Part 8

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With Peter

  I woke up this morning by my alarm. It's finally the end of the week. I will see if I get the internship this weekend. If i get it i have to tell May. I don't want to...but i have to. Wait. IF i get in. There is no need to have high hopes. I will just be more disappointed.WAIT. MRB and the others will be so disappointed in me if I tell them bad news.Shit. They really believe in me for some reason, but i know that this will not be long.

May is not home, that means no money. I am used to it by now, it's not a big deal.If I get from her money without her knowing...I am truly dead. I try ones and I am not doing this again. I checked my leg and re-bandaged the whole thing. It was not that bad. I can walk almost without limping. Normally this will heal fully in 2 days, if I eat, which I did more than normal these days.

I have to eat something, before i go to school. I have to, because my fast metabolism won't work. I go to the kitchen and see fruits. Well it is something, plus if i get something bigger May will notice. I take one banana and one apple. After I was done I locked the door after me and started walking to the subway.

Today is the day that we will have the test. I didn't study about it, which is making me even more anxious. Okay. I have to distract myself with something. While I was traveling to school, I started typing to the group.

(Unnamed group)


Hey guys

You awake?

Mr Grandpa 

What kinda question is that?

Of course we are awake by now

Mr Fast



Hey Mr Fast

Mr Fast

Hi Baby Spider 

What are you doing this early in the morning



Today is the test

Ms Wanda

Hope you do good

Ms Nat

Yeah good luck ребенок паук 

(Baby Spider in Russian)


Thank you мама паук 

(Mama Spider)

Ms Nat


Ты знаешь русский

(You know Russian?)


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