Part 30

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With Peter

"You. Are. WHAT"I just told Ned and MJ about yesterday.

"Yep"I send him a look to keep his voice quiet.

Out of nowhere MJ hugs me. She is not normally a huggy person, but when she did it I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was really soft and a good hug. I was blushing the whole time. I smelled her perfume when her hair touched my face. I absolutely love that scent.

When we let go of each other, our eyes met and I saw how she was blushing too. I stared into her eyes and saw how her curly brown hair matched perfectly with her eyes. Her lips were formed in a gentle smile and I felt how my cheeks were going even more red.

My spidey sense tingled, but it wasn't something bad, so I ignored it. The next thing I knew was that Ned practically jumped on me. He hugs me and from the surprise I went two steps backwards, almost falling. MJ laughs at our goofines. My best friend was in full fanboying mode and ramble, while hugging me.

"OMG PETER that's amazing. You will be working with TONY STARK HIMSELF. Have you met the avengers? NO wait you already met them. Did you work on his suit last night? You solved WHAT?"That continues for a straight 2 minutes, until I let go from the hug, but he didn't stop asking question after question. I sigh and tried to answer all of his questions, while we three were walking to school.

This day was absolutely boring. The whole time I was thinking about the internship. I mean who won't be bored? On top of this I had math today, which means more boredom than ever. They were learning something that I learned years ago. I can't even zoom out, because the teacher, Mr Harinson will give me detention and I don't want to be late on my first/second day. He doesn't believe me for the internship either, so he is practically bullying me too.

When the last bell finally rang I ran out of the school that fast, that even Flash didn't catch me. Around an hour later I was standing in front of the Tower again. First full day. What If I see Mr Davis? I'm not sure If he got inside the lab when he delivered my dinosaur notebook the other day.

On my way here I chat a little with my internet friends. Turns out half of them were somewhere in Russia for work. Ms Nat told me that they won't be able to use their phones until the end of the next week. It's weird because Ms Nat told me who won't be able to text and in her list was Mr Fast. But yesterday Mr Fast texted.

I cleared all my toughs (or tried) and got inside. People were looking at me weirdly, because 'Why does this kid have a level 8 badge?', or 'Wait, isn't that the coffee guy?'. They looked at me even more surprised when I entered the elevator, but FRIDAY stopped me, saying that from now on I can use the private. I thanked her and entered the other one.

"Hello Mr Stark"I greeted him when the doors opened and I got inside the lab.

"Hi kid"He looked at me for half a second, before returning to his work again.

I left my backpack on my desk and immediately started working on the project I left yesterday. Around 10 minutes of full silence, I felt my spidey sense tingle. I look around, trying to find out what is going to happen. When I looked at Mr Stark's direction I felt it more. Is it something with him? My eyes moved on to what he was working on. Repulsors. I saw something he couldn't see. The back of the iron-hand he was trying to upgrade was almost all melted. He obviously didn't see that, because he was already putting the pieces together.

"waiT NO MR STARK-''BUM. That's the perfect word to describe the sound that cut me off.

The wave of smoke didn't go that far away to get to me, but I can't say the same thing for Mr Stark. I don't exactly know what happened, but I saw the hole on the back of the iron hand. The smoke went away almost as fast as it came. I saw Mr Stark's 'I'm done with my life' face and I tried to hide my laugh, seeing he is ok, just...done with his life.

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