Part 35

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With Peter

 Februaries. I love that month. That's when the weather is starting to get better. Swolly, but surely. It's not that big change from the month before, but it's getting better. I truly love the spring. I love to watch how the trees are getting green again, how the birds are coming back and especially the weather change. It's either raining or sunny in the spring, but I have to wait one more month to watch everything become more... beautiful.

  Me and Mr Stark got a lot closer. I can say the same thing about the Avengers, both as Peter Parker and Spiderman. I am still scared about how they would react If I told them the truth about me, being Spiderman, so I didn't tell them... yet. I don't even know how they would react. Would they be angry? surprised? pissed? disappointed? The last one Is the main reason why I don't wanna tell them. I really enjoy the time I'm with them both as Spiderman and Peter Parker and I just don't want to ruin everything.

  The thing that catched my eye is that Ms Wanda and Ms Natasha are acting really weird. They obviously don't like to talk about Spiderman in front of me. Does that mean they don't like Spiderman? Does that mean that they don't like me? I mean, every time when someone starts talking about Spiderman they change the theme as fast as they can. It's the same when I'm Spiderman-they don't want to talk about Peter Parker.

"Mr Parker, are you listening?"

"Yes, I'm sorry Ms Olson"

"Dude what's up with you?"MJ laid closer to me, so the teacher can't hear us.

"Nothing I just zoomed out"I said. I was thinking about Ms Natasha and Ms Wanda and their weird behaviour in the past weeks.

"This is the third time this class?"

"Yes, I'm just tired, I will be fine"She nodded and returned back to her work aka drawing the teacher in her book that she never let me look at.

  Is it something that I did? I don't even know what I did, or...why they are acting like that. They don't want me to meet Spiderman, aka me? And when I'm Spiderman they don't want to meet me, aka Peter Parker? What the hell is on their minds? I mean that's just really weird behaviour. I frowned, trying to understand what my mind was thinking. I got really, really confused.






  The feeling I got after that sentence was really weird. Like my mind stopped working, but it's working on his limits at the same time. Everyone immediately shut up and looked at me. I realized what I did seconds after that"Uhh...I'm sorry Miss...Can I go...Can I go to the bathroom really fast?"She stared at me for a few seconds, but I didn't wait for an answer. I grabbed my backpack and stormed out of the room, leaving a very confused teacher and even more confused classmates.

  I didn't plan on going back in class, It's the last class before lunch anyways, so I can go to the bathroom and think about what I just realized. They knew. All that time, they knew. That's why they helped me getting out of every situation that might be suspicious for the others, like that time with the black eye, or when I catched Mr Clint's arrow toy, that was about to hit my back. The girls 'assumpted' that I just hear him coming or something. Ms Natasha is good at lying, so it wasn't a surprise that everyone believed her.

  My hands went up to my hair while I rested them on the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror. Everything now makes sense. How can I be so blind? They helped me hide my identity, without letting me know. But why didn't they tell me they knew. Or the more important question-how did they figure it out? Ok, that's stupid question. Of course they knew, how can I lie to a spy? Ms Natasha probabby told Ms Wanda, or she just figured it out on her own...or read her mind.

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