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(Aleah's pov)
I didn't sleep a wink at all last night, and I couldn't figure out why. I was also feeling kinda off the last few days and wondered if I had a bug or something.

Hearing Delilah cry I got out of bed probably the 8th time, to go check on her. Leo luckily was a very deep sleeper much like my mom which is where he probably got it from.

"Hey precious, what's the matter sweet girl?"
As soon as I picked her up she immediately latched herself onto my shirt and stopped crying.

"Oh I see you wanted some attention and love didn't you angel? C'mon let's go downstairs."

It was about around 7 in the morning so it would be a second before Billie and Leo were up and about.

I gently sung a small song of mine that I wrote a very, very long time ago that would never see the light of day.

"pinky promise i'll still love your garden
even with no flowers, even with no flowers
doctors orders, don't be broken hearted
time will still be ours, time will still be ours.."

I sung it rather softly then it was supposed to be, not wanting to disturb the rest of my family.

"Never thought that something, something so tragic could ever happen to a peaceful little perfect family. I promise promise to love you, you and the children getting so spinnin'
Our neighborhood will always be this pretty

Delilah giggled a bit, putting her hands into her mouth something she does very often I've realized.

Bombs are fallin' on Monday morning. waiting for the news, together. An explosion any moment, you make moments last forever and ever.."

I heard a small chuckle making me turn around to find Billie standing in the stairwell looking at me in awe

"Well that was beautiful. When am I gonna be able to hear that?" She asked me, making me let out a a small chuckle of my own.

"Never. There's a reason why it's not out." I told her. She pushed herself off the wall to walk towards me.

"Well I'm your wife, shouldn't I get an exception? Hi precious." She gently took Delilah out my arms, kissing the side of her head.

"I guess. Maybe you'll here it sometime soon. What are you doing up so early anyway?" I asked her, though I'm sure I already knew the answer.

"I could ask you the same thing." She countered. Walking into the kitchen to feed Delilah.

"Couldn't sleep." I responded. Recently I haven't been sleeping as well as I used to and I don't know if it's because I have a baby now or because I've been feeling off, I didn't know.

"How come? Are you alright?"

I shrugged my shoulders in response, going behind her to place my head on her shoulder as I looked at Delilah.

"I don't know. I guess I've just been feeling off these past few days. Like recently I've been kinda out of it and nauseous sometimes I guess."

"You might just be a little sick baby, I wouldn't worry too hard about it."

"Yeah you're probably right. But if anything gets worse I'll probably call Kate."

Kate was still my doctor and she's been with me since I first got pregnant so I trusted her judgements.

Just then I heard Leo calling for me upstairs and he sounded pretty scared so I hurriedly ran upstairs to his room.

"Hey I'm right here buddy what's the matter?"

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