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Meg's POV ⚠️HUGE TW⚠️ Sexual assault, vomiting, abuse, cutting, drinking

Hearing a loud knock I bolted up from the bed and hesitantly waited. I didn't know if I was allowed to answer because I hadn't put on my makeup yet today and all my fresh marks were showing. Lauren walked past the open bedroom door and a few moments later the front door opened. My blood went cold when I heard the friendly greetings of multiple people.
Lauren's voice rang out
"She's right in here."
Panic sunk in as I looked around for any escape but it was too late. Two guys and a girl came into the room followed by Lauren. Alcohol reeked from them and they all looked like they hadn't showered in weeks.
"She's not that bad looking,"
I didn't like what the man said but the next words out of his mouth made me want to throw up,
"I call first. Come here baby."
He approached me slowly and pretty soon I hit the wall. Desperately looking around I saw a smirk on Lauren's face and the other two people were looking at me with perverted lust. Realizing there was no way I would be able to get myself out of this assault I started to disassociate myself from the situation.
*After the attack*
The strangers were all passed out either on the floor or bed. Limping away from the monsters I was met by someone way worse.
"700$! You did good but you did struggle a little too much."
Lauren had a huge smile on her face as she waved the money in my face. I couldn't do this anymore.
"I don't want to do this anymore. My body can't take it."
The instant the words left my mouth I knew I fucked up. The smile disappeared and anger quickly replaced it.
"What do you mean!? How am I gonna make money. You deserve it either way at least I get money from it."
A sob left my body as the first hit came.

