Part 28

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With Peter

  I can't say that I'm a morning person, but because of May I have to be on my feets the second I woke up. That sometimes sucks, but it's nothing I'm not used to. This morning May woke me up with a loud bang. I think she dropped a pan or something, while trying to make pancakes. She is not a good cook, but that doesn't stop her. In my opinion she only wastes food, but who am I to stop her? I heard how she is yelling at me to get in the room.

"Yes ma'am"I asked with a sleepy voice.

"WAKE UP"She screamed to wake me up fully"Now. Clean this"I started working. She was looking at me, waiting to do something wrong, so she could yell at me.

When I didn't do anything wrong she just sent me a dead glare and went to her bedroom. I sigh. Sometimes I think it's a good idea to just...never come back when she kicked me out of the apartment. Not that she will care, but still. I can't do that, because Ned or MJ will eventually notice what is happening and will do something. The last thing I want is May to have problems. I-I stopped...NO.I still love her...right? Sometimes I think she deserves to be in prison, but that's too much even for her. That would be a nightmare. Better be like that. Plus I have to be here only 3 more years and I'm out. No one will have problems. I mean she is my last living relative, so I have to be thankful to have someone. It's not a big deal.

I cleaned up and went back to my room to get ready. Today I picked black jeans with a blue sweater. I put on my jacket and picked up my backpack. I love to walk to school, so that's what i did today. It was really early, because May woke me up earlier than usual. I have around 30 minutes before I have to get in class.

On the walk to school I remember what happened yesterday. My mood immediately dropped. On top of everything I forgot my phone home. Great. Today will be alfuw i feel it. But at least I can visit the tower Spiderman.

"Hey man,"Ned greeted me"Someone is in a bad mood?"I nodded and lifted my hood up. MJ saw that.

"And what can make the always smiling and full of energy Peter Parker?"She asked.

"I got fired"I mumbled, but they both heard me, because they yelled 'WHAT' at the same time. I just sighed angrily and started walking to the classroom, leaving them like that. I can say that it's a bit rude, but today i don't really care.

I stayed with my hood up the whole day. Flash noticed that.

"Yo Penis. Stop trying to be cool"I send him a dead glare. My two best friends did that too. MJ even showed him her middle finger. Ned laughed. I smiled and laughed a little too, rubbing my eyes.

"Even with his mood today he looks adorable. "MJ said and I blushed.

"Not fair"Ned was shaking his head, while looking at me.

"How is the internship going Parker? Oh wait you don't have one"My smile dropped and i looked down.

"You know Eugene It was obvious that you are not Spiderman. Especially with this impudence you have" She hit the soft spot, because he shutted his mouth.

"Thank you"I smiled. She sticks her middle finger at me and walks away. I chuckled at that, because I know she is just messing around.

"Why can't I shut his mouth like that?"Ned came closer to me, staring at the way MJ walked away.

"Because she can only"

"Yeah no shit. Lets go to class"

With The Avengers

"Why didn't he answer his phone?"Tony didn't sleep that night. He was staring at the equation, thinking about it. Making sure that all he wrote is right. He was also thinking about Peter. He can't just let that brain go from his company. He made a decision last night...

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