Prolouge {edited}

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9 years ago
The underground district.

The day was like any other, the underground city that I resided in shined no light. Dim lit lights illuminated small portions of the dull streets. My father, Levi, was going out using his ODM gear on a mission, throughout the entirety of my childhood he was the only person I ever looked up to. To me, he was my hero, the apple of my eye, someone I cherished over everything. I would've moved heaven and earth to make sure he'd come home safe. The foolish thoughts of a child.

My mothers stomach had grown largely and she said it was only a few weeks until I had a baby brother or sister. Which I had found exciting due to my father never letting me play with other kids, for some reason he kept me isolated from people and it wasn't until he left I understood the reason. Because even kids are ruthless, they'll use you for their own personal gain without hesitation.

My little feet clattered against the poorly made wooden floorboards. A wide smile spread across my face and eyes brighter than the sun itself shone at the sight of my father and his friends in their gear. "Dad!" I shouted loudly as I wrapped my arms around my dads waist. As expected he stared down at me with his usual stoic expression, his eyebrow raised ever so slightly as a sign of confusion "{y/n}? Shouldn't you be cleaning your room, it was all dusty." He said in a tired tone. At the sound of that my head nuzzled into his stomach as I laughed quietly "I know, i just wanted to see you three off before your mission" I said happily. Just by being near my dad, it felt like he was giving me strength. That was the unconditional love a child had for their father, a love that got nothing but betrayal.

Once I said this my dad looked down at me, he didn't smile but his eyes became slightly softer and for Levi that was something rare. The image in my mind is clear as day even in the present. His eyes were calm and his face was relaxed. "Alright then." He said, his expression going back to its normal state. The feeling of his hands moving from his side to my shoulders made me smile more. "Don't do anything stupid and look after your mother. We should only be a few hours. Can I count on you?" He asked. To this I quickly nodded repeatedly.

As my dad went to go away, as a hope for affection I went on my tippy-toes so I was closer to his face and gestured to my head with a slight pout. Glancing down at me, my dad sighed before looking away and patting my head. It wasn't what I had hoped for but the affection he gave me made my day 10 times better.

The joy-filled smiles both my uncle Farlan and Aunty Isabel gave me made me chuckle. Farlan walked over to me, his blond hair bouncing up and down as he walked before eventually kneeling down in front of me and putting a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry {y/n} I'll keep your dad in check, don't you forget that" He said as his hand gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. My {h/c} hair became messy as Isabella came up behind me and ruffled it and laughed to herself. "You're so cute {y/n}!" Isabel squealed and kissed the top of my head which made me smile. "When I get back I'm totally gonna teach you some more on the 3D manoeuvre gear" Isabella said happily. My dad narrowed his eyes when he heard this "you'll what?" He said, his tone firm and cool. I looked up at Isabel, my {e/c} eyes staring up at her green ones. A visible sweat dropped as she and I heard my dad's firm tone. "I mean—I will totally not teach you anything on the 3D manoeuvre gear" She said in a nervous tone. My dad clicked his tongue and went over to my mum and kissed the top of her head which both Isabel and I gagged to, that earned us a whack on the head by my dad, though mine was more of a tap. "We'll be back later" My dad said.

Once the crooked and hole-filled wooden door closed, announcing the departure of my father and his friends, my heels turned and I ran off to my room. Tying my hair back into a tight ponytail. My little hands reached out and grabbed a hold of a broom and numerous rags.

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