Solstice Continues the Story

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Chapter 35

"Oh my gosh. What happened after the wolf killed San?" I asked.

"The wolf turned and looked at me momentarily before walking away. Zelub and I were in shock as to what just happened. After some time had passed, Zelub wanted to know who this man was, so I explained everything to him. We were not sure what to do at that point. San appeared as though someone had murdered him. If we reported this, they would probably think that Zelub and I conspired to do it.

"Zelub finally told me to go home and pretend as though nothing happened, saying that he would bury San's body. So, I did as Zelub said and returned home. When I entered, I saw Father. He asked me if I had seen San. Surprised that he would ask that, I lied and said no. Then Father said that San had come to the house looking to speak with me, and he told him that I was walking by the creek. Worried that San was lost, Father went out to look for him.

"Not knowing what else to do, I followed Father from a distance, hoping that he wouldn't come across Zelub burying San's body. If that were to happen, Zelub would probably be tried and put to death for murder.

"As we approached the cave, I heard Father yell San's name. Alarmed, I called out, 'Father, what is wrong?'

"Father, surprised that I had followed him, turned to me and said, 'Solstice, don't come any closer. San is dead. Someone's killed him. You don't want to see this.'

"I figured Father had surprised Zelub while he was dragging San's body. I started running up to where Father stood. Father yelled, 'Solstice, I said to stay back,' so I stopped. Then, out of the darkness, I saw the wolf, and I gasped out loud. Before I could yell out to Father, the wolf jumped on him, knocking him to the ground. Father and I both screamed. From Father's torch now lying beside him, I could see that the wolf had him pinned to the ground, bearing his fangs just inches from his face. Father laid frozen in place, not moving a muscle. I glanced around for a branch I could use to try and chase the animal away.

"Out of the darkness came Zelub, and he jumped onto the wolf, knocking him off of Father. The wolf and Zelub were on the ground, with Zelub on top, punching him with all his might. Father and I watched as Zelub repeatedly landed blows to the beast. But then, I noticed that something was wrong. The wolf was not even trying to defend itself. It didn't so much as nip at Zelub even once. Judging by what it did to San, it could have easily killed Zelub.

"Finally, the beast escaped Zelub and again looked back at me momentarily, then ran into the woods. Father and I both rushed over to Zelub. He had risked his own life for my father. Zelub was on his knees, panting for breath from the struggle with the beast. Father and I both asked him if he was hurt while we briefly examined him.

"'I'm fine,' he managed to say.

"'Zelub, you just saved my life. But why is it that you are out here right now?'

"'I wanted to visit Solstice,' Zelub said. Zelub put his arms around me as we shared an embrace.

"Father, Zelub, and I walked back to the village to get help. A group of men recovered San's body, and we buried San in his village the next day. Father organized a search party to look for the wolf the following evening and the following, but they never found it.

"Meanwhile, Father retold the story over and over again throughout the next several days of the huge beast that almost killed him, and how Zelub fearlessly came to his rescue, overpowering the beast with his bare hands.

"Several evenings later, Father invited Zelub over for supper. After we ate, Zelub and I sat with Father and Mother.

"Father said, 'Zelub, I know that you have cared for my daughter for a long time, and she feels the same way about you. I have been a fool to stand in the way of two people who are in love. I thought that you were not good enough for my daughter. But it turns out that it is I who is not good enough for her. I was not concerned with her happiness and well-being. I was only concerned with my prosperity and recognition. Zelub, if you can forgive me, I would be honored if you would take Solstice to be your wife. Um, that is, if she will have you.'

"Father looked in my direction for confirmation, and I jumped up and ran to Zelub, landing in his lap, tears running down my cheeks as we kissed. I heard Father chuckling in the background, saying he would take that as a 'yes.'

"One moon later, we were married. Zelub, his father, and his brothers built us a house on the outskirts of the village. Since Zelub had become such a hero in the village, many villagers also came to help. Father paid for all of the materials. He even helped with some of the physical labor himself.

"The house turned out very well. Many people admired it. Zelub had led the construction of it himself. Besides being a fisherman, he also knew much about construction and carpentry from his family. Zelub enjoyed working on the project so much that he decided to become a builder in our village, with Father's financial help, of course.

"One night sometime later, Zelub and I were lying in bed. I said, 'Zelub, do you remember that evening when you saved Father from that big wolf?'

"Zelub said, 'Yes, how could I forget?'

"Well, now that you have had some time to think about it, do you really think that you saved Father?"

"Zelub considered my question for a few moments before answering.

"'Yes, I saved your father. I saved him from making the biggest mistake of his life. That would have been not allowing me to marry you. I suppose if I run into that wolf again, I should thank him.'"

"Solstice, that's the most beautiful love story I have ever heard. Thank you for sharing it with me."

Solstice sets the hairbrush aside and begins massaging my shoulders. I tense up at first but soon relax, moving my neck from side to side as her fingers work into my muscles. I think about her connection to Wolf and how he led us both to the safety of the Passage, and consider the possibility of us being here forever.

"So, Solstice, was that the only two times that you saw the wolf?"

"Yes, it was."

"Do you have any idea why Wolf even cared to save you and Zelub?"

"No, I really don't."

"Did you feel like ... different or changed after that first time you saw Wolf?"

"No, I don't think so."

"And your healing isn't accelerated like mine or Toby's."

"No, it's not."

"Well, even though, somehow, through the powers of the universe, I think you and I must be connected. We must have been brought together for some reason."

"Yes, we are definitely connected now, that's for sure."

Solstice continues to massage my shoulders for about fifteen minutes while I think of Pop's and Julie Brown's connection to the wolf, as well as my own, and how it differs from Solstice's. I wonder if Wolf had licked Pop's wounds as he had mine.

When Solstice finishes massaging my shoulders, I thank her then wrap the leftover rabbit in aluminum foil. After scraping some coals off to the side with a stick, I place the foil packet on top of them to heat. Potato chips and purple fruit finish the meal. After supper, Solstice wakes Toby and manages to get him to eat a little tuna and drink water while I nurse Cain.

After we finish tending to Toby and Cain, I tell Solstice more about our world. We stay up another couple of hours before going to bed. Tomorrow, I will need to get up before dawn and hunt for a deer. I lie down and tend to Toby again. This time, I can relax enough to let myself enjoy it. Now, I have a different urge, one that cannot be satisfied right now. Not totally anyway.

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