Chapter 9

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"Huuhhh...that Eren has yet to text me usual...."Annie said as she looked at her phone that said 'no new messages' and then as she thought of way to find Eren as she grinned and began to quicly tap on her phone.

"It's extremely cold outside so be sure to wear alot of clothing to keep you warm..." Mikasa said as she was watching a the tv as she was changing her clothes and Haru's as they were getting ready to go to the park as they were locked in the room and Eren was in the restroom straight across from the room also changing. " Okay! Thanks!" Eren said as he out on a thick long black sleve shirt in the restroom. Mikasa completely wrapped Haru with an thin white undershirt and the a thick light blue long sleve shirt with a small light brown teddy bear next to his heart and then a thin dark blue sweater with a huger teddy bear on it and finally a thick black puffy jacket with a light blue soft yet small scarf to wrap around his small neck. and thick pants with small brown boots to keep his feet warm, along with small soft blue gloves.

"Okay I think thats warm enough..." Mikasa said as she smiled at Haru wrapped and could bearly see his face, just his green eyes and his little nose with his soft pink small lips showing and part of his cheecks. Mikasa then started to change as well by putting on a creamy white that almost looked light brown, longsleeve shirt with a lose very lose turtle neck that is suppose to hang over her chest. Then she put on dark brown skinny jeans that wrapped her slim legs and curved bottom. Then put on black snow boots with a silver buckle on the side for design and finally a black leather jacket that had a very warm inside. "Okay, Were Ready!" Mikasa said as she opened the door while she had Haru in her other arm.

Eren was in the living room as he saw them come out. "Alright let's go!" Eren said as he was wearing a black coat with a hood that ended at his hips and dark blue jeans the length of his long legs and black thick boots to keep his feet very warm and finally a soft and warm long red scraf around his neck as he smiled and had the stroller next to him. They both placed Haru gently in the stroller as they both headed out and headed to the nearby park which was only a few feet away (Eren's apartments have a park in it). "Oh..Let me.." Eren said as he felt bad for having Mikasa push the stroller as he smiled and blushed a soft red. Mikasa smiled as she let Eren push it as she walked right beside Eren and the stroller which had Haru in there as he was enjoying the litle snowflakes that were falling on his blanket and started to giggle.

The park's cherry blossom tree's had a little pink in them as the trunk and branches looked pale white and had 2 inches deep of snow covering the frozen dead looking grass and concrete sidewalk and a few wodden benches which some were taken by others and in the center had a playground where a bounch of children and their parents where playing with the snow, laughter and joy and love in their faces, while there was couples and others who were walking like Eren and Mikasa even though it was frezzing and some even cold wind was blowing. Mikasa and Eren were talking and catching up with eachother on what they wanted to know about eachother as they smiled and sometimes laughed as their faces felt more stiff by the cold.

Mikasa suddenly couldn't take it no more and started to wrap her arms around her and put on her hood as she was shivering. Eren noticed as he felt bad for her and then "Here you can have it..." Eren said as he took of his long warm soft red scraf and wrapped it gently around Mikasa's Neck as he smiled and blushed a soft red as he looked at her.When Eren wrapped the soft warm red scraf around her neck she suddenly felt so warm and happy as her eyes widened and she softly blushed as she too looked at Eren "Thank you..It's warm.." Mikasa said as she looked at Eren with bright eyes as she gently touched the red scraf with her gloved fingers.

Eren suddenly became nervous as he saw Mikasa's bright gentle smile and blushed red all across his face "Um...Le...Let' a break.."Eren said nervously as he quicly sat down at one of the benches closest to them as he covered the stroller so Haru's his blanket wont get wet along with him as he was already in deep clam sleep. "Okay.." Mikasa said as she giggled at Eren and sat down a few cenimeter's away from each other. Eren grew more nervous as he was really close to her again. "Ahhh...the snow is so beautiful...and peaceful.." Mikasa said as she looked out to the landscape with the snow was clamly falling from the sky with it's fluffly white yet light blue color and look as she relaxed her body down as she kneelend on Eren gently as her head landed at his shoulder as she skooted closer to Eren. Eren's heart started to beat even more crazier as it was to explode into pieces.

Eren as he was going to wrap his hands around Mikasa to make it more natural and comfortable, he started to move and curve his hands around towards Mikasa's shoulders. Then suddenly "Huuuhhh.....Found you Eren.." Annie said with a smirk plastered on her face as she was furiously mad but tried to hid it as she faked smiled, that he is with another girl other than her, as she was calling and looking for him everywhere he was here all along with Mikasa as he was about to make a move. Eren's eyes widened in deep shock "What are you doing here?! Annie?!" Eren said as he noticed on of the girls he used to play around with a lot along with others as he was with Mikasa the mother of his son.





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