Part 39

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With Peter


  I just realized what is going to happen once we get up to them. They won't leave me alone, but that doesn't seem to bother Mr Stark. I again tried to stop the elevator, but nothing happened, so I just accepted it.

Soon the doors opened and Mr Stark stepped inside, looking very happy about something. After I took a deep breath I followed him. The moment I entered the room I was met by 10 pairs of eyes, looking straight at me, all smiling.

"Well hello there man of Parker"Thor's loud voice kinda shakes everyone up from their trance, because I find Pietro right next to me, pulling me to the couches.

"No, guys, me and Mr Stark have work"At least I tried.

"So that's why you didn't want to meet him"Mr Sam said

"Yes"I said, a little bit more confident than I should have.

"Sir, The Pirate wants Captain Puerto Rico, Green, God of lighting and you, Boss in room number-"

"Tell him we have work"Mr Stark said to the ceiling. We waited a little for her answer.

"Sir, he said he wanted you all there immediately"A few groans filled the room as Mr Steve, Mr Stark, Mr Bruce and Mr Thor standed up, walking all to the elevator, leaving me with these here. Mr Stark probably won't be here for another hour and he wants to finish a project that we started a few weeks ago today, which means I can't go to the lab as usual. I would normally wait for him there and do my own stuff in the lab when he has work, but they won't let me go anyway.

I groaned and pulled out my math homework that is longer than usual, because I pissed off the teacher today, doing...nothing.

"What are you doing?"Mr Sam asked me with a confused face.

"Homework"I simply answered.

"Oh come on...We waited enough, we want to make fun of you-"Mr Pietro poked him with his elbow and he straightened his back"Uh...I mean making fun...with you. Cuz, you know..We will hang out and stuff"Natasha slapped her forehead, while I raised an eyebrow at him, looking back at my homework.

"Peeeeeeteeeeeer"Mr Clint said with a voice that screamed 'I want to annoy the hell outta you'.

"Yaaaaas?"I said, without looking up.

"Why didn't you tell us you have a boyfriend?"I gulped.

I'm not really into boys. I may...or may not, have a little crush on MJ. But how can you not have a crush on her? She is smart and funny and beautiful and...amazing. Wow, thank god she can't read my mind, or Ned, or anyone here-. WAIT. My eyes widened as I looked at Wanda. Her eyes were red and she was smirking.

"You sure about that?" I heard the voice inside my head.

"Please, please, please, please, please, do not tell anyone about this"She just smirked more and nodded her head.

"Ok, what is going on?"Mr Sam asked, watching this develop.

"Remember how you told me to read his mind, because he zoned out?"Wanda turned to him

"Yes, because it was literally 2 seconds ago"

"Well...He was thinking about...someone"Her smirk was still on her face. They make a weird sound. Something like 'Ouuuuuuu'. I rolled my eyes, blushing as hell and looking back at my notebook.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I uh. I don't know. I had to keep it a secret you know...for Spidey"I tried to answer, but it came out more like a question.

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