Part 36

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With Natasha


  Everyone looked at me including Wanda as I walked away, grabbing her hand. We walked to my room and locked the door behind me so no one could interrupt us. She waited until we were completely alone before asking her question.

"What?"She said with a surprised tone.

"He knows that we know"

"Who knows about what exactly?"

"Ughh Wanda, Peter knows that we know about him, being Spiderman"She stared at me for a second with an expression.

"Well I expected it, but how?"

"I don't know, but he Is playing with us. You noticed how obvious he is these days?"She nodded"Well he isn't that obvious in front of anyone else but us. And-"

"He is testing us"She finished my sentence, smiling mischievous.

"What now?"We both fell into silence, staring at the floor"Nat?"

"Mhm?"She grabbed my attention and I humed, to let her know that I'm listening.

"You know...He doesn't know, that we know, that he know"

"...You watch too much F.R.I.E.N.D.S."I smiled mischievously, knowing what she is planning.

With Peter

(Time skip to Monday)

"Whats up Mr Stark"I greeted him and went to put my backpack next to my desk as usual.

"Hey kid, Wanda and Nat said that they want to see you after you come here"I stopped doing whatever I was doing to look up at Mr Stark.

"Why?"He shrugged"...Well, Is it ok If I go?"

"Yeah sure, just come here before you go back home ok?"I nodded and thanked him.

I didn't even get a chance to sit on my chair, so I just walked to the elevator. I waited a little before it finally came and the white doors opened, only to reveal Mr Steve. I stopped counting the times me and him are alone in the elevator after the 8th time.

"No seriously are you spying on me or something?"He asked as I got inside. I let out a laugh.

"FRIDAY can you tell me where Ms Wanda and Ms Natasha are?"

"They are in the training room, waiting for you. Would you like to go there?"

"Yes, please"

"I'm going there too"He said.

"And you are asking If Im the spying one"He laughed and we started going down to the training room.

"So what did they teach you while I was out of here?"He looked at me, trying to see any bruises (which I have, but it wasn't from them, but he didn't see them, because they were mostly on my legs and arms etc, etc). I told him everything (expect the whole Spiderman 'I know who you are' thing) and he listened to everything I said.

After some seconds the door opened and we entered the room, still talking about the past week. He was just explaining what he did on his mission, when I sensed someone coming from behind that wasn't friendly. A person. I didn't want to look suspicious, so I tried to ignore It. All of a sudden I felt everything that was going to happen, so before the person behind me could do anything I turned around, grabbing his arm (that was about to grab me) and flipped him to the ground.

"Omg Ms Natasha, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that It was you, I thought it was someone bad. I'm sorry are you ok?"I helped her to stand up. She was smiling at my concerned face and looking...proud?

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