Part 6

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With Peter

I was sitting on a rooftop like almost every night. My spidey sense tingles and I hear gunshots not that far away. I got up and started swinging to the place I heard the gunshots from. I see a group of 5 big dudes trying to rob a bank. I see the people inside are terrified, The #1 bad guy directed a gun in the employer's head. The #2 bad guys were with the bag and trying to put as much as possible. #3, #4 and #5 were there just for company.

"Hey guys do you think you can go back to the hole you came from?"I sassed a little

"Get out of here Spiderman and you will not have problems with us"The #4 big dude turned to me and the others just rolled up their sleeves.

"Ha you are funny. I like you"Then the same person heads out a gun to my head and tries to shoot me, but of course I dodge it with my spidey sense. Then all of them surrounded me. They really are not that smart because at the same time, all of them start to run to me. I easily jumped to the ceiling at the last second and they just all fell to the ground...Hard...Well that was an easy one. I web them, but I didn't notice that one of them had a gun in his hand and shot me several times. I don't know what happened in the first place, but then I saw that I was shot in my left leg. Just great.

"Aww fuck, I Can't Believe You Have Done This"I say in british accent. I web his hand. I noticed that the people hiding around don't know if they had to laugh or call 911 for medical help. "Don't worry about the leg, it is happening pretty often. Just call the cops now. Bye.''I heard some of them say bye before I completely disappeared.

I sat on the building again. I need to bandage this. The bullet is already out of my leg so for now I just need to make it to stop bleeding. I usually ask Ned for bandages. And that's what i do now. I pulled out my phone and called Ned.

With Tony

I was in my lab. It's around 11 o'clock so maybe i can go and get something to eat. And that's what I did. I opened the fridge and found two pieces of pizza. I obviously take them and sit with the others on the couches. It happens to all of us at once. We watch a movie and in the middle of it FRIDAY interrupts us.

"Sir, it looks like you have an incoming call from the unnamed group" I look around and see no one with their phone on.

"From who?"I asked and everyone was listening. The movie paused.

"It seems that Baby Spider is calling"Everyone tense up. He never calls us. Is it an emergency? started to worry.

"ACCEPT THE CALL"Almost everyone shouted

With Peter

Come on pick up, pick up, pick up. He usually answers at the first or second beep. Finally he picked up.

"NED thank god. Finally dude. What were you doing?Anyways so um i was on patrol as usual and there was this bank robbery and one of the dudes kinda shot me in my leg...Again.I know you said that i have to be more careful, but in my defense, this time i was not expecting this. Anyway, can you open your window, I need to bandage this up before May finds out. He is going to be... Let's say worried. No, yeah of course she is going to be worried. Anyway can you help me?... Dude you there?''I said at one, with a calm voice. I know he was going to freak out...if that was the first time.


With Tony

"WHAT THE HELL"I shouted on top of my lungs. He???Got shot??? AGAIN???

Everyone around me seems to have lost their gift for speaking. They were just staring on the ceiling with wide eyes. Nat was the one who started talking after me. She was in full mama spider mode.

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