Chapter 11

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They had kissed a steamy long kiss as they both tasted eachother thoroughly and gently as thier tongues grasped eachother quickly and took quick breaths here and there as they lost thier breath. Thier lips quickly touching and gliding as the sweetness of strawberries from Mikasa's gloss spread throughout Eren's mouth to his tastebuds. Then Eren had remembered why he had come as he pushed Mikasa gently away from him so they'd stop kissing. "Huh...What's wrong..?" Mikasa asked as she noticed Eren serious face as her black silver color eyes widened a little. "Mikasa I need to tell you how I feel about you..." Eren said as he smiled gently and looked quickly over where Haru was sleeping and turned back to Mikasa.

"Sorry...sorry that I play around with girls and use them just for such a disgusting motive...I never cared for anyone...even my own parents left this ungrateful kid...I don't treat my so called friends right, I don't hang out with them much but somehow they still accept a friend..."Eren says as he pictures all the girl's crying faces and the moment when his parents kicked him out of the house for being too lazy and selfish and all the times Armin has helped Eren when he needed him but Eren never did anything for him back. "Sorry...that I bearly have a well paying job, that the money I get paid I mostly use for my horrible and childish motive...I'm so disappointed and disgusted of myself, I don't even know how much I have sinned....Sorry that you had to be the one to make me make me make me have made your future change dramatically....and to make me the father of OUR SON....sorry that...I fell completely in love with you...I don't expect you to forgive me at all...I just wanted to let you know that even though I did so many horrible and regretful things...I still ended up having such a wonderful and amazing experience with you and Haru that I will cherish for the rest of my disgraceful life...!...but I thank you....Mikasa...I love you..."Eren said as so suddenly as small tears fell from his cheeks and blushed softly and his teal green eyes brightened with great hope as he looked straight at Mikasa the woman who saved him and the one he loves so much.

A tear fell slowly down Mikasa's softly pale cheek that was suddenly turning red along with the other and her eyes teared with love as she smiled joyfully. "Dont be sorry! Eren...! I love you too...thank you so much for choosing me...choosing me for everything....!"Mikasa said happily as she embraced Eren with a warm long hug as she and him continued to cry softly with happiness. "Stupid love birds...."Levi said as he was standing behind the door as he was listening in with a serious expression yet with a small smile.

That night Mikasa and Eren slept again in the same bed wrapped warmthfully around eachother with Haru right inbetween them with a happy expression at he slept all together as a small yet cute family. The love between them was finally seen in their sleeping faces.

It was morning as Mikasa woke up by opening her eyes little by little with a sweet smiled as she noticed Eren's cute sleeping face against and Haru wrapped up against her with a really happy smile as he continued to sleep the soft bright sun that was gracefully pouring in the room from the window. Mikasa then slowly started to close her eyes by how comfortably she was feeling and didn't want it to end as she blushed a soft red and smiled brightly. "Oh now you don't..."Eren said so suddenly with his eyes peeping at Mikasa with a bright smile. Mikasa giggled "why..can't I..?" Mikasa asked in a playful way. "Because of this..."Eren said as he suddenly moved his arm a little closer fir Mikasa to see what he was holding in his hand. It was a really beautiful diamond ring that lightly shinned against the sun, with a big diamond in the middle along with smaller diamonds around it and a small part of the silver band, and underneath the big diamond was a red diamond the same color as the scarf that Eren gave her that she softly had around her neck. Mikasa was completely shocked as her eyes widened in deep happiness as she noticed what he was holding. "Eren..." Mikasa said softly as she looked at Eren. "Mikasa will you make me the happiest man on the whole universe....will you marry me..Mikasa...?"Eren said as he also asked the greatest question a man can ever ask for the woman that he has choose to be his forever. "Yes...!" Mikasa answered happily and softly as tear of joy fell and Haru woke up to notice that she was smiling as he cutlery giggled. Suddenly Eren sat up from laying as he extended his hands while holding Haru in his hands and smiled widely with excitement "Do you hear that Haru?! Were going to be a real family now and forever!!!" Eren yelled happily as he looked at Haru's smiling and adorable face that looked exactly like Mikasa but with Eren's bright eyes.

Months has passed since filled with a lot of planning and stress and love and happiness as it was now the day for Eren Jaeger's and Mikasa Ackerman's wedding. Every one of Mikasa's and even Eren's family and friends were invited and were attending as they were all sitting down at the column's of the church quietly waiting for the bride to come. All of the column's filled with people not one empty space, as they were decorated with beautiful flower aragments with with white rosses and with tulips and other white flowers with bright green leaves and a thick white lacey fabric that spread across every column to leave an open free space so the bride can walk gracefully down the aisle.

The pastor wearing a nice white suit with a gold designs and wodden cross on his necklace as he held a white elegant book and smiled as he looked at the groom with his nervous yet fulfilling expression that he loved his bride very much as he laughed softly. Eren was wearing a nice black shiny looking suit with a huge flower pin in his side right on top of his rapidly beating chest and a small tail on the jacket with a nice bright red tie as the lovely scarf that Mikasa has kept wearing even though it's not cold anymore. Along with a nicely buttoned elegant white undershirt and nicely smoothed black pants that matched the jacket and shiny black shoes. Eren was blushing and shaking as he patiently waited for Mikasa. "It's alright Eren relax.."Armin his best man said suddenly as he stood next to him by a fair distance as he smiled at Eren. "Yeah man up stupid...if you make a fool of my lovely sister I'll make you suffer for as long as I'm your in law...!"Levi one of the groomsmen said and stood right after Armin with a scary glare and grin as he looked at Eren and then pictured all he can do to him.

"All Rise!!" A man yelled as all the people stood up and looked at the huge wooden doors with great smiles on thier faces as they were about to see the beautiful bride. Eren them took a deep breath as he tried to clam down and nervously smiled as he watched the huge doors open quickly. Then suddenly his flusters all went away one he saw his magnificent beautiful bride standing along with her father as Mikasa hold around his elbow and the other hand holding a bright and beautiful bouquet of red rosses and white little flowers.

Mikasa was wearing a white medium puffed dress as the lace skirt part was filled with small glitter and nice white flower design ends and the strapless top as it was finely against her curved chest and slim belly as it had small diamonds and design's on it to follow along where her chest was as and wore a little light vale at the end to cover her raven black hair that was in a elegant bun filled with white pearls and glitter. And she wore a nice soft red lip gloss and soft peachy white eyeshadow to make it natural. She had a great beautiful smile at she looked straight on at the man she loves that she got closer and closer to. All of the people were outstanded by Mikasa's beauty as then they all sat down as she arrived next to Eren. As Mikasa's father kissed her on the head as ran off to his seat next to his wife as they held hands and were giving away thier precious daughter.

Eren's parents finally became very proud of him as he was doing a very amazing yet responsible thing of marrying the one he love and the mother of the ring bear who was holding the ring bands witha small white pillow as he was being carried by Annie the maid of honor and as Sasha one of the bridesmaid's as she was secretly eating something and looked at the two. Mikasa and Eren held hands with their eyes glued to eachother as they were both happy as ever. And both mouthed 'I love you' to eachother. "Okay let's begin!" Said the pastor as he looked at those two completely in love and filled with happiness as they were about to be bonded for thier rest of thier lives.

It's not over yet!!XD





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