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Meg's POV
I woke up around 9 a.m in pain from the way I had slept. Looking around I noticed that Kasper was no where to be found and my panic from last night returned. Fuck she's probably had enough of my breakdowns and left. That's why she was on the phone with someone. I started hyperventilating and shaking until I heard a soft knock on the door.
"Come in" I shakily said. In walked my best friend with a smile on her face and two burritos in her hands. Her smile turned to a frown as she quickly set the burritos down on the table and rushed over to my shaking body.
"Hey hey what happened Meg?"
"You...left" is all I managed before hanging my head in embarrassment from my overthinking.
"Yea I did and I know I should have told you but you looked exhausted and I didn't want to wake you up. I'm sorry."
"Oh...s-sorry I overreacted my thoughts just got the best of me." I replied my cheeks red from embarrassment.
"No no it's fine. Anyway here's a breakfast burrito." Kasper said as she got up to grab them. I was still shaking but gave her a small smile before taking the burrito and devouring it. As I was inhaling my food I let a small moan out and heard a loud laugh from beside me.
"What?" I asked with a mouthful of food. Kasper laughed again and hit me with a pillow.
"Meaghan! Don't talk with your mouth full it's gross. Also I'm glad you are feeling better." She said with a goofy face. Not evening looking up I nodded and took the last bite of my food. Kasper cleared her throat and turned to me with a serious face.
"Can I ask what happened yesterday? You haven't panicked like that in a while."
A tightening in my chest appeared as I thought about Kate yelling and about how bad I fucked up. Noticing my change in attitude Kasper quickly added, "It's okay if you don't wanna tell me I completely understand."
"No it's okay you deserve to know." I gave her a reassuring smile and told her everything. I told her how much I cared and loved Kate. I told her about how I had spaced out when she started yelling and that I had fucked up really badly. I truly believed that Kate no longer wanted to be friends and that hurt more than anything. After my ex it became really hard for me to talk about my feelings but I tried my best to show and tell how much I really loved Kate. Maybe even more than a friend but I COULD NOT be in a relationship right now so I pushed it to the back of my brain. I was quietly crying as I said, "Kasper I love and care about her but she would run if I told her how fucked I am. Honestly, I have no clue why you stick around I'm just a fucked up broken person. God I fucked up so bad I should have just listened and not spaced out."
Breathing deeply I slowly looked at Kasper's face and saw sadness and shock. I had never told her about my feelings towards Kate or how much I truly hated myself and was kinda scared of her reaction. Finally she came out of her shock and said in a soft tone, "I had no idea you felt like that. I stay because I love you and believe you are an amazing person not broken. About Kate I think she will come around and when she does you should tell her about your past if you truly care about her. She deserved to know I believe she would support you no matter what."
I hate that most of the time Kasper is right.
"Yea yea you're right. Thank you and I love you too." Is all I could reply with because I was truly shocked. We were talking about Kate so much so I checked my phone and was filled with disappointment when I didn't see one message from Kate. A sudden shift in the bed made me look up.
"Don't worry about that." Kasper's phone buzzing interrupted her. "Hey I need to take this but while I answer this why don't you go get ready." I was kinda curious about who was so important to Kasper but let it slide as I got up. I quickly left my room to give Kasper privacy and entered the bathroom. The floor was cold on my feet as I got undressed. I looked at the corner I was balled up in last night and noticed that my blade wasn't there. Trying not to worry too much I hopped in to the shower hoping that the hot water would wash my worries away. Luckily it did and 15 minutes later I was dressed and leaving the bathroom to find Kasper. Walking into my room I saw Kasper laying on my bed scrolling through TikTok. When she looked up she sighed and rolled her eyes.
"God you take forever." She teased.
"No I don't it took like 15 minutes." I fired back throwing a pillow at her. She laughed before throwing the pillow at my head.
"Whatever let's go to McDonalds and get fries and ranch I am craving them." Kasper said while rubbing her belly.
"Yea sure but you are driving and paying." I declared
"Hey that's not fair." Kasper said but quickly gave in when I pouted at her.
"You know I can't resist your pout." She complained but all I did was laugh and run towards the car with Kasper right behind me. As we drove to McDonald's I finally got up the courage to ask Kasper two question.
"Umm Kasper. Can I ask you two questions?" I asked nervously fidgeting in my chair.
"Yea what's up?" She said glancing at me before looking back at the road.
"First question, who were you on the phone with last night?" Kasper straighten up for a second before quickly relaxing again.
"I thought you were asleep but I was just talking to Kylie."
"Oh did she she say anything about Kate?" I couldn't help but ask.
"No not really." I slightly slouched after hearing that. I guess Kate wasn't as upset about our fight as I am.
"What was the other question?" Kasper asked trying to distract me from thinking about Kate.
"Where is my razor?" I rushed out feeling ashamed of what I had almost done yesterday.
"I took it." Was the only Kasper said and we fell into an awkward silence til we got to McDonald's. We ordered and then sat at one of the booths in the back.
"I'm sorry about yesterday I wasn't thinking clearly and I really appreciate you stopping me." I didn't know what else to say but I hoped that was enough.
"Yea of course I'll always be here for you and I'm glad you came to me." Kasper said in a very sincere voice. I sighed in relief before we started talking about stupid things like dinosaurs and clouds. Soon enough our food came and we stopped talking to devour our fries. I'm pretty sure we made a new world record on how fast we ate all of our fries. After we cleaned up and got back into the car I heard a ding. Kasper snatched her phone away from me as I was giving it to her and then smiled at whoever had texted. I was slightly shocked and a little hurt from her action but tried my best to shrug it off. We sat in a comfortable silence on the way home sometimes belching out the songs on the radio. Pulling up to my house I got out and was ready to try to call Kate and apologize and then explain but Kasper had other plans. She got out of the car and came up with me. I was confused because she never really did this but let it slide figuring she was just making sure I would stay safe. Opening the front door 2 of my dogs came running tackling both me and Kasper to the ground. We laughed and gave them love for a bit before deciding to go to my room. Kasper had pulled out her phone and I figured she was just gonna make a TikTok but she started filming me. Whatever it was probably a trend or something. Opening the door to my room I was met with a blonde haired, brown eyed beauty laying on my bed.

Meaghan Walter and Kate ZimmerWhere stories live. Discover now