Useful Items

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Chapter 30

I squeeze my eyes shut while trying to remove this rather disturbing scene from my mind, at the same time wondering if that will be our evolution. Goodness, how did this even creep into my consciousness?

I make my way down to the creek, feeling a bit perplexed. Stooping down, I reach into the water with a cupped hand for a drink. All of this beef jerky that I have been eating has made me thirsty and given me weird visions.

After I satisfy my thirst, I head for the boat. I climb aboard, now in search of something that may be useful to us here. I had already noticed that one fishing pole yesterday that Toby probably kept in the boat as a spare. We can try fishing later. Opening the first storage bin, I find two unopened tarps, along with a tackle box, and best of all, a cast iron pot with a lid and a large stirring spoon in it. This is great. I wonder if all Cajuns carry cast iron pots on their boats. They do love to cook. Anyway, I'm happy to find it.

In the second storage bin, I find a shopping bag with plastic plates, a box of plastic utensils, cooking oil, aluminum foil, shaving cream, and a hairbrush. Looking at the receipt in the bag, I see that these were purchased two months ago. I also find two other working flashlights and a spool of black string.

It's too bad that Toby didn't purchase any razors that day. The can of shaving cream is sort of useless without razors. I am very thankful for this hairbrush, though.

After searching the boat once more, I'm happy to find a hatchet. It could come in very useful. I pack up everything I found and head back to the cabin.

"Solstice, it's me coming in."

I find Solstice lying in bed playing with Cain.

She turns her head in my direction. "So, did you find anything in the boat?"

"Yes, the best thing is this cast iron cooking pot and spoon. And look, I even found a hairbrush. Also, there is this bag with plates and utensils, cooking oil, and aluminum foil. Oh, and this hatchet.'

Solstice lays Cain down on the bed and comes over to where I stand. I watch, amused, as she inspects all the items and reads labels.

"You did good, Jamie. Are you ready to try the rabbit?"

"Yes, the aroma is making me hungry. The food I had earlier this morning is already down to my toes."

I set out a piece of aluminum foil on the old table as Solstice retrieves the rabbit from the fire and carries it over, placing it on the foil. She grabs the hatchet and delivers a couple of blows, and the carcass divides in half. We decide to eat half for lunch and save the rest for supper. We also cut up two purple fruits. I open the package of plates and forks and get one of each for us, thankful to have found such a luxury. We can wash these and use them repeatedly. We take our food to the fireplace and sit on opposite benches.

After we've each had a bite of the rabbit, she asks, "Well, what do you think of my cooking, Jamie?"

"Solstice, this is not bad. A little tough, but we can survive on this. I'm very grateful for it. Now, can you tell me some more about Nod?"

"I have told you much already. I'm anxious to hear about how Eden has changed. All of the information that we have is from over two hundred years ago. Even then, Eden was more of an advanced culture than Nod in some ways."

Throughout lunch, I tell Solstice of many inventions since the steam engine train. She is especially excited to learn about planes and being able to fly across the country. She also questions me much about our advancements in medicine, surgery, and the military.

We continue chatting for about an hour after lunch when we hear Cain grunting. I look over and see him kicking his feet in the air. Before I nurse him, Solstice insists on giving me a brief examination to make sure I am doing alright. She has me remove my shirt and then proceeds to inspect my breasts.

"Solstice, my breasts seem to have grown larger overnight. I can't even fit my bra anymore."

"You are doing fine. All of the changes that you are seeing are normal in a nursing mother. Some mothers have problems producing enough. You don't have that problem."

"I am slowly coming to accept this new responsibility. I am more comfortable with it today than I was yesterday."

Solstice smiles. "Good. Now, go ahead and nurse Cain. But give him only half and the rest to Toby."

I walk over to Cain. "Hey Cain, how's my little boy? My gosh, you're such a good boy. I haven't heard you cry once since yesterday."

"Yes, Jamie, I noticed that also. He used to be a cry baby. And now that you are nursing him, it's like he magically changed personality."

I pick up Cain and give him a few kisses, then proceed to nurse him. I am so falling in love with this little boy already.

"Um, Solstice, there is probably something that you need to know. It has to do with me, nursing Cain."

"Yes, as I said, I think that you are doing exceptionally well. So, what concerns you?"

I tell Solstice all about Pop and how he mysteriously quit aging because of his encounter with Wolf, and she listens very intently. I then continue with the story of my visit with Julie Brown and her claim that she had also quit aging because of the same type of encounter with the same creature. And then, I tell her about my experience.

"Solstice, when I saw that wolf hovering over me, I realized that he wasn't so scary, like the stories I had heard. And then, he began licking at my bleeding forearm as if he was concerned about me. He is the most beautiful animal I have ever seen."

"Jamie, describe him for me."

I describe different features about him, and when I do, I notice her eyes widen, remaining fixed on mine. She asks me to describe other features about him, and when I do, she looks even more shocked.

"Solstice, are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"Yes, I will come back to that later. But go on with what you were originally telling me. What does it have to do with nursing Cain?"

"Well, the next day, I noticed my forearm that I had cut on that nail appeared almost healed. And earlier yesterday, before I got here, I was shot right here in the arm. And look at it now, almost healed. And after hearing the story about Pop, and Julie Brown, I'm sure that my and Toby's accelerated healing has something to do with that mysterious animal, Wolf. So, I do believe you are correct. It is probably my feeding Toby that saved him. But I don't know what effect this will have on Cain."

Both of us look at Cain. He appears full and satisfied now, looking up at us as if listening to our conversation. Solstice steps to him and examines him before picking him up.

"Jamie, I'm glad you told me about your concern, but there is nothing we can do. I'm not even worried about it at the moment. Look at Cain, have you ever seen a happier baby? What's the worst that could happen, that he quit aging once he matures? Or that he recovers more easily from an injury? I think he'll be fine, let's not worry about it. You should probably go and nurse Toby."

"Solstice, the two words 'nurse' and 'Toby' used together makes me a little uncomfortable. Can we just say 'feed Toby?'"

She laughs, her smile brightening my mood. "Okay, now go feed Toby, he needs it."

"You're not going to watch, are you?"

"I will try not to since it bothers you. I'll occupy myself with something else. I know, how about if I tell you a particular story from my life. It may help you not to feel as uneasy about what you are doing."

I smile. "Okay."

After I wake Toby and we get started, Solstice pulls up a bench close to the bed. So much for her not watching.

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