Part 7

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With Nat

"What do you mean by swinging?" Bucky asks.

I actually never thought about that. I was too worried to think straight. What did he really mean by that?

"And also patrolling?"Another question from him that i didn't think of. I look around and see everyone think about the same thing.

With Peter

Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit.They can't know. They can't know. THEY CAN'T KNOW. Thin fast, think fast, think fast. I was always bad at lying, but this is different. They can't see my face. I only have to use my voice...Confident. As this was true. But what should i say?

"Kid? Kid you there? Oh no don't teLL ME HE PASSED OUT OF BLOOD LOSS"I heard MRB say/shout. Think fast, think fast

"Yeah yeah i'm here. I'm okay"I was getting time to think. MJ is good at this. What should she say if she was here?Wait... I got it."And this is just an inside joke"I say as confident as possible.

With Nat

Everyone seems to agree fast with this explanation. It was really believable. Even Bucky believes it. But i just... Yeah his voice was confident and all, but it was...too confident. I can't think of the other explanation so i just give up...for now.

"Oh okay."Clint say

With Peter

"Oh okay"

I sigh, internally. I don't know what to say now. I don't want to hang up.

"Thank you for the help all of you, who freak out.You all was just like Ned when this happen for the first time"

"Witch is my next question. What do you mean by 'again'? How often is this happening? How are you not dead by now? And how is that even happening to you?"Well shit. This was the person who asked me the first questions.

"...What's your name... To know with who i am talking to"I ask, again to have time to think

"I am Metal Arm. But seriously. Can you explain?"I got it

"Well I go for a walk every night for almost 2 years and this is what me and my friend call 'patrolling'."I don't even know why I am so good at lying through phone calls, but I am glad I am. "The city is not that friendly and sometimes I get shot or...get mugged. And I don't know how I am still alive now. I am just used to hiding everything"Again. I don't know how i am so good at this NOW. But this is actually the truth...Without this 'go for a walk' and 'get mugged' thing .

"You have to be careful little spider...and before you ask me I am Witch"It worked. Also OMG I am hearing their voices. But their voices... their similar.

"Guys. Can you all tell who you are to try to remember you by your voices?''I ask with a note of a puppy's eyes in the question.(A/N i know, i know. Just shut up its cute)

"How are you giving me puppy eyes through the call?"That was MRB. I remember his voice, because he was the first one to talk/shout.

And so they did introduce themselves. All of them. I am really surprised by something. I don't know what, but their voices are similar. Very similar. Do I know them?

"Um guys. It's nice to meet you all, but... Your voices...They are similar. Do i know you from somewhere?"

With the Avengers

It was their turn to tense up. They can't tell him who they actually are. He is going to freak out. Block them even. No. It was better to be a secret...for now. Everyone looked at Nat, who was the best at lying. She rolls her eyes, knowing what they are thinking, before she starts.

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