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(Billie's pov)
The entire ride to Finn's house was absolute agony for Aleah, she tried to keep it together as much as she could for the kids. she didn't want them to worry or be scared. Even though Finn's house was literally not even 5 minutes away it felt like every light was stopping us.

"Oh my god. I need an epidural." She said quietly, breathing deeply through her mouth.

"I know mama, we're almost there then we're off to the hospital."

Once we got to Finn's house Leah said bye to the kids as I went to get them situated.

"Shout for me if you need me. I'll be quick." I kissed her cheek and went inside.

Finneas and Claudia were pretty much on standby the whole day. I called them when Leah had her first contraction and told them the babies could be coming today and sure enough, they are. I set Delilah down on the couch along with the kids' bags.

"Okay. All of their stuff they should need is in there and if you need anything then you have a spare key to the house. Make sure Delilah takes her meds by 8pm and both of them are in bed by 9 okay?"

They both nodded. "Okay. Thank you guys so much. I love you both. Leo, be good for your aunt and uncle okay? I love you so much little man."

"I love you too momma."

I have him and Delilah a kiss on the cheek and hugged Finneas and Claudia, thanking them once again before heading out back to the car.

"Okay, now let's go have some babies."


Thankfully we made it to the hospital in time and quickly got put and settled into a room where Aleah got checked to see how much she is dilated and then given an epidural to take some of the pain away.

The good news is that she wasn't in as much pain and she could actually relax for a bit, the bad news (according to her) was that she was 6 centimeters so in her words 'we still had a bit to go.'

"Baby at least we can relax and you can mentally prepare for the birth." I said, sitting next to the bed.

"Yeah, yeah. I guess I was just expecting them to come a little quickly this time around."

"Well honey you're the one who said they're early."

"Yes I know what I said Billie." She sighs and places her hands on her stomach. "I guess a part of me was just a little more excited to meet them than I thought."

"Don't worry, we'll get to meet them soon. We're over halfway there. Do you need anything?"

"Actually could you get me some water? Oh, and some fries. And with ranch." She said with a smile.

"Seriously, you're having cravings now?"

"Well I can't help it. Oh and hand me my phone so I can call my mom, she wanted to be here for the birth she's gonna be upset so I just wanna give her the news."

I shook my head and dug through our bags to find her phone so she could call her mom while I went down to the cafeteria to get her what she wanted. If she wasn't so far along I would have gone somewhere else cause this food does suck but I didn't want to leave her.

After I ordered her food I brought it back up to her only to find her crying hysterically.

"Baby what's wrong? What happened?" I asked, setting everything down.

"My mom hates me." She cried.

"Honey I'm sure she doesn't hate you. Did you call her?"

"Yeah and I told her that the twins were coming earlier than we thought and that I was in labor right now and how much I was dilated and that I was sorry and she said it was okay but I know her and her tone and Billie she sounded so disappointed and I feel so bad because I know she wanted to be here for the twins being born since she wasn't here for Leo and-"

"Okay, honey honey listen. Your mother does not hate you, and she's not angry with you. I'm sure she's just a little disappointed which is completely valid but that doesn't mean she's upset with you. Okay?"

She sniffled. "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive baby. Here lets wipe those tears...and I got your fries and your ranch. You weirdo."

She gave a wry chuckle as I handed her her snack. "Thank you. Sorry, I dunno why every pregnancy symptom is hitting me now."

"It's okay, It's kinda cute. Besides I won't see you like this again and I'll actually probably end up missing it so."

Within seconds she was calmed down as she practically swallowed her fries in one bite and gulped down her water.

"You remember what I said after I had Leo?" She asked, making us both smile at the irony.

"Mhm you said you were never doing this again because of all the stitches. You know we say a lot of things that we 'won't ever do' or 'won't happen' and we usually end up doing them."

"Yes and they usually end up happening. But I believe everything happens for a reason, whatever that reason may be."

"Yeah? So what's the reason for the twins after we said we only wanted two kids?" I asked, poking at her stomach.

"Well, I believe we weren't destined to have just two kids, I mean we're both really big family people even though my family is a little more broken than yours but...I think the universe just gave us more..family. More family to love and to grow with."

"That's very cute but what's with all the spiritual cryptic talk?"

She laughed and then shrugged. "I dunno, I guess it's something I've been wanting to get into but just didn't have the time between the kids, pregnancies, your last tour and work--which, oh my god, I cannot wait to go back to--I just didn't have the time to get into all the spiritual stuff."

"Well I think you should try to get into it more, it's cute and it suits you."

"You think?"

"Mhm. I do. Besides if it makes you happy and it doesn't bother me or the kids then I'm happy."

She smiled widely.
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"On occassion."

"Well I'll say it again: I love you so fucking much."

"I love you too."

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