Part 25

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(1 month later)

With Peter

  It's been a month since the press conference. After that my life started going up, but it was December so I had to study for the finals. I went to the Avengers Tower only 2 times after the assembly. People are trying to apologize. I even met that one couple. They immediately started apologizing. I can say how bad they are feeling. I forgive them because I was feeling bad for...unknown reason.

I continue chatting with MRB and the others. Once i sended them one vine video...they ignored it. Something is weird with them. It's like i have met them before. Something like childhood friends. One night me and MRB were chatting all night. And I mean ALL night. It was around 1 am when the others had enough spamming and made us stop. What they didn't know was that we kept texting in our private chat.

At the internship things are...interesting. I talked to Mr Stark once and even met some other interns. I didn't have that much time for the equation, but last week I finished my work on Tuesday, so I had pretty much time only for this. With my work from the last few weeks I was really close to solving it. I have never seen something difficult as this. I'm really worried what will happen if I get promoted, because if this is normal to the higher level workers I'm truly fired. I don't want to be that one in the whole level that no one knows how he got there, because he can't solve one easy equation. They will eventually notice how much I'm struggling and I will get fired.

I can't risk being fired, because May will...nevermind. I'm not doing enough to be promoted, but I'm doing enough to not be fired... I'm not doing my best, which means staying at the same place for a long time. Logan got promoted and now we are not at the same place. We haven't talked for like two weeks. Not that we don't want to, we just haven't seen each other. Or at least i want to talk to him, i don't actually know about him. People around me are getting promoted or fired. I'm still at the corner of the room.

I also haven't seen Mr Stark for a long time, both as Spiderman and Peter Parker. I understand him of course, he has better places to be than down here. But I saw Mr Clint falling from the vents once, probably running from something. A little after that Bucky sir almost broke the door, while opening it. His metal arm was pink for some reason. The other interns didn't pay attention to them, but I did pay attention. That's kinda weird, because they were mouth opened when Mr Stark came down here. Probably they are used to the avengers yelling and running around, because when Ms Natasha was yelling at Mr Clint in the main cafeteria no one really paid attention.

When Mr Clint saw Bucky sir, he just jumped back to the vents, while Bucky sir left the room, quietly. A week after that Bucky sir walked in, completely chill, eating his apple. He stops in the middle of the room and looks at his watch. Around 10 seconds later Mr Clint fell from the vents again, with pink hair and yellow clothes. People around started laughing and Mr Clint only pointed his finger at the other man, who was also laughing and said 'you are going to pay for this'. Ms Natasha burst in, also with pink hair. She was furious. When Bucky sir saw her he whispered 'oh no' and started running.

Now Mr Clint was laughing, but not for long. Bucky sir was yelling something like 'NAT I SWEAR IT WASN'T FOR YOU, IT WAS FOR CLINT'. They eventually left the lab and I heard with my super hearing that they kept chasing in the halls. I also stopped being surprised by the things that happen here, when Ms Maximoff and Mr Thor broke the window in the main cafeteria, trying to open it. Mr Thor got angry and accidently broke it. All that was around a week before.

Flash came back to school three days after the press conference. At first people kept being angry at him, but that passed soon after he gave them the answers on all of the exams. The teachers knew about that, but didnt do anything, scared that Flash is going to make his parents stop donating money to the school.

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