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Quick A/N Meg just came out as gender-fluid. Do you guys want me to mix up her pronouns ever chapter that is their POV or not

Kate's POV
I scrabbled off of the bed as Meg came running to give me a hug. She was smaller than me but I didn't mind because that meant her arms wrapped around my waist. This resulted in me getting a shit ton of butterflies in my stomach as we continued to hug. Meaghan's muffled voice rang out.
"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have lied and you deserve to know the truth."
My mind filled with guilt at the thought of our argument and my stupid yelling. She should not be the one apologizing I was in the wrong. As we pulled apart I tried my best to reassure her.
"Hey I should be the one apologizing I shouldn't have yelled or pushed so much. I will never judge you."
I think she understood my words because just like that I was pulled into another hug. A cough came from across the room and Meg quickly moved away from me. Her action made me kinda disappointed but then I saw that Meg was blushing and I couldn't help but smile. I walked over and gave Kasper a quick hug of appreciation before speaking to her
"Thanks for helping me arrange all of this it means a lot."
She gave a short nod before giving a playful smirk.
"Yea of course I would do anything to make Meg happy and you sure seem like you make her happy."
It was my turn to blush. Meg finally spoke up,
"Anyway let's not talk about me like I'm not here. Seriously though you are the best and I love you so much." She smirked before giving Kasper a hug. It was honestly the cutest shit ever to see how Kasper and Meg interacted. Kasper was definitely the overprotective older sister to Meg and Meg was Kasper little sibling that she would always look after.
"Before I leave you two lovebirds to do whatever you want can I talk to Meg outside for a second." Kasper said looking at Meg. However Meg wasn't looking at her and was instead looking at me. Why was she looking at me? Oh shit she's asking me for permission. Umm fuck Kate say something.
"Yea sure I'll just scroll through Tik Tok until you get back Meg." I said while trying my best to give her a reassuring look. They both walked out of the room while I moved back to the bed. I was about to get onto Tik Tok but I heard Kasper talking and accidentally eavesdropped.
"...should tell her the truth..."
Was the only thing I heard before lecturing myself for eavesdropping and quickly got on Tik Tok so I didn't hear anything else. I wasn't paying attention to the video as I was now curious to what the truth was exactly. It's probably Meg being abused well I don't know that for sure but that was the only logical conclusion I could come with. Suddenly I felt a weight on me and quickly realized that Meg had come back and decided to jump on me.
"Jesus Meg you scared the shit out of me." I said laughing as she rolled off of me. As we continued talking and laughing I felt exhaustion hit me and tried hiding a yawn. Apparently I wasn't that good because Meg spoke up about it.
"You tired? You can take a nap in here if you want to."
I was cursing my past self for not sleeping as I yawned and answered.
"No I want to talk to you more. I can handle being tired for a bit."
"Kate I'll be here when you wake up but right now you look like you are about to pass out."
"Fine but can you nap with me?"
I would have put up more of a fight but I didn't want to fight with Meg even if it was playfully.
"Yea sure." Her voice cracked but I didn't want to say anything thinking it might embarrass her. I laid down fully and felt a weight shift beside me a few seconds later telling me Meg had laid down. I was almost asleep when I heard a nervous voice call out my name. Opening my eyes I looked over and was met by the sight of Meg nervously fidgeting. Finally she rushed out, "Can we cuddle? I really like cuddling but  it's okay if you don't want to. Just forget I said anything." Not having the energy to speak I just snuggled up to her. She tensed up for a second but relaxed and right before I passed out I felt her run her hand through my hair.

Still Kate's POV
I woke suddenly to small whimpers and my pillow moving. Realizing I fell asleep cuddling with Meg I quickly got up so I could look at her properly. She was squirming and whimpering in what sounded like pain. She was having a nightmare. I haven't had to wake someone up from a nightmare since Kylie was 10 so I had no clue what to do. I shook Meg a little trying my best not to scare her but she had no reaction. My stomach was in knots and my brain was freaking the fuck out. I tried waking her again but still nothing so I decided to call her best friend.

Phone call
Kasper: Hey what's up you never call me. Are you okay?
Kate:Meg is having a nightmare and won't wake up.
Kasper: Oh shit just continue to try waking her but just shake her a little. I'll be there in a bit.
Kate: ok I'll try
End of phone call

I shook her a little more and after the 4th try Meg's eyes opened wide in a panic. Before I could speak she jumped up frantically looking around her eyes finally landing on me. She was crying and shaking uncontrollably and the look of pure horror that was on her face broke my heart.
"Meg are you okay?" As I said this I moved my hand forward. Huge mistake. She flinched and started backing up even more. "No I'm sorry please don't I'm sorry." Meg whimpered before slumping against the wall. My hand quickly retracted as I watched her go even more into a panic. I was trying my best to keep my calm but seeing her like this physically hurt me to see.
"Bubs listen to me. Take deep breathes. We went and took a nap you had nightmare. Do you remember falling asleep? Can I touch your hand?"
She looked a little more aware and nodded. I slowly moved my hand to take hers and placed it on my chest before continuing to speak
"Let's try breathing together okay? See I'll start in through the nose out the mouth." I repeated these words until I saw Meg's breathing slow and she snapped her eyes open in alarm. Not trying to scare her more I simply asked if she was okay. I'm not sure why but my question seemed to calm her as she shrugged and pulled me into a hug. Hugging back I tried to collect my thoughts and calm myself down. Thinking this was the best time I pulled away and gently grabbed her hand leading her to the bed. I spoke once more
"Do you want to talk about it?" She tensed but spoke quietly,
"Umm...my ex... bad."
I didn't push it. Neither of us spoke as we heard a slam of a door and loud footsteps before there were three small knocks. I didn't know if Meg wanted to get up so I quickly got up and opened the door. When I saw it was Kasper I instantly went in for a hug. When we pulled apart Meg spoke up,
"What are you doing here?"
Woah she sounded mad. Should I not have told Kasper?
"Sorry didn't mean to sound that rude." She rushed out after. I didn't want her to get mad at Kasper or anything so I answered.
"I called her when I first woke up. I didn't know how to calm you at first and was worried."
"Are you okay?" Kasper asked her tone quiet but filled with worried. Meg gave a short nod and then turned to me whispering thank you. I didn't say anything because I honestly had no clue what to say.
"Well now that Kaspie is here we should do something fun," there was a small pause before Meg continued, "ooo I know we should go skating and show Kate around."
I didn't want to ruin the sudden mood change but there was one thing that made the plan not work.
"Umm I don't have a board." I said sheepishly. Meg smiled before replying, "Oh that's okay I have an extra."
She looked at both Kasper and me and when we both nodded she ran out of the room to get the boards. I looked at Kasper searching for answers. I mean don't get me wrong I loved that Meg was happy but just a few minutes ago she was hyperventilating and telling me to please not touch her. Kasper sighed before looking at me.
"Meg doesn't know how to deal with a situation after she has a panic attack so she tries her best to avoid it. Just be glad she's trying to go long boarding instead of crazy shit like she usually does." I nodded in understanding before laughing and running after Meg with Kasper right on my heels. Meg already had two long boards out and smiled before asking, "Who's car are we taking?"

A/N do you guys want me to combine their POVs into one really long chapter or continue to do it in two parts?

Meaghan Walter and Kate ZimmerWhere stories live. Discover now