Part 21

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With Peter




  oh mY THORR. Someone make them shut up please. Patrol is...practically torture. I hate this day. The only good thing about today is-

"SCARED TO SHOW YOURSELF WITHOUT THE MASK HUH?"I internally sigh and continue swinging. Its sunset, so Ms Natasha will be there right? Or is that a trap? Is she gonna make me take off my mask? No. She is Natasha Romanoff not May Parker. 

  I'm almost there and i started swinging more and more high. People down was still yelling, no matter where i go. Everyone was yelling and screaming at me for something I was actually the victim of. Only if they knew. I landed on a the top of the tower.

"Hello Flash"FRIDAY greeted me quietly. Her voice was not what i hear normal. The voice, full with love she used to talked to me was exchanged to a cold one. 

"Hi FRIDAY. Do you by any chance know where Ms Romanoff is?"She paused for a moment like she was thinking.

"If you go to the other side of the roof you can see her in the garden"

"Garden?"I ask out laud.

"There is a roof-garden here Mr Thomson. Can i do anything else for you?"So that's why she likes to stay here.

"No thank you FRIDAY"

  I started walking and I saw the said garden. When i get closer i looked around. There was flowers everywhere. Even threes and bushes. Its amazing. I spotted Ms Natasha sitting on a bench. I stepped closer and she immediately turn around, pulling out a gun and pointed it at me. 

  She was that fast that i get scared for a second time today. I jump up, trying to stuck on the ceiling. When i looked at the ceiling i realized we are on the top of the tower. That means no ceilings. I try to shoot a web, but again theRE IS STILL NO CEILING. I fell on my back and groaned. 

   Ms Natasha let out a laugh

"I forgot that there is no ceiling"She laughs again.

"Are you okay?"She tried to hide her laugh while saying this.

"Yeah yeah i'm okay, just not used ceilings"While i was saying this i stand up and move one flower from my shoulder.

"Sorry for that, just reflexes."I nod"Come here lets sit"I follow her and i sit on something like sofa, while she walk to a bar. A BAR. Really how rich these people are?

"What do you want? Tequila? Vodka? Whiskey?"Did she forgot that i tell them i'm not enough old to drink? 

"Umm ma'am...i'm not enough old to drink"She smiles.

"I know i'm just testing you. You have passed. Anyways what do you want?"

"Umm"I don't know what to answer. I don't want to be a bother.

"Juice?"I guess i can drink juice.

"Yes please"When i said that she opened refrigerator, full with any kind of juices"Umm...With apples please"She take one with apples and one with cherries for her and sit against me. 

"So how is life"She asked me, drinking from her bottle. I also take a sip, but i again forgot i was with the suit on. If it wasn't my Spidey sense, the juice will be all over my lap now. 

"I really need to stop eating or drinking through this"I again take out my mask, but not fully. Her eyes immediately turned to my mouth."Anyways... life sucks"

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