the Lowe Mill Flying Monkey arts and entertainment, and tonight is the kick off of this summer's concerts on the dock, so they invited me to go."

       "Are you going?"

       "Yeah, wanna come?"


       A few minutes later, Eren went to the bathroom and left his phone. Levi picked it up. 'If I wanna throw a big party for him, I had better find his friends.' Eventually, He got the numbers of Armin, Jean, Marco, Hanji, Petra, Sasha, and some girl named Mikasa, even though he hadn't texted her in three years.

       Levi put down the phone just before Eren came back out. They continued with small talk for the next hour and a half. Then, they left to go to the Lowe Mill.

       As soon as they got there, they were greeted by Christa and Ymir.

       "Hey Levi!" The short blonde said, hugging him. Christa was the only person shorter than he was that he knew. "Ooh, who's this?"

       "This is Eren."

       Ymir smiled. "Oh? Are you two, you know, in a relationship?"

       Eren and Levi exchanged glances. "Yes." Levi confidently answered.

       Christa squealed.

       "Are you two..." Eren pointed at Christa and Ymir.

       That made Christa squeal even louder. "YEP!" She said, throwing her arms around the tall brunette girl.

       After Ymir managed to pry her off, they all went inside to the third floor and into the small studio Levi and Eren Sat on the couch. "Do you need help with anything?" Levi asked.

       "Yeah, we need some tables brought up for flyers and stuff. Levi, you and Christa go to the storage closet on the first floor and carry up four tables, please. Eren and I can stay here and rearrange the studios and make sure everything is okay to go." Ymir answered.

       Just about when Eren and Ymir were hanging new sculptures, Eren started to talk. "So... How much do you love Christa?"

       Ymir smiled. "To the moon and back. If I could marry her, you know I would."

       "But you can't. Alabama still isn't a free marriage state."

       "Yes. I know that. But there's been talk of free marriage taking hold in 2015. And if that's true, then on the first day, we will go strait too the courthouse and get a marriage license. No matter how many homophobic assholes are here, I still love her. I want to spend the rest of my life next to her, and no one can change that."

       Eren stood up, astonished. "Tha... Thank you."

       The rest of the night went pretty well. They listened to music and ate at the happy tummy. Later, Eren was introduced to Erwin, who had eyebrows that looked like caterpillars. Levi and Eren spent most of the night on the front lawn, staring up at the stars.


       At about ten, Levi and Eren got to Eren's house and relaxed on the couch. Pretty soon, they were both asleep, just like last weekend.

       (AN: Hfgbhhfhhhg. I am so bored. And sad. I felt like crying today, so I rewatched the second season of black butler. Well. That was a bad idea. My mom thought I was crying because I didn't have a Valentine. I WAS CRYING BECAUSE MY VALENTINE DIED, MOM. I LOVE YOU SEBASTIAN WHY'D YOU GO AND HURT ME LIKE DAT? I love Grell more, doe. Yeah. Oh, btw, go follow PhycoShiko. Yeah. ;_; T_T-Cora)

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