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TW⚠️  mentions of self harm and abuse

Meg's POV
It had been about an hour since I was called down to dinner. We had finished eating pretty quickly but talked and did chores for a while. By the time I got to my room I was kinda tired and just wanted to go on my phone for the rest of the night. Snatching my phone from its charger and scrolled through my notifications. I had 2 messages from my best friend Kasper asking if we could hangout this weekend, a few notifications from TikTok and one snap from Kate. FUCK! It had been delivered an hour ago. She probably thought that I don't want to talk to her I instantly I looked at the snap. A smile crept up my face as I saw Kate making a goofy face with the word hi written across her forehead. My hand found my bun fixing it before I took an equally goofy picture. Wait am I trying to impress her. No it's just my bun looks bad. Yea I'm definitely not trying to impress her. I captioned my photo with a hello and a quick explanation on why it took so long to respond and sent it without thinking twice. I thought back to a promise I made to myself. NO MORE RELATIONSHIPS!!! The memories of my last relationship came pouring back into my brain and I physically cringed. Before I could think about my ex anymore I got a new notification from Kate. Her face appeared on my screen with her saying it was fine and she just thought I ghosted her. I reassured her that I would have never given her my snap if I didn't want to talk to her. Our conversation continued for a few hours before she said that she had to go. I smiled before plugging in my phone and attempting to fall asleep.

3 Months later.  A/N I'm too lazy so time skip

Still Meg's POV
Kate and I had been talking everyday for 3 months. After about a week of snapping I got her phone number and we started FaceTiming. That's what I am doing right now. Kate was talking about how her and Kylie had gone to the mall today. My eyes slowly drifted around my room. It might seem have seemed like I wasn't listening. However, if anyone wanted to know what Kate was talking about right now I could tell them without a second thought. A few moments went by before I looked back at Kate. She had stopped talking and I was curious to know why. "You aren't wearing a hoodie today." Kate teased. SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! Please tell me she hadn't seen anything. My face was pure horror for a split second before I quickly covered it with a smirk. "Really? I had no idea thanks for telling me Captain Obvious." Kate laughed loudly but stopped when she saw me start to get up.
"Hey where are you going?" She pouted
"To get a hoodie duh." I replied trying my best to sound happy. My arms flew to the nearest hoodie and I put it on out of frame.
"Awww why? I like seeing your pale arms." Kate said laughing at herself. My heart started to pound against my ribs as I tried to think of a good response. I was usually really good at lying but for some reason lying to Kate was 10x harder to do. It's for the best is always what I tell myself. If she knows the real you she will think you are a freak.
"Anyway what did you get from the mall?" I asked trying to avoid her previous statement. A sigh of relief left my mouth as I saw her get up quickly to grab all of her new stuff.
A 30 minute fashion show followed soon after she got her clothes. We were both quiet and out of breath by the time the show was done. Kate's voice suddenly rang out from the laptop speaker, "You know so much about me but I know almost nothing about you." Her tone wasn't accusing but rather curious. I sighed deeply trying my best to come up with an excuse. However, nothing came to mind mostly because what she said was true. I mean sure she knew what my favorite color was and what my dogs names were but I never made things too personal. Hell the only thing personal I have ever told her was my coming out story. And that was only because she had told me hers first. The problem was I knew almost everything about Kate. I knew her fears and inspirations. I knew what her childhood was like and how close she truly was with her sister. I even knew about all of her previous relationships and her first kiss. Swallowing before speaking I shakily replied, "Well what do you wanna know?"
There was no hesitation before Kate said, "I wanna know everything." My heart melted when she said that but I kept a straight face and answered, "My life isn't that exciting. I mean my childhood was pretty ordinary." I avoided her eyes because I knew if I looked at her I wouldn't be able to keep up the lie. My life was anything but boring but Kate didn't need to know about my depressing past. Finally glancing at her I saw that she was slightly irritated but was trying to hide it.
"Umm okay well than what about your last relationship? What was it like?" My face immediately fell and my hands started fidgeting. Out of instinct I squeezed my eyes shut trying to force the awful memories away.
"My last relationship was 2 years long and was pretty normal I guess. We just kinda fell out of love." I looked up to meet Kate's eyes and realized she saw right past my lie. "BULLSHIT" Kate shouted causing me to flinch but she continued, "I don't want you to lie to me! I mean FOR FUCKS SAKE I tell you everything about me but when I ask simple questions you lie to me. I honestly wish you would have just not said anything at all cause being lied to sucks." The yelling continued but I had no clue what she was saying. Me eyes were screwed shut and memories of my ex screaming and breaking things came back.
"Shut the fuck up Meaghan!! Why are you even crying?!! You're the one being an annoying little bitch!" She screamed.
"I'm sorry god I'm so sorry. I just didn't want to disappoint you." I said quietly with tears silently rolling down my face. I heard a loud crash and saw a once good plate shattered on the floor.
"I'm going to go out with my friends to clear my head. The house better be clean by the time I get back or else you know what will happen. Understand?" She said in a somewhat calm but threatening voice.
I nodded and continued to look at the shattered plate finally letting go of my breath after hearing the door slam shut.
End of flashback

"Meg!! Meaghan! Are you even listening at all?" A loud voice said from my computer. My eyes shot open and looked up to see a fuming Kate. Blinking my tears back I quietly said, "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to space out."
"For fucks sake Meaghan. I'm not gonna talk to you if you aren't even gonna listen to me. Call me when I no longer bore you."
"Wai-" Kate hung up.
SHIT SHIT SHIT. I fucked up really bad. Panic started rising in my body as I tried calling Kate but it went right to voicemail. I tried texting her but she would only read them and never respond.  Fuck I knew I would fuck up our friendship somehow. I thought that me not telling her anything about my past would make her stay but I guess I was wrong. After not getting any response I decided to call Kasper before doing something I would regret. By the time she answered I was bawling my eyes out and laying on the floor in the fetal position.
Kasper cheery voice came from my phone, "Hey. Wait are you crying? What happened are you okay?"
Barely being able to talk I was only able to whimper out, "I really fucked up."
"Oh god I'll be right there." Kasper said her voice slightly broke at the next thing she asked, "Did did you know?"
"No no" I heard a sigh of relief on the other line
"I'll be there in 20." Was the last thing Kasper said before hanging up.
15 minutes later
I was curled up on my bathroom floor looking down at my worst nightmare and favorite thing in the world. I pushed up my sleeve exposing my scarred arm. Slowly raising the blade up to my already marked arm I barely pressed down. My eyes were blurry from the tears but a small smile was on my face. As I was about to press the metal down harder  I heard loud frantic footsteps.
"MEG!? MEAGHAN WHERE ARE YOU?!! Came Kasper's voice from my room. I could hear things being thrown around my room before the footsteps got closer. A hand hit the bathroom door causing a loud bang. I jumped dropping my razor and whimpering. Kasper got extremely quiet before knocking gently on the door. I slowly stood up my hands taking control and opening the door. Before I could do or say anything strong arms wrapped me into a hug. I collapsed into my best friend's arms not being able to support myself. After a few minutes Kasper gently guided me to my room and sat me down on the bed.
" I-i" trying to figure out what to say.
"Shh it's okay you don't need to say anything. Just get some rest and we will talk about this in the morning." Kasper said with sincerity. I nodded my head and layed down patting the spot next to me. Kasper sat down next to me and slowly ran her hand through my hair until I slowly drifted asleep. The last thing I remember hearing was Kasper on the phone with someone.

A/N tell me what you think about this chapter and is there anything I can improve on.

Meaghan Walter and Kate ZimmerWhere stories live. Discover now