Chapter 8

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"Good bye Eren!" Mikasa said as she smiled gently at Eren and headed out the door, as she took a step out she felt a hand grab her arm holding her back form leaving. Suddenly "Stay....Dont go...Stay with me so we can raise Haru together..." Eren said seriously at Mikasa. Mikasa then turned her head and part of her body towards Eren shyly "Huh..?!" Mikasa said as she blushed a bright red all over her face.

"I'm serious!... I dont know either im also confused I've never felt this before....but I know one thing is that I want you and our son to stay in live in my appartment and raise him as a family......" Eren said very seriously as his heart was skipping beats and as he turned Mikasa's whole body infront of him as she was holding Haru. Mikasa was so speechless and red as she turned very hot and her heart started to beat rapidly as if it was going to exolode. Haru then wakes up as he notices their faces "awahh.." Haru mubbles as he smiles sweetly and his eyes sparkly.

" Wow!...unexpected, I leave my dear beautiful sister and nephew in your care! better take care of them as though your life depended on it!..Well it kind a does!" Levi said suddenly in the dark background and then grabbed on to Eren shoulders and then glared at him seriously as ever and scarier. Eren turned even more really nervous due to Levis horrifying threat. " Huh?..Levi what do you mean by that?..." Mikasa says as she blushes a deep red. " dear little sister, you have always been protected and cared for by me...but I guess it's time to pass that on to someone else that can do that for me....I always thought that you were a strong independent young lady and I still do..." Levi says as he turns towards Mikasa and gives her a warm tight hug as he smiles. Levi then gets closer to Mikasa's ear and whispers "...dont forget to invite this workaholic bother of yours to your wedding...." Levi says as he smiles gently and then walks away to his car. Mikasa's eyes widened in embarrassment as they start to water. She then quickly turns and holds on to the railings as she sees Levi getting on his car.

"Nii-San!! Thank you so much for everything!! Love you!!" Mikasa yelled as a few tears fell down as she smiled brightly and waved at him. Levi smiled "Yeah..!" Then suddenly " Dont worry Levi I will protect your sister and your newphew! Trust Me!" Eren yelled with a serious expression with as he blushed pink. Mikasa smiled as she heard what Eren promised Levi. "Alright...bye Losers!" Levi said as he got on his car and drove off. Mikasa, Haru, and Eren were alone together outside as Mikasa and Eren noticed that they turned nervous as they looked at other directions than themselves. "Um...Please Mikasa do come in..." Eren said polietly as he blushed red. Mikasa giggled as she suddenly got on her toes and kissed Eren on his red warm cheeck as Haru was between them sleeping. Eren's eyes widened in surprise as he felt a spark and made his heart skip a beat. "Let's go..Eren..." Mikasa said as she got back on her feet and walked in Eren's apartment. "Wow.." Eren said as he saw Mikasa go in the room.

"Umm..I can sleep in the couch in the living room and you can take the bed..." Eren said nervously as he grabbed a blanket and a pillow and then headed out the room. Suddenly he felt a little tug on his shirt. " sle..epp..with me.."Mikasa said nervously yet quietly as she blushed a deep red. Eren smiled gently "..Okay.." Eren said as he lead Mikasa towards the bed. Mikasa layed down gently as Eren followed they slept in different sides nervously. They couldn't go to sleep due to all their nervousnes. "What is going on I have slept with hundredths of girls so why am I nervous..?" Eren asked in his mind. "Mikasa you took action...So you better do something!" Mikasa said to herself in her mind. Haru was sleeping soundly in his crib right beside Mikasa's side of the bed. After a while they fell asleep. After they could notice they both ended up warmly hugging eachother as Eren wrapped around Mikasa and as they both smiled.

Eren woke up suddenly as he openend his eyes gently and saw Mikasa's bright cute sleeping face he smiled gently as he gently moved a piece of hair from her face and then kissed her forhead gently and warmly. Eren felt comfortable as ever, like he had the best sleep in his life, he then closed his eyes gently again as his arms were still around Mikasa. Suddenly Eren's phone vibrated. Eren woke up as he got his phone gently so he didn't wake up Miksasa. He unlocked his phone as a masage from one his girls texted him saying "Hey Jaegar, let's hang out again! ^.^" Eren then looked over to Mikasa and noticed finally how beautiful, sweet, and a nice warm curved body that is wrapped around him and then deleted the message, then he deleted all the other contacts of all those grils he used to mess with. Only ones left was Armin's and other of his friends and his work number. "Wow...have I changed..." Eren said to himself as he smiled at the ceiling.

After a while around 10 am Mikasa woke up. She opened her eyes slowly as she was comfortable as ever as she noticed Eren gone. "Good Morning.." Eren said as he stood smiling outside the door holding a pan of egg's grilling as he went back to the kitchen. Miksasa smiled "Good morning.." as she strechted and sat up to see Haru missing as well, she panicked a little as she quickly headed towards the kitchen and there she saw Haru in his high chair an was sucking on a warm bottle of milk. Mikasa became relieved as she smiled. "Hey Mikasa I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park for a walk..with Haru together after breakfast...?" Eren asked Mikasa as he placed the plates on the kitchen table and glaces of orange juice next to the plates. Mikasa smiled "Okay..." as she sat down and Eren followed as they both ate.




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