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⚠️TW mentions of sexual assault and abuse

Meg's POV

She got up quickly from my bed as my shock subsided and I ran to give her a hug. She was even prettier and taller in person and I couldn't believe that I was actually hugging her. My eyes got watery but I made sure not to cry. I didn't want her to think I was a freak or over emotional yet or ever.
"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have lied to you and you deserve to know the truth."
I spoke while still hugging her. Honestly I never wanted to let go because I was afraid she would disappear. As we parted Kate finally spoke. "Hey I should be the one apologizing I shouldn't have yelled and pushed so much. You can tell me anything whenever you are ready. I will never judge you."
Hearing those words I hugged her again but pulled away when I heard a loud cough from the door. Kasper was standing there with her phone still recording and a huge smile on her face. My face flushed in embarrassment and I quickly stepped closer to Kasper. Kate looked somewhat disappointed but covered it with a smile and walked over to hug Kasper.
"Thanks for helping me arrange all of this it means a lot." Kate spoke looking at Kasper with a goofy grin.
That's when it all clicked. Kasper having to take that phone call and not allowing me to look at her phone was because of the surprise.
"Yea of course I would do anything to make Meg happy and you sure seem like you make her happy." Kasper teased.
"Anyway let's not talk about me like I'm not here. Seriously though you are the best I love you so much." I said while pulling Kasper in for a hug.
"Before I leave you two lovebirds to do whatever you want can I talk to Meg for a second outside."
I blushed before looking at Kate to make sure it was okay to go and leave her. Even though all I wanted to do was stay and talk to her for hours.
"Yea sure I'll just scroll through Tik Tok until you get back Meg." Replied Kate with a reassuring smile.
Walking out of the room my anxiety kicked in and I was anxious as to why Kasper wanted to talk to me alone. Was it something bad? Did I do something? Before I could get too deep into my own thoughts I heard Kasper clear her throat before speaking.
"I've never seen you like that." I looked at her in confusion as she continued, "Well you never let new people touch you let alone run towards them for a hug. Which is not a bad thing I think it's great you are comfortable with her." Realization hit me as I thought about how the last time someone that I wasn't close with tried hugging me I had a major panic attack and wouldn't calm down for hours. I smiled thinking about Kate and how she made me feel safe and like I could tell her anything. My stomach turned in knots when as Kasper finished her speech.
"Because you are so comfortable with her I think you should tell her the truth. Not everything if you aren't ready cause I know I don't know everything. Just think about it okay Meg." I nodded but my nerves were now gnawing at my insides as I thought about having to tell her about my past. Noticing my anxious face Kasper said quickly, "Of course you don't have to until you are ready just tell her when you are ready. Okay?" All I could do was nod. We walked downstairs saying our goodbyes as I watched her drive off. Talking to Kasper made me feel anxious and kinda afraid to see Kate but my excitement built and I quickly climbed up the stairs to see her. Walking into my room I saw Kate with her back turned away from me so I did the only rational thing I could think of. Jump on her. As I landed on her I heard and groan and a small laugh.
"Jesus Meg you scared the shit out of me." Kate laughed as I rolled off of her laughing. We both calmed down but I soon saw Kate try to stifle a yawn.
"You tired? You can take a nap in here if you want." I said. She freely yawned this time before answering.
"No I wanna talk with you more. I can handle being tired for a little bit."
"Kate I'll be here when you wake up but right now you look like you are about to pass out."
"Fine but can you take a nap with me?"
The thought of me voluntarily sleeping and inviting the nightmares terrified me but there was no way I was gonna say no to the gorgeous girl in front of me.
"Yea sure." I said but my voice betrayed me and I had a voice crack. If Kate heard it she didn't say anything so I laid down next to her as she closed her eyes. A few minutes went by before I anxiously asked, "Kate?" She slowly opened her eyes before looking at me showing me she was listening. Fidgeting with my hands I blurted out, "Can we cuddle? I really like cuddling but it's okay if you don't want to. Forget I said anything." My anxiety and doubt seeped into my voice and my hands continued to fidget. Kate was still looking at me before looking down and snuggling into my side. I swear my heart missed a beat as I looked down and saw this amazing girl cuddled up next to me already passed out. Hesitantly I ran my fingers through her hair and slowly drifted off myself.

