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Kate's POV ⚠️TW⚠️ self harm, assault, and sexual assault
*Both Sam and Meg use she/they pronouns*

I was woken up by a very familiar laughter. Stretching, I tried coming up with coherent thoughts and shake away my sleepiness.
"Morning bubs how'd you sleep?"
Meg didn't look at me when answering and instead turned to the window and said, "Do not say a word about that."
My mind clicked and I scurried away from Meg and looked over to see a person next to an open window.
"So who's the lucky lady Meg?" The stranger said causing me to turn bright red. I had no clue who this person was but I knew that Meg and her had to be close considering they went through Meg's window.
"This is Kate" Meg shrugged and as I looked at the stranger I saw recognition appear on her face. I may not know who this person but they for sure know who I am and that made me smile.
"Oooo does she talk about me?" I witnessed Meg's face change from a being a slight pale to a tomato which only got redder when the stranger said, "oh yea all the time. Kate is perfect...I'm in love with her... she is amazing." both of us started laughing but deep down I wish they had actually said that. Stupid brain having a crush on my best friend is not fun. Finally Meg decided to introduce the stranger and I,
"This is Sam by the way. They've been my rock since I was like 5."
Oh this is Sam. They seem chill and I'm glad they have been friends with Meg for so long. Maybe I can learn about her childhood more or something. Sam and I talked for a bit about her life and how I had come to surprise Meg a few days ago. After getting through the small talk Sam turned back to Meg and asked in a smug yet curious tone,
"So you and Kate huh?"
I knew the answer was gonna hurt me the instant I heard Meg's wonderful laugh. I was right when I looked at Meg and heard them say, "no she's like a sister to me." Fuck hearing her actually say that crushed all of my hopes. Of course I knew they thought of me as a best friend but being sister zoned hurt so much more. You can sometimes get out of the friend zone but the sister zone was 100x harder to get out of. I had to cover my pain the best I could but at the moment I couldn't look at Meg and I moved just a little further away from her. There was a small awkward silence before Sam spoke, "I have decided we are getting tattoos."
I was okay with getting a tattoo but I had no clue what I would get. Glancing over at Meg I realized she was already looking at me. It took me a second but I figured out that she was asking for my opinion before deciding. Smiling and nodding I received a quick hug before Meg jumped up and moved towards the door. They hesitated before running over to Sam and yelling "Tag"and sprinting out the door. Watching in amusement I saw Sam try to catch up with Meg and I knew Meg won when I heard a sigh and a second later Sam came back into the room. Sam clambered on the bed next to me and by the look in their eyes I knew I was about to be interrogated.
"Kate, Meaghan has a rough past and I always want to look out for her so can I ask you a few questions."

I nodded in response and honestly found it kinda cute how protective Sam was over Meg.

"Do you know anything about Meg's past?"

"Umm kinda not much though. They had a nightmare and told me about a bad ex but that's about it."

They nodded before continuing, "Do you like them more than a friend."

I didn't know if I should answer the question because if I said it aloud it would become real. Also, what if Sam told Meg and then she hated me. At the same time if I lied they would probably know. Fuck it.

"Yes, but I won't ever try anything because I know that Meg thinks of me as friend."

Sam looked shocked at my honestly but at the same time she looked like she was about to laugh.

"Bro you have to be kidding."

By this point I was confused.

"Do you not see how she looks at you? They are practically in love with you even if you or her don't know it yet. They may not be ready for a relationship but she definitely likes you."

Meaghan Walter and Kate ZimmerWhere stories live. Discover now