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⚠️TW cutting, sexual assault, abuse, and scars⚠️
*A/N I use she/they pronouns for Sam*
Meg's POV

I woke up to a knock on the window before whoever knocked just decided to let themselves in. Knowing who it was I cuddled closer to Kate and closed my eyes. My peace was quickly ruined by the person hitting something and a muttering of curse words.
The cursing abruptly stopped and I decided to finally look up. Sam was grabbing her toe but her eyes were fixated on Kate and I with a shocked face. I knew she had questions but I didn't really feel like answering them. When she realized I was up she tried apologizing, "Bro I had no clue you had a girl over. I'm sorry for disturbing you."
I laughed loudly causing Kate to stir and stretch. Not realizing there was a third person in the room Kate focused on me, "morning bubs how'd you sleep?"
Instead of answering I looked over at Sam while blushing and said, "Do not say a word about that." Me talking to Sam finally made Kate aware of our third party presence and her head snapped towards Sam as she quickly stopped cuddling me.
"So who's the lucky lady Meg?" Sam teased completely ignoring the fact that Kate was right there. Kate's face was bright red causing me to laugh as I tried explaining the situation to Sam.
"This is Kate." Sam's face changed from a smug look to one of realization.
"Oooo does she talk about me?" Kate said which caused me to blush and to make my blush worse Sam's answered, "oh yea all the time. Kate is perfect...I'm in love with her...she is amazing." They were now both laughing and despite my slight embarrassment I smiled at the fact that Kate seemed to like both Sam and Kasper and vise versa. That made me remember that I never really introduced them.
"This is Sam by the way. They've been my rock since I was like 5."
Sam blushed slightly at my comment but smiled. They talked for a bit before Sam finally asked the burning question I knew she had wanted to ask since she'd seen Kate and I together.
"So you and Kate huh?"
I laughed and looked at Kate, "no she's like a sister to me."
Of course I knew that wasn't true but there was no way in hell I could face those feelings right now. The look of disappointment from Kate instantly made me look away from her and focus my eyes on Sam. Her eyes were filled with doubt and questions but thankfully they decided to let it go for now. There was an awkward silence between the three of us before Sam being Sam decided that we should all get tattoos. Sam and I had gotten matching tattoos when we where both 16 with fake I.Ds and ever since then we never stopped getting tattoos. I was good with getting a new tattoo because I have had an idea for a while but before answering I looked at Kate. She had distanced herself from me and it honestly hurt a shit ton but of course instead of facing my emotions I again decided to run away and avoid the situation. She gave a small smile and nod in agreement. Quickly giving Kate a hug I jumped up from the bed and stretched looking over at Sam before running over to her and tagging them.
"Tag you're it!"
See Sam and I have an extremely competitive friendship and about six months ago we started a game of tag. I had been 'It' for almost a month just waiting to get her back and it was so worth it. I unfortunately didn't get to see her reaction as I was already sprinting to the bathroom by the time Sam processed what happened. There was a groan of defeat as she realized that I was locked in the bathroom and they couldn't get me back.

