Chapter 1

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" OMG! He's so hot!" "Ahhh! There he is!" " Omg he's perfect!!" " Hey Eren!! Good Morning!" Most of the girls yelled as though Eren was a very famous celebrity some even were speechless as others fainted from just looking at him come in Recon High like every morning since he entered 2 years ago. Eren is 17 years old, junior and if you didn't notice he is pretty popular with the ladies at his school. He's the most handsome guy but his grades aren't so well. But what the girls notice is his looks not his smarts and how athletic he is won district champions at all sports like Football, soccer, track and field, and etc. Which he scored more points with the ladies. But there is also one thing he does often that he wants from girls which is sex. He doesn't care for their feelings at all. All it is, is to win home when he decides to accept their confession which happens quite often. But at least he's careful always puts on protection so they dont end up pregnant.

Eren walked to his loccker and opened it and quickly backed away from it as a bunch of confession letters fell to the ground. He then smirked and " Hey ladies can u clean this up for me please." Eren said as he flipped his bangs and smiled brightly at them. The girls all melted like butter as the atmosphere turned hot. " Yeah, sure." They all said in unnicine as they gathered all the letters and threw them in the recycling bin. "Ha! So easy did you see that Armin?" Eren said as he turned and smiled to his childhood best friend. " I dont think you shouldn't use those girls like that Eren they are human being like us too you know?" Armin said as he was disappointed and mad at Eren. " Man Armin you always say that! I love you man, but I just cant stop it's too entertaining! They'll do anything for me seriously!" Eren said as he closed his locker and walked with Armin to his class.

Mikasa came walking in the school with Sasha they have been best friends since Elementary now both 17 years old and juniors. Once they came in all the boys that were around blushed as they saw Mikasa and how beautiful she is. They headed towards they're lockers. " Hey Mikasa you won first place again in the annual exam." Sasha said as she grabbed a snack from her locker to eat and smiled. " Yeah I know my dad was pretty proud of me he said that I will have a very bright future, go to harvard or yale and get a very successful job when I grow up. He has my whole future planed for me..." Mikasa as she sadly looked at her textbooks. " Come on Mikasa if you dont like what your dad is doing why dont you speak up to him like the intelligent young lady your are!" Sasha said as she again bit into her snack and hugged Mikasa. " Yeah thanks Sasha i'll try after school today." Mikasa said as she smiled and hugged Sasha back. Then suddenly " Hey Mikasa, Sasha I was wondering if you laddies weren't doing anything you can come to my house we're having a party." Jean asked as he blushed at Mikasa. Sasha bit again into her snack " Okay we'll go will there be food?! Sasha said as he eyes sparked. " Of course! Well see you there!" Jean said as he smiled at Mikasa and blushed and turned away to run. " What did you say yes I was going to talk to my dad! Remember? " Mikasa yelled at Sasha. " What's one more day going to do and it's a party it's going to be fun!! You need a break Ms. Workaholic!" Sasha said as she wrapped her arm around Mikasa's shoulder and smiled. Mikasa smiled back and said " Okay." " Eren you going to Jean's party?" One of his classmates asked "Of course! That's when I win at my game!" Eren said as they both laughed and high fived eachother.

Eren and Armin came in dressed for the party and then Armin ran for it. As a bunch of girls crowded Eren. " Laddies! Laddies! Clam down there is enough of me to go around!" Eren said as he smiled at all the girls. " Ahhhh Eren!!" All they girl's squealed with happiness. They all headed out to the backyard. " Im nervous Sasha I've never been to one of these!" Mikasa said nervously as they were about to go in Jean's house. " Come on were this far and you derserve some fun! So let's go" Sasha said as she smiled and finished eating a sandwich. " But I heard that they have alcohol and some couples go in the rooms to you know..."Mikasa said nervously as ever. " it's okay just dont let anyone mess with you and I'll be with you the entire rime so dont wory!" Sasha said as she opened tye door and then spotted the food and dashed for it. "Yeah the entire time.." Mikasa said disappointed at Sasha. Then after a couple of minutes a whole bunch of people came in. " Okay people it is now 10 pm lets turn up!" Jean yelled happily and locked as though he was drunk already. Eren went in the one of the rooms with a very pretty girl and both were drunk, the girl more than Eren. They both laughed and closed the door."Hey sexy show me your best!" The girl said as she layed down the bed laughing. "Alright!" Eren said as he smiled and opened a condom package. Mikasa was with Sasha at the table as she was stuffing her face with food and then finally stopped eating as she droped in happiness from eating so much." Im in heaven!" Sasha yelled as she was drunk. "Oh they poured alcohol even in the food?!" Mikasa said shocked. Then suddenly Jean appeared "Come on Mikasa have some fun!" Jean yelled as he poured some beer on her drink . " Yeah Mikasa live a little!" Sasha said as she was laying on her food. " Mmmm Okay what's one drink going to do." Mikasa said as she drank the alcoholholic drink. And Eren finished with the girl.

Mikasa ended up drunk as ever along with Sasha. " Thank you Sasha for bringing me here!" Mikasa yelled as she hugged Sasha " Wha?! Oh no problem! " Sasha said as she laughed. Music, dancing and games everyone was having fun. Eren spotted Mikasa and in his drunk vision she appeared to be like a beautiful angel and headed towarsa her "Hey i've never seen you before!" Eren said as he smiled and Mikasa smiled back.

Sun was shining down on Mikasa's face and she opened her eyes. " Ah headache...." Mikasa said as she rumbed her eyes and could now she clearly. "Where am I..?" Mikasa said as she looked at herself and noticed she was naked. " What happened Last Night?!" She asked herself in great shock and embarrassment. Then suddenly she felt an arm an arm that was still wrapped around her moved. And then turned to see who she was in bed with alone and naked. "Eren Jaegar!" She quietly yelled in her mind as she noticed his face and then quietly yet quickly got out of bed. And went to the restroom to change still nervous and shocked as ever. Finished changing and grabbed Sasha who was asleep still. And headed back home.


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