Part 41

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With Peter

  Why did Mr Pietro was angry at me yesterday? What did I do? I thought about this, while swinging around, looking for some crime. But even Mr Pietro's strange behavior couldn't get my mind off MJ and what happened yesterday in the library. More like what happened TODAY. It's like three in the morning and I'm outside, Spidermaning.

When May got home she immediately went to my room, but of course I was at the internship, which made her even more angry. When I got home I got a big beating, which I can say that I deserve. I mean It was me who skipped half of the school today and It was me who made MJ fall. She hitted my already very injured legs, making me almost not be able to stand up, but here I am, trying to find someone who is in danger. My arms are also bruised, but not as much as my legs. Especially my left knee. My left knee was bleeding for around 10 minutes, before the fast healing took over control. I'm better now, but it's still hurting like shit.

The last thing I ate was in lunch in school. I'm now grounded because of this- a week without food. I even let out a tear, meaning she punched me even harder for being weak. But thats what I am- weak, dumb, pathetic, ugly idiot, who can't do anything alone, without burning or break anything. That's what May reminds me of everyday. Every. Without missing. But you know what's the sad part? I believe her. Every word. It's hard to not believe something you hear everyday. Everyday since Ben-

"HELP" I heard someone yelling. The sound of someone, being in danger shaked my thoughts.

I saw a teenage girl and a man in an alleyway. Clearly the girl didn't want to be there, because she is trying to get out of the man's hands.

"Yell again and I will put my knife that deep in your throat that you will have to take it out from your ass"I sneaked behind the man-mountain and took his knife from his collarbone. He didn't notice me, but the girl did and I shushed her with my finger on my mouth. All of a sudden the girl yelled again 'HELP', knowing that I will really help her.

"Ok that's it baby"The man moved his hand to where his 'secret' knife is supposed to be and frowned when he felt nothing.

"You looking for this?"I said, resting my shoulder on the cold wall right next to them, playing with the knife in my fingers. The man let the girl go and started running as fast as he could"Why are you running?"The man stopped and I just shot a web. He fell on the ground while doing so. I love when this works. Sometimes you have to use your brain, not your muscles and I just love how they actually stop doing whatever they are doing and turn to me, letting me webbed them way more easily.

"You ok, miss?"I asked the girl, who was breathing heavily. She was around my age, maybe a little older, but she was beautiful.

"Yes, thank you. I don't know how to replay you"I hear this very often, so it didn't surprise me, but I always answered the same way.

"Just be carefull the next time?"I smiled under the mask"Now lets take you home"

"Oh, I live here, this dude got me just before I get inside"

"Alright then, goodnight"I was about to shoot a web, but she grabbed my elbow.

"Wait. I-I just want to thank you for saving me...and. Maybe we can...I dont know...hang out sometimes. You seem my age."I stare at her for a second.

"Uh..."I didn't know what to say. Frozen at my place I frowned a little, trying to figure out what she meant by 'hang out'."Like, uh..."

"Like a date?"She said. I was confused. I thought about MJ. I can't go on a date with a girl that I don't even know the name of. Yeah she is beautiful and cute, but she wasn't...MJ. It's weird now to imagine myself with another girl.

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