*15 minutes later*
I had finished showering and was currently in my room wearing just sweatpants and a sports bra searching for what shirt I wanted to wear. I felt eyes on me but I didn't really concentrate on it that much and finally picked a purple shirt. Pulling the shirt over my chest as I turned around I saw Kate looking at me with a shocked and horrified look on her face before she noticed I was looking at her and masked it with a smile. Sam was trying to get Kate's attention but gave up pretty fast and instead opened up their phone and started scrolling through Instagram. I felt a weird tension in the room but I thought I might have just been overthinking it.
"I'm gonna go shower, I'll be back in a few." Kate said as she headed towards the door. I nodded and flopped myself next to Sam. I couldn't get Kate's shocked and horrified face out of my mind and I just laid next to Sam for a bit before they spoke.
"Umm...before I tell you this just know that Kate would never judge you," I was confused by what she was talking about and so I just looked cluelessly and waited for them to continue.
"You walked in the room wearing just a sports bra."
"Umm okay and?"
Before Sam spoke everything started to click in my mind. Kate had seen all of my scars on my upper body. Eyes widening I looked at the door towards were Kate was and then back at Sam. I was so used to letting Kasper and Sam see my scars that I didn't even think about the fact that Kate would see them. She was most likely disgusted in me. I was weak and stupid. I was on the verge of a panic attack when I felt a very familiar hand take hold of my hand and tug at my arm. Turning to my best friend I observed the concern yet calmness in her demeanor as they moved their other hand to my chin moving my face so we were making eye contact. She was talking this entire time but I was zoned out and only heard bits and pieces.
"...Kate...love...judge...you," is all I really heard as I continued to look at Sam as my breathing slowly calmed down. After a while I was still crying silent tears and fidgeting a lot but overall I was okay. Without thinking about it I hugged Sam and cuddled up to her side for comfort. Sam and I had a kinda system when I had panic attacks or just freaked out. They would tug my arm to signal that they were going to touch my face and then they would talk to me in a calming manner while still making sure they didn't need to call someone else. After I calmed down I would just cuddle her until I felt completely fine. At the start of this little system I would always thank them but stopped after a while and now I just hug her. I have no idea how long we were cuddling for but pretty soon the door opened to my room. Kate looked up from her phone glancing between Sam and I. Her eyes focused on me and I could tell something was wrong but I didn't want to talk about what she had seen just yet so like usual I distracted everyone from my problems.
"Sooo can we get food on the way there?"
After two nods I got up from the bed and did a little happy dance making both Kate and Sam laugh. Although Kate's laugh was a bit more hesitant but she seemed to let what she saw go by the time we had gotten in the car. I opted to sit in the backseat while Sam and Kate got up front. I honestly liked the backseat better than the front because I had a lot more room to do whatever. We didn't talk but instead we shouted out the lyrics to the radio songs until we arrived at a breakfast place. Walking into the restaurant my stomach growled instantly from the smell and we quickly sat down and ordered. Sam and Kate were talking while I just sat and observed both of them. Sam looked quite relaxed and content talking to Kate but would look over at me every few minutes to check on me. She had always made sure I was okay after a panic attack with subtle things such as glances and small touches. I don't think they truly knew how much I loved her for always being there for me and just being an overall amazing human being to me all the time. Turning my attention towards Kate she looked a little more uptight but still content. She was definitely listening to Sam but wasn't 100% in the conversation and it looked like her mind was somewhat wandering to something else. However, she didn't look upset which relieved some of my anxiety on what she thought about my body. I was completely zoned out and flinched badly when I saw a hand in my peripheral vision coming towards me. The waitress looked at me weird before putting my food in front of me. I knew I wasn't in danger but it freaked me out and I felt my stomach twist into knots. A hand gently grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze of reassurance as I looked down at the ground. I was slightly embarrassed but really I didn't notice because I was just trying to calm myself down. After getting control of myself I looked at both Kate and Sam before looking away at my plate. The expressions on their faces made me hate myself. Concern and pity was evident on both of my best friends' faces. They meant well but it made me feel like a child and like I couldn't take care of myself which mad me mad at myself. I don't understand why I was so effected by Her, it had been almost a year since I last saw Her and I felt like in some cruel way she was still controlling my every moment. After a moment of overthinking I finally realized that food was here and I quickly started eating. Sam's hand let go of mine as they started eating and before long we were all done eating and paid for our meal. I was the first person in the car telling the others to hurry so we could get tattoos. They both decided to slow down to annoy me so me being extremely petty I locked the doors. The moment they saw I had locked the doors and had the keys they rushed towards the car. 5 minutes of sweet talk and a promise of a red bull and we were off to the tattoo shop.

Meaghan Walter and Kate ZimmerWhere stories live. Discover now