Part 37

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With Peter

(Time skip to Saturday)

  I was sick of wearing that suit all day. I mean yeah it's a really cool suit, but I wear it all day. I'm either on patrol or in the tower and it's getting really uncomfortable. I had the solution. I eyed my suit and shook my head. I opened the dresser and tried to find something that no one saw me in as Peter Parker. It is hard, because I don't have so many clothes. When I'm finally done with deciding what to wear I grabbed only my mask and made sure that my shooters were full and in my hands. I jumped out of the window and started swinging to the tower.

  They always left one open window for me, for whenever I want to come. It's always the same window, so I jumped inside, only to be met by all of them, sitting around the TV. Like all of them. That's not normal for them. At least one wouldn't be here. At least. But there they are-all of them, staring at my clothes.

"Hi guys"

"...Nice outfit"Mr Pietro said.

"Thanks, the suit it's getting really uncomfortable, so I thought I can come here in my clothes"They all smiled.

"Nice to finally see your taste in clothes man of spiders"Thor said with his loud voice. I sit between him and Mr Stark.

"How come you are all here at the same time?"

"We don't really have anything else to do"Mr Sam said.

"That's good I guess"Everyone was still staring at my clothes. That's really something new to them so I didn't say anything.

"Hey that's exactly like Peter's shirt"Mr Stark finally said. I get nervous. Please don't notice anything else, please, please, please.

"Peter?"I asked. I didn't know what to say so I played dumb.

"Oh yeah, that's Tony's intern. I thought you knew about him"Mrs Pepper said.

"Oh umm..."

"Wow you have the same shirts. Are you related?"Mr Clint jokes, but Mr Stark just looked at him with wide eyes, then returned back at me to inspect my shirt more.

"That IS Peter's shirt"He finally said. Everyone went quiet. I gulped"Look, that's the burn I accidently made on his shirt the other day. He pointed at the burn on my shirt. I was absolutely freezed.

"Are you brothers?"Mr Thor asked from his seat next to me.

"No"I said a bit too loudly. I mentally cursed myself.

"Cousins?"Bucky sir assumpted. I shook my head.

"Then what?"I didn't know what to say. I was completely freezed. My head turned to the girls that are sitting next to each other. They share a look, trying to think of an excuse when Ms Wanda yelled.

"LOVERS"Then she slapped her hand on her mouth. Everyone slowly turned to her. I had eyes widen. Ms Natasha was already dying of laughter.

"Lovers?"Mr Stark looked at me for confirmation.

I stare at him, thinking for another excuse, but when I didn't find one I slowly nodded. I mentally slapped myself AND Ms Wanda. I'm going to die. When I nodded, Ms Wanda was joining Ms Natasha In her never stopping laughter. Everyone cheered. I guess they don't have a problem with that, but I have. I have a serious problem.

"Why didn't you tell us, or why didn't Peter?"Mrs Pepper asked me between hugs. Mr Stark thought about it for a second, before joining the hug. Soon everyone was hugging me. Well everyone except the two girls, that are now on to the ground, that no one really paid attention to...till now.

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