Chapter 7

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As he held Haru in his arms in shock to why he just handed a baby that he doesn't even know how to take care of. "What do I do?!" Eren said nervously as he looked a Haru's smiling face that made him relax a little due to the fact that he looked a lot like his mother. "Mikasa.." Eren said depressed as he remembered Mikasa's reaction this morning to what she saw. It made him feel even more dirty than he was when he was doing it. Haru then all of a sudden reached out his tiny soft hand towards Eren's hand. Eren smiled gently as he noticed him reaching and touched his small hand that wrapped around his index finger. "Wow..." Eren said out of amazement that he felling of his son's soft warm hand.

Mikasa came out from the restroom as she noticed her dad cime in from the front door. "Where did you go dad?" Mikasa asked that she remembered that he was sitting in the living room couch when she came in then suddenly her father embrassed her with a warm hug. Mikasa's eyes widened in surprise to what he was doing and hasn't done as ling as she could remember, her eyes started to water. "Ah why did that lowlife scum have to ruin your life..." Mikasa's father said as he frowned a little out of sympathy. "Dad..." Mikasa said softly and was too happy to hear what her father called Eren as she then wraps her arms around his waist. "Oh I should tell you that Haru is at that scum's dumpster of an apartment, okay.." Mikasa's father said suddenly as though it was so easy to say. "What?! Why is he at Eren's?!" Mikasa yelled angrily as she pushed quickly away from her father in surprise. "Yeah...