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Kate's POV
Meaghan and I have been talking for about 3 months and I have kinda caught feelings. I can never tell her how I feel because I don't want to ruin our friendship. My favorite part of the day was talking to her and being able to see her beautiful face. STOP brain don't think like that she doesn't like you back. Anyway I had just gotten back from the mall with Kylie so I decided to call Meg and show her all my new shit. The laptop rang a few times before I was met with a smiling Meaghan.
"Hewwo! Water doing?" Meg asked in her baby voice. My heart melted slightly hearing her baby voice come out without her even trying. Shaking my head I started talking to her about how I had just gotten back from the mall and all the random shit I had bought. Glancing back at the screen I saw Meg looking around her room but still nodding her head along to my story. As she was looking away from the camera I subtly checked her out. Her hair was in a messy bun and would flop around whenever she nodded her head along to my story. Her beautiful smile appeared after I told a stupid pun about corn.  I swear I could watch her all day without getting bored for even a second. Shit don't think like that brain. As my eyes glanced down to her body I saw she was wearing a black tee with the city of LA printed on it. Wait wait she wasn't wearing a hoodie she has never done that before in front of me. Meg's eyes focused back on the screen.
"You aren't wearing a hoodie today." I said in a teasing tone. Right after I said that her face changed from relaxed to horror for only a spilt second. I had only seen her that scared once before.
"Yea that's basically all I did when I came out. My da-" Meg's sentence was cut off by a door slamming and someone yelling incoherently. Her fearful eyes flickered to the door as she let out a small whimper. Before I could say anything there was a knock on the door and Meg's mom came in.
"Hey honey I didn't mean to shout I just accidentally crushed my finger trying to shut the door." Meg's mom explained in a soft tone.
"It's fine mom I'm okay." The brown haired girl responded quietly before her mom left.
End of flashback

I had decided to leave it alone and figured she would tell me when she was ready. Coming back to reality I heard Meg's amused voice from my speaker say, "Really? I had no idea thanks for telling me Captain Obvious." I lightly chuckled but stopped when I saw her get up from her bed. Part of me was still thinking about Meg's scared face when I mentioned she wasn't wearing a hoodie. Was she hiding something?
Shaking my head I pouted, "Where are you going?" I asked trying to get my previous attitude back.
"To get a hoodie duh." Meg said before stepping out of frame.
"Aww why? I like seeing your pale arms." I joked trying to ease the tension. That backfired because she didn't come back into frame for a little longer than she needed to. Also, when she did answer it was to avoid the question and asking me what I had gotten from the mall. Not trying to pressure her I quickly jumped up to show her my new things. We had a fashion show until I was out of things to show off. Breathless from laughing we fell into a comfortable silence trying to catch our breath. After a moment I curiously said, "You know so much about me but I know practically nothing about you." Her face changed from relaxed to somewhat concentrated before responding, "Well what do you wanna know?"
"I wanna know everything." I stated with no hesitation. Her response wasn't exactly what I was looking for.
"My life isn't that exciting. I mean my childhood was pretty ordinary." Although her answer was dry I saw something change in her body language. She wouldn't look at me and her hands started fidgeting more than normal. Realizing she was lying I tried to stay calm and ask another question.
"Umm okay well what about your last relationship?"
"My last relationship was 2 years long and was normal I guess. We just kinda fell out of love." Not only was the answer dry as hell she was lying again. I finally had enough and called her out.
"BULLSHIT!" She flinched but I continued, "I don't want you to lie to me. I mean FOR FUCKS SAKE I tell you everything about me but when I ask simple questions you lie to me. I honestly wish you would have just not said anything at all cause being lied to sucks." All she did was close her eyes. That made me way angrier because I never talk about my feelings to  anyone and when I tell her how I'm feeling she closes her eyes. Fuck it I don't even think she is listening anymore.
"God I'm falling in love with someone I don't really even know." There was no reaction so I continued, "I consider you my best friend but I know nothing about you. Meg! Meaghan!? Are you even listening to me?" Her watering eyes snapped open when I yelled her name. Panicking all she managed to get out was a small apology. What the fuck is wrong with her.
"Fuck Meaghan I'm not gonna talk to you if you aren't even gonna listen to me. Call me when I no longer bore you." I hung up before she could answer. My anger vanished as quiet tears of regret fell down my face. My first reaction was to go to Kylie's room so that's exactly what I did. Walking into Kylie's room I see she's laying on her bed texting someone. Probably Meaghan's friend, Kasper. Meg had told her about Kasper one time on FaceTime and gave her Kasper's snap. Kylie looked up and instantly sat up as she saw my appearance.
"What happened?" She asked in a panic while looking for injuries.
"Fight...Meaghan." Was all I could get out before I collapsed into my sister's arms. I wasn't angry anymore instead I was filled with guilt. As I laid in Kylie's arms I ranted about what happened. Meg kept texting and calling me but I just read them and shut off my phone. Kylie listened intently until I was finished talking.
"I am not taking her side but maybe she has a good reason not to open up. Truthfully I have never seen you be like this toward someone and it usually takes a while before you even consider opening up to someone." Kylie said cautiously. Instead of responding I stayed quiet thinking about what she had said. What could Meg be hiding? My brain thought about every phone call and FaceTime Meg and I had ever had. I started noticing one thing in almost every FaceTime call had in common was that Meg would flinch when I got too loud. It didn't matter if I was excited or mad she always flinched. Another memory that came back was when Meg's mom hurt her finger on the door. She didn't yell out that she was fine like everyone else would do she did something kinda unusual. She went to make sure Meg was okay and that she knew it was an accident.
As everything clicked into place I could only think of one thing. Meg was/is abused. Jumping out of Kylie's arms I thought back to my shouting. I most have triggered her and that's why she stopped listening to me. Before Kylie could ask anything her phone rang.
"It's Kasper. Can I take it?" Kylie asked.
"Yea of course I'll go back to my room." I quickly nodded before turning around. As I was about to leave I heard Kylie say in a confused voice, "You wanna talk to Kate? Umm okay." I turned back around to fine Kylie handing me her phone.
"What the fuck did you do!!" Was the first thing I was greeted with. Kasper sounded pissed but was trying to be quiet.
"Huh? Nothing?" I said in confusion.
"Bullshit. You were the last person Meaghan TRIED to text and call before she panicked. Which by the way she called you a shit ton and left a lot of messages." Kasper spat in rage.
"Wait is she okay? And how the hell do you know she texted me?"
"Yes she okay now and I looked through her phone. She was close. Closer than she has been for a while." Kasper whispered the last part to herself in a sad voice.
"What does that mean?"  I asked. A knot started forming in my stomach as I waited for Kasper's next words.
"She- wait she hasn't told you. Umm never mind it's not my place to say anything. Now what the fuck did you do to hurt her?" Kasper tried covering up her mistake but my anxiety only spiked from what she said. Without asking anything else I quickly explained what happened and how sorry I am.
Kasper sighed heavily before responding, "Fuck. Well sorry isn't gonna do shit now. She won't believe you and blame herself for a long time."
A crazy idea popped into my head but fuck it I hope it would be worth it.
"I have a somewhat crazy idea if you are down to help me."

Meaghan Walter and Kate ZimmerWhere stories live. Discover now