Part 32

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With Peter

  The rooftops are usually really good places to sit and think, but they are definitely not good places to sit on while it's winter. Thank god I have that heater, otherwise I will be freezed right now. Karen didn't say anything about another robber, or any kind of krime, so I settled myself on the edge of one of the buildings that are nearby the Avengers Tower. My thoughts move from 'is it a good idea to go home only for a little to grab the food I get' to 'gosh I'm alone on Christmas...again'.

I didn't realise at first, but I was crying. Well not a full on crying, but my vision got blurred. I didn't have my parents, or uncle Ben, or the May that once loved me. It's all gone and I can't do anything about that. That thought shacked me even more and I take off my mask to wipe up my tears. I was lying, but I standed up and sit, my legs hung from the corner of the building, while my eyes landed on my hands. I closed my eyes, wondering... why me. Every family in that city, no in that earth is now together, but the strong Spiderman that people knew is standing on a edge of a building, crying, without his mask on.

I don't actually know what people think about me, but when Flash told everyone that he is Spiderman, people were just so...kind. I can't stop thinking about that little girl and her mother. She Is now probably waiting for tomorrow when 'Santa' will give her presents. The only presents I received for the last two years were from Ned and MJ. But hey, there are kids that are in so much worse a situation than me, so there is nothing to cry for...right?I looked up to the city and stared at the thousands of lights all over it.

Suddenly my Spidey sense tingle and I sensed someone stare at me. I didn't care so much, thinking it's just someone from the windows from the building in front of the one I'm standing on. The light up here is...well there isn't one, so I ignore all that thing. My eyes moved to my hands again and I wiped my tears.

With Tony

Natasha convinced me to surprise him, so we tried to be as quiet as we could. When we finally got to that rooftop we saw him. But he wasn't laying as we expected him to be. He was sitting on the edge of the building, looking at his hands. But that wasn't the most interesting part...he was holding his mask, which means he wasn't with his mask on. We couldn't see his face, but we saw his hair-super messy brown looking curly short hair. But that wasn't the most interesting part either. He looked...sad and...alone. We heard him sniff and he quickly moved his right hand to what seemed-wiping his tears.

I was feeling bad for that kid. I don't know what happened, or why he was alone the day before Christmas, but I felt really bad. Natasha on the other hand was looking at him the same way I was looking at him, probably the same thoughts. We exchanged looks, before deciding what to do.

With Peter

The stare didn't stop. Wow the grandma that is looking at me is very stubborn. I don't actually know if it's a grandpa or just some kid that saw me, but I don't really care.

"Hey kid-''My head shot up from my hands to the city, that fast that I think I broke my neck. I recognize that voice. I know who is standing behind me and it's probably not alone. I finally turned my attention to the two heartbeats that I ignored and realized that that behind me is Mr Stark, plus one other unidentified person. No one said anything for a good minute, before I realised that I was holding my mask. When I realised it I put It on as quickly as I could and turned around.

"Heyyyyy guyss. Whats up"I said, trying to make my voice happier. I even rested my hand on the railing of the building. I tried to smil, before realising that they can't see my miserable try.

"Spidey, what are you doing here?"Ms Natasha asked with a strange voice.

"Ohh you know, I am just. I was here and...I was on patrol... as usual and...*Ahem*...what are you doing here again?" When they didn't answer I sighed and sat back on my previous spot, looking back at my hands. I heard how they both slowly walked to me and sat on my both sides.

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