Chapter 5

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        "What..what no way.." Eren says shocked as heck as he starts sweating like crazy. "Tsk..!" As Levi gets more mad at him and puches Eren in the face again but not hard enough to knock him out. "Get a hold of yourself idiot!" Levi yells angrily at Eren. Eren turns blank "What..what have I done.." Eren responds quietly as he looks up to the sky. "I must be dreaming right?!" Eren asks loudly suddenly with the craziest of looks as he grabs onto Levi's jacket. "Get off me crazy maniac and No even though...oh do I..even do I wish this was all a stupid dream of yours it isn't so come!" Levi yells angrily as he grabs Eren's ear and takes him inside the hospital forcefully. "OWWW! Let go i'll just follow!" Eren yells in pain to Levi. "Now what's the fun in that?" Levi answers as he grins and heads towards the gift shop they have in the hospital for patients. "Father just up to Mikasa's room i'll take care of him!" Levi yells to his father as his father nods and goes inside the elevator. Levi then drags Eren into the gift shop the hospital has for gifts for patients. Levi then throws Eren in the inside "What did you do that?! And why are we here?! I thought you were going to take me.." Eren says angryly yet loudly as his ear is bright red from Levi's pinching."You get my sister a huge teddy bear and a whole lot of ballons!" Levi yells at Eren "What?! I bearly have anything and I was saving money for...something." Eren responds confused and then remembers that he was saving money for a date he was going to have later on with a random girl and then take her to his appartment and have sex but he didn't what this phyco path to know so he didn't say anything. "Ah..I get it you were saving money for some random stupid enough girl to have sex with you am I right?" Levi asked as he had the eviliest of smirks across his face and a black aura behind him started spreading throughout the shop scaring away customers. "" Eren responded nervously as he started sweating and Levi started to walk towards Eren with an evil laugh "Wait..what...are" Eren said scared out of his mind as he was getting cornered.

        "Mom what is going to happen now that I have Haru?" Mikasa asked her mother as she was looking at her son and Haru giggled a little. "Hmm well I want you and that Eren to take good care of him...yes..but I dont know what your father or Levi is going to say.." Mikasa's mother responded as she smiled at Mikasa and Haru reached out his hand and wrapped it around Mikasa mother's finger. "Mom I know I just met Haru but I love him so much already.." Mikasa said as she smiled at Haru and then Haru looked at Mikasa and smilled. "Mmmm.....that's usual I remember when I had you and I didn't want the doctors to take you away from me so you can get cleaned up...your father told me to let them and so they did....but they brought you back all clean so I felt silly that I wanted to keep you all filled with my blood." Mikasa's mother said and she laughed and Mikasa laughed back. Then suddenly "How are you Mikasa?" Mikasa's father asked as he came in the room. "Im fine dad...what happened?" Mikasa asked as she wondered where Levi and him left to do. "Oh nothing we just went to take of a piece of feilthy's Haru?" Mikasa's father responded and asked. "What..a piece of trash...oh and he's doing fine.." Mikasa said confused to what father said. "Well that's just wonderfull." Mikasa's father said as he smiled. "Dad I've been wondering now that I have Haru what's going to happen?" Mikasa asked her father nervously. Her father smiled "Nothing were going to take him home to take care of him of course!" Mikasa's father answered happily. Then Mikasa's eye's widened and then started getting teary as she blushed a light pink on her cheecks "Thanks Daddy.."Mikasa said as she smiled at her father and then hugged Haru closer to her.

        "Okay the swelling went down and you got the stuff but you do have homeless clothes on but you are a piece of fielthy lowlife scum so let's go."Levi said as he checked that Eren was presentiful enough for Mikasa and his family. "Hey...I've been meaning to ask what's the baby's name and gender...?" Eren asked suddenly. Levi then smiled gently but then changed his smile so he looks scary to Eren "Go on and see for yourself.." Levi answered as he took all the stuff out of his hands and he patted him towards the door that led into Mikasa's room . Eren then took a deep breath and grabbed the handle and pushed it open as he saw a brightness from the window and then stopped of his nervousness. "Just go on in!" Levi yelled as he pushed him in. As Mikasa was smilling and her parents were smilling with her towards how beautiful Haru is they suddenly hear Levi yell and then Eren comes in the room all wobbly from being pushed and then Mikasa raises her head a "Huh?...Ere..EREN?!" Mikasa yells suprised that out of all people that would come and visit her it happened to be the last she wanted to come and see her and Haru. "What..what is he doing here?" Mikasa's mother also suprised to see him come in of all people. Then suddenly Mikasa's father got up and stood right next to Eren and laid his arm on top of Eren's shoulders "Well why are you doing here Eren?..Were waiting." Mikasa's father said as he waited for his responce. "Ah..yes why am I here...ah well I was brought here by your older brother Mikasa and he told me that you just gave birth to our son so..Here I am haha..." Eren answered awardly yet nervously. "Oh okay then why dont we leave these two alone?"Mikasa's father asked his wife. "Oh yes okay lets leave these two.." Mikasa's mother responded as they both went outside on the room where Levi was with the huge teddy bear and ballons."Well isn't this a cute sight?" Mikasa's father said sarcastly as he saw how silly Levi looked with all the stuff. "Shut up." Levi said frustrated.

         "'s the baby's name?" Eren asked nervously as he sat down next to the bed where Mikasa was sitting up with her son in her arms wrapped around a blue blanket. Mikasa giggled "His name is Haru." Mikasa answered as she smiled at brightly Eren. Eren then noticed how beautiful Mikasa's smile is and blushed a bright pink across his cheeks. "So it's a boy and his name is Haru the meaning of light.." Eren responded with a smile. "Yeah do you want to hold him?" Mikasa asked as she showed him Haru's adorable face. "Wow he looks a lot like you!..." then suddenly Haru oppened his eyes as Eren noticed that he has the same teal green eyes as himself and his eyes widened. "No way he has my eyes!" Eren said surprised "Yeah such beautiful eyes.." Mikasa said as she looked into Eren's green eyes. Eren the blushed bright red. "Mmmm yea..h" Eren said nervously.




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