Chapter 12: End

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            5 years has passed since the wedding of Eren and Mikasa Jaeger.......

         "Hey, how you doing on planing your wedding, Annie?" Mikasa asked as she was talking in the phone as she smiled and was sitting on a couch in the living room wearing the precious red scraf, still beautiful and nice as ever and has become what she has choosen for herself not her dad which is an artist who has become very popular with her magnificent paintings. "Oh..yeah you know there going great! Except my raging mother won't leave Armin alone at peace!" Annie said as she laughed of how ridiculous her mother is as she is at a the bakery picking out a perfect wedding cake along with her mother yelling "Dont just pick any cake you idiot!!" at her fiance Armin for just choosing any random cake that seemed perfect enough for thier wedding, who also asked Annie to be his forever once they graduated college infront of everyone in thier graduating class including Mikasa and Eren and Annie gladly accepted as she jumped into his arms and kissed him sweetly, which was 6 months ago.

           Mikasa giggled and noticed "Hey Haru be careful you don't spill that honey!" Mikasa said as she noticed that Haru who is currently 4 years old, with the same beautiful face and short black raven hair the color of his mother's and the same teal green eye's of his father wearing jean overalls with a cute yellow green dinosaurs shirt underneath and small black light up shoes as he was messing around with the drinks in the refrigerator in the kitchen that he learned how to open somehow. "Oh..Sowwy mommy!" Haru responded as he quiclky closed the refrigerator door as he felt guilty of his actions a quickly ran somewhere else as his shoes lit up, the colors of blue and red, so Mikasa can't see him. "Oh, Haru causing trouble again?....Ahh..just like his father such a trouble maker!..." Annie said as she smiled and l giggled as she felt for Mikasa dealing with them both.

         Mikasa smiled as she looked at over the beautiful picture of her's and Eren's a year ago hanging in the wall with a black finely sculpted wodden frame. That showed Mikasa and Eren happily smiling and Eren warmly and softly warped around Mikasa wearing the same elegant tux he wore for the wedding and Mikasa wearing the same beautiful wedding dress as Mikasa held his hand and the other holding her same marvelous bouquet as they both had thier wedding bands on and with a finely gray background and as they placed themselves on top of a white column table as they looked into the camera taken by a professional photographer that is friends with Mr. Demon monster sister complex himself Levi, that was taken the same day of the wonderful wedding. Along with the photo they also had a movie and a bunch of pictures taken for a cherished memory.

          "Oh but i've been meaning to ask how many months are you?" Annie asked as she has been wanting to know impatiently as she heard the news not to long ago from Armin who was told by Eren, that was really meant to be a surprise for them but Eren was too excited and quickly told. Mikasa smiled gently as she softly rubbed her small baby bump "I'm 3 months..." Mikasa said as she remembered her amazing and wonderful honeymoon in Fiji a day after thier wedding and all the other steamy night's and years filled with internal love, after grauduating college and geting successful jobs that they'd had finally planned to have another baby together

          "Mr. Jaeger can I...I some..thing?" A teenage girl asked Eren as he was grading papers and was wearing a nice suit with not jacket just they white long sleve shirt and red tie and nicely smoothed black pants with a gentle smile on his face and was sitting in his big wodden desk with a sliver laptop filled with apps with a wallpaper of him and Mikasa happily smiling at a camera Eren was holding as they were in Fiji wearing a green white Hawaiian shirt and Mikasa wearing a nice spaghetti strap white dress with a red rose being held by her ear. Along with mini picture's of Haru growing up like walking, playing with other kids his age, and him eating all in one wodden collage frame and to the other corner is a picture of the baby currently inside of Mikasa and growing properly in a white circular frame.

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