A scream woke me from my flashback. Looking around frantically I saw three people in the room but my panicked mind couldn't figure out who they were. One of the them took a step towards me.
Scrabbling back I felt my back hit the wall. My nightmare was happening all over again.
"Please don't. I'm not for sale."
Speaking made me feel like my vocal cords were being torn apart but the person quickly retreated. My eyes flickered from one person to the next. Recognition finally hit as I looked into the eyes of my three best friends. Worry replaced complete panic as I remembered a scream. Scanning my best friends I saw no physical injuries but I still took a step forward.
"Are you guys okay? Who screamed?"
My words took all of them by surprise which confused me. Sam was the first to talk.
"Can I hug you?"
I hesitated before nodding. Sam engulfed me in a hug and that's when I finally realized that I was violently shaking. My body seemed to give up and I slumped against Sam. They held me as though I was going to disappear. The hug calmed me slightly but my stomach was still twisted into knots. Slowly Sam backed away but quickly grabbed me when I stumbled forward. Guiding me towards the bed I sat down shakily. Everyone sat down in front me and I scanned them again still looking for who had screamed.
"Who screamed?"
My voice was hoarse which confused me but I ignored it as I waited for an answer.
"Meg you did."
Kate finally said.
Oh. I had no idea what to say so instead I just stayed silent.
"Do you wanna talk about it."
Kasper spoke softly. I knew that I definitely didn't want to talk about it but figured it may be time to open up to them a little bit. Fidgeting with my hands I tried to think about how I would tell them.
My voice broke and I took a shaky breathe before looking up and trying again.
"When I was umm living with Lauren,"
Sam's expression turned cold immediately after I said Her name but their expression softened when she saw my looking at them. Glancing from one person to the next I realized I couldn't tell them. I was already disgusted in myself and I couldn't imagine what they would think.
"Actually I don't want to talk about it."
My voice came out in a mutter as I continued to scan each of them. My eyes finally stopped at Kate. She looked like she was having an internal debate before she abruptly stood up. The movement made me flinch but I didn't look away from her. Kate sat down next to me before wrapping her arms around me.
A involuntary sigh left my lips as warmth spread inside me.
"You don't have to tell us anything until you are ready."
I faintly heard Sam say.
The thought of telling them made me want to crawl in a hole and die. I don't think I could ever tell them exactly what happened while I was living in hell. My old therapist always told me to confide in people. How in the hell was I supposed to tell people what happened without seeming broken?
At some point while I was stuck in my own thoughts Kate had repositioned us. Her arms were thrown lazily over my shoulders and the back of my head was on her chest. Looking at the other two people in the room I saw that Kasper had stood up and was clearly still upset. Leaning forward slightly I grabbed their wrist so that she would look at me.
"I'm fine just a nightmare."
I tried reassuring them but she still looked concerned. Before I knew what I was saying I said, "I'll tell Sam."
I felt Kate move slightly and as I turned I saw she was looking at me. Her eyes showed an emotion I couldn't quite figure out but she didn't look mad. Turning away from her I saw Sam's face.
"You will?"
Sam asked.
I couldn't really take back what I said so I just nodded. Kate got up from the bed and I immediately missed her presence close to me.
"We'll wait outside while you tell Sam. Okay?"
Kate smiled reassuring at me as Kasper and her left the room. Staying silent for a few minutes I watched as Sam came and sat next to me.
"Hey no pressure. You don't have to tell me until you are ready."
Was I ready? I don't know. What I did know is that I trusted Sam.
"I...you can't look at me differently. Please?"
My desperate voice showed how truly scared I was.
"I will never look at you differently Meaghan. I love you and nothing in the world will ever change that."
Their reassurance gave me the confidence to just blurt it out.
"She raped me."
Hearing myself say it out loud made me break. My whole body felt completely numb and I could feel my mind shutting down. Sam didn't say anything and instead wrapped their arms around me. I clung onto her for dear life as everything hit me at once.
"She raped me."
Muttering it again into Sam's chest I felt myself become extremely nauseous and I quickly broke away from them. Running to the bathroom I collapsed in front of the toilet and started vomiting. Someone pulled my hair back and rubbed my back as I continued puking. After throwing up for a third time I turned around to see who was comforting me. Kasper was rubbing my back and both Sam and Kate were behind her. Sam looked horrified but her demeanor showed that they were extremely pissed off. Sam and I made eye contact and her anger quickly turned to sympathy as they rushed forward and helped me up from the floor. My legs felt like jello and I once again slumped against Sam. Sam held me up as they guided me back to my room. Collapsing onto the bed I felt nothing. Honestly that scared the shit out of me. The last time this happened I shut down for months but I was gonna try my best to keep myself afloat. Looking away from the ceiling I saw Kasper and Kate near the door and Sam was next to the bed.
I needed comforted right now so I made eye contact with Kate. She got the message and moved from the door to holding onto me tightly. Although she didn't know what happened she hugged me tight as though I would run away. I had nothing against Sam and Kasper comforting me but Kate's cuddles just felt different. I couldn't quite explain it but having her arms wrapped around me made me feel safe and calm. Thinking of Kate another thought hit me. She was leaving today.
"What time is it?"
I asked.
Kate slightly moved and quickly grabbed her phone.
"Uhh 11 why?"
She was leaving in 4 hours. Sighing I moved from my comfortable position into a sitting position. Trying to pull my shit together I felt like I needed a distraction. My first two options couldn't happen until everyone left so I came up with the next best thing.
"Can we go to the park?"
They all still looked extremely concerned especially Sam but I ignored it and waited for an answer. Kasper was the first to speak.
"Uhh yea sure. We can take my car."
Getting up from the bed I walked up to Kasper and gave her a kiss on the cheek as a small 'thank you' before going into the bathroom.
"I'll be ready in a few minutes. I will steal your car if you guys aren't ready yet."
I shouted behind me.
Walking into the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror. My face was paler then usual and I truly looked like a walking corpse. My only real coping mechanism for anything is either joking about it or ignoring it. This caused a lot more problems then solutions but whatever. Ripping my eyes away from my own reflection I quickly washed my face and then brushed both my teeth and hair. Realizing I had forgotten my clothes I jogged back to my room but before I opened the door I stopped.
"She's okay right?"
Kate's worried voice asked.
"I don't know. They need a lot of support right now though."
Sam replied.
Not wanting them to talk more about me I walked in like I hadn't heard anything.
"Forgot clothes."
I said as I grabbed a random pair of pants and a sweatshirt before walking back out. Back in the bathroom I quickly changed into my black sweats and hoodie. It was silent by the time I got back into the room and everyone looked ready to go. Doing my grabby hands again I got Kasper's keys and sprinted downstairs and to the car. They didn't take that long to get to the car but it was still longer than I wanted. We drove to a nearby gas station and I got a red bull before we went to the nearest park. Blocking out my thoughts the best I could I engaged in the conversation that was happening. The small talk was extremely boring though so I started looking for a good climbing tree. My eyes trained on a huge spruce tree and before my friends could say anything I was already running towards it. Kasper ran after me and we both crawled up the tree within only a few minutes. Sam and Kate were at the bottom laughing and goofing around while Kasper and I were talking at the very top of the tree.
"Having fun?"
Kasper asked with a huge grin.
I replied popping the p. Breaking off a small twig from the tree I tossed it down to where Kate was.
I shouted as I saw it hit her in the center of the head.
Kate jokingly scolded me.

Meaghan Walter and Kate ZimmerWhere stories live. Discover now