"God damnit Meaghan why are you struggling just let me have you."
I sobbed as I watched the girl that was supposed to love me rip my clothes off of my body.
"Please stop."
She continued without mercy as my eyes stared at the wall and tried to go to any place but here.
A while later
My tiny body shook as I looked in the mirror disgusted in myself. Looking out of the bathroom I saw the person that hurt me dead asleep with no sign of her waking up. I limped to the couch trying to get as far away from the sleeping girl as possible. Falling onto the couch I quickly fell asleep.
The next morning
I was woken up by something hitting me hard against my face. Opening my eyes I saw the monster that claims she loves me looking over me with a shattered beer bottle in her hand. Seeing I was awake she continued to hit me. I started shouting for help before I felt myself being shaken. Why was I shaking?

End of flashback/nightmare

I woke with a start and was met with brown eyes looking over me. Jumping up in a panic I realized I was crying and could barely breathe. My eyes tried focusing on the person in front of me. They were trying to talk to me but I had no clue what they were saying. Someone's hand was getting closer to me and I panicked even more.
"No no don't I'm sorry please don't" I whimpered as I slumped against the wall. Shutting my eyes tightly I tried focusing on the person's calming voice.
"Bubs listen to me. Take deep breathes. We went and took a nap and you had a nightmare. Do you remember going to sleep? Can I touch your hand?" I nodded as my memories of today slowly came back. The person took my hand and put it to their chest as they continued talking.
"Let's try breathing together okay? See I'll start in the nose out the mouth." They repeated saying that and I started calming down. Their voice sounded very calming and familiar. SHIT. My eyes snapped open and I was met with a concerned looking Kate staring back at me. FUCK KATE JUST SAW ME FREAK OUT!! FUCK FUCK! Trying my best to come up with words to apologize the only thing I kept repeating was that I was sorry. As I was about to say something I heard Kate say, "Are you okay?" My thoughts calmed as I realized there was no judgment in Kate's voice. I shrugged before getting up from the floor and hesitantly hugging Kate trying to express how grateful I was. Kate pulled away and I instantly felt cold but shrugged it off when she grabbed my hand leading me to the bed. She sat us down before talking, "Do you want to talk about it?"
Honestly I never ever wanted to talk about my ex with Kate but figured she needed to know something. My thoughts were running wild but I tried my best to collect them to form a sentence which by the way failed terrible as all I said was "umm my ex...bad." Kate nodded and didn't push me to answer more questions which I extremely grateful for. Breaking the silent was a slam of the front door and running up the stairs before a small knock on the door. It was a pattern 2 taps with their finger and 1 tap with her whole fist. Kasper. Kate got up and opened the door hugging Kasper. Something inside me did not like how they greeted but I tried shrugging it off.
"What are you doing here?" I said way harsher than I meant.
"Sorry didn't mean to sound so rude." I quickly added. Kate spoke before Kasper could say anything.
"I called her when I first woke up. I didn't know how to calm you at first and was really worried."
"Are you okay?" Kasper quietly asked. All I did was nod before looking at Kate and whispering a thank you. Trying to break the tension I said, "Well now that Kaspie is here I think we should do something fun. Ooo we should go skating and show Kate around."
"Umm I don't have a longboard." Kate said with disappointment clear in her voice. Smiling I replied, "Thats okay I have an extra." After two nods of approval I jumped up and ran to my car to get my boards. I was glad no one pushed me on my nightmare and just let me try to brush it off. Hearing laughter from behind me I figured that they had followed me.
"So who's car are we taking?"

Meaghan Walter and Kate ZimmerWhere stories live. Discover now