Chapter 6

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"Why is this stinkin doctor taking forever?!" Levi asked in frustration to his father as the patienly well unpatiently waited for the doctor to give them the results of the test to see if Eren really is the father of Haru. "Yes indeed so slow.." Mikasa's father agreed as he nodded his head. Then suddenly the doctor they asked to do the test came up toward them with a folder with the results. "Well..?" Levi asked "Yes Eren Jeager is the father...." the doctor said as he smiled at the two and then gave them the folder and left. "Are you serious?! TSK!!" Levi yelled angrily as he punched the teddy bear that is meant for Mikasa.

"Soooo...why didn't you tell me Mikasa?" Eren asked nervously, to this shocking descovery that he has a son with a girl he hardly knows. "I didn't want you to be worried or anything...actually I wasn't planing to tell you Eren...but I guess thats too late..." Mikasa said as she smiled gently at Haru. "Ahhh...sooo...what are we going to do?" Eren asked nervously as he looked at Haru. "It's alright Eren you dont have to take care of him or anything I already decided that I was going to be a single mother way before you arrived just go back to the way you lived okay..." Mikasa said as she smiled gently at Eren. Eren eyes widened in suprise to her responce and then felt sorry for her "But..." Eren said suddenly then was enterrupted. "Sorry to Bother you Ms. Ackerman but it's time for you and the father to sign the brith certificate of your precious son so you can go on home." One of the nurses said as she smiled at both Eren and Mikasa. "Ah okay...sorry Eren to ask you to do this but can you please sign the certificate?" Mikasa said as she placed Haru in the little bed right next to her so she can get up and sign it as well. Both Mikasa and Eren stood infront of the nurse who had the birth certificate flat on a table for them to sign. "Okay Mommy please sign here.....and daddy please sign here..." the nurse said as she smiled and pointed at the spots for them to sign. Mikasa signed it gadly as Eren signed it nervously while he blushed a pink across his cheecks. "Thanks Eren..."Mikasa said right after Eren signed as she smiled gently yet brightly at Eren. Eren's heart skipped a beat as he saw how beautiful Mikasa's smile is then shoke his head.

"Okay Mikasa Haru is in the car..." Mikasa's mother said as she closed the back door of the car and then went around to the front to sit in the passenger's seat right next to the driver's which was Mikasa's father who was ready to go but was waiting on Mikasa who was with Eren outside. "Okay Eren see you soon and thanks bye..."Mikasa said as she smiled and touched his hand a little and then quickly got in the car as Eren's eyes widened and then suddenly his hand grabbed out to Mikasa's "Huh...what is it Eren?" Mikasa asked as she was being held back. "Oh..sorry I dont know what came over me...bye.." Eren said nervously yet shocked to why his hand acted on it's on. As her father then ducked down to make Eren see him and gave him a scary glare which made Eren feel gosebumps all across his body and then drove of. Then suddenly "Oi! You better take care of the kid..." Levi yelled seriously at Eren as he was behind him. "Oh..your still here...and dont worry about it...." Eren said seriously as he looked at Levi. "What do you mean 'dont worrry about it' its my newphew and my little sister ofcourse I'm going to worry!" Levi said angrily as he walked closer to Eren with a scary glare. "Okay...okay...I will take care of them....I promise!" Eren said nervously as he started to sweat. "I'm watching you!" Levi yelled seriously as he glared at Eren and then walked to his car and the got on and drove off. "Phew!!...What a day!!" Eren yelled in relief. Then suddenly Eren's phone rings "Hello....? Oh yeah hey! Yeah meet at my place...I'll be there in 5 to 6 minutes..okay bye.."Eren said as he talked in the phone and noticed it was already 7pm the time he scheduled to have his date as he then ran off.

"Oh my...Mikasa you are a great baby maker!...Just look at how cute and beautiful he is!" Mikasa's mother yelled in exitement as she placed Haru in his crib. Mikasa laughed "Yeah he is..." Mikasa said in agreement to the beautiful thing not the baby maker thing. "Hey Mikasa I accidently heard what you told Eren that you want to be a single mother?" Mikasa's mother asked as she remembered that she was pressing her face against the hospital room when they were alone. "Well yeah I dont want to bother Eren...I bet he doesn't even want to be a father yet and he should just live a normal life for me..."Mikasa said as she placed a blue soft blanket on Haru's body as Haru closed his eyes to sleep. "That's sweet of you to you to considerate but still Haru derserve's both his parent's taking care of him..." Mikasa's mother responded as she looked at Mikasa seriously and touched Mikasa's hand."Hmmm...Yeah youre right mom I'll go tomorow to talk to him.."Mikasa said as she smiled at her mother and then looked toward's Haru's crib. Mikasa' mother then got up "Okay it's getting late...goodnight you two.." Mikasa's mother said as she smiled and then walked out of Mikasa's and Haru's room and turned of the lights. Mikasa was sitting up in her bed as she looked out to the window to the night sky. "Eren...."

"Ah! Man are you good...." Eren's date said as she got dressed as Eren was putting on his pants."Yeah..." Eren said as he felt bad and dirty for some reason which he never feels after his dates. It was already morning "Well I have to go see ya Jaegar!" Eren's date said as she was buttoning on her shirt and he was zipping his jeans as they both were about to head to the front door. Then suddenly as Eren's date was about to open the door, the doorbell rang then Eren's date opened the door. "Oh you have a guest Eren! See ya!" Eren's date said as she finished buttoning her shirt and then passed by the visitor. "Who could it be this early in a weekend?! Seriously......Mikasa?" Eren said as he was first agrivated then walked towards the front as his eyes widened in suprise to see who it was. Suddenly Mikasa blushed a bright red across her face as she could see what happened last night due to the girl was buttoning her shirt and Eren was shirtless. "Ah...umm....sorry...!!" Mikasa said nervously as she then quickly walked away. "No! Wait Mikasa!" Eren yelled in a rush to reach her but then was too late to catch up as she drove off. "Ah!!..." Eren yelled out of breath as he saw Mikasa drive off.

"Wow that was quick!...So did you talk to him Mikasa?" Mikasa's father asked as Mikasa entered their house. "Yeah..well..." Mikasa said nervously as she suddenly then ran off the restroom. "Hmm what happened..?" Mikasa's father asked himself to see her reaction then suddenly his phone rang. "Hello...Ah..Levi what's going on....really he did he's you dont have to I'll deal with him...okay bye." Mikasa's father said as he talked to the phone to Levi. Remember when Levi said that he was going to be watching Eren, yeah he wasn't lying he installed a camera on clothes when Levi wrapped his arm around Eren on his clothes. Then suddenly Mikasa's father went to Mikasa's and Haru's room where Haru was sleeping soundly as Mikasa's father then picked him up gently and packed up all his stuff to use to take care of him and then went outside as Mikasa was still in the restroom. Mikasa's father drove off with Haru in the carseat. They arrived at a destination. He then walked towards the apartment door and knocked as he had haru around his hands. Eren was still nervous inside in the kitchen thinking to what just happened "We aren't dating...we aren't married..we bearly just met..but we have a kid I guess everything is okay.."Eren said to himself then suddenly heard a knock on his door as he then answered the door as his eyes widened in shock to who it was.

"Mika...Mikasa's fa...father...And Haru?!?!"Eren asked shocked out of his mind. "Yes it's nice to see you take good care my precious grandson and your son....well good luck!" Mikasa's father said as he had the most scariest of smiles as he handed him Haru and all the stuff and then disappeared out of thin air. "Wha!...What!..What!!" Eren yelled shocked out of his whole body as to now on he will have to take care of his son, who he has no idea how to at all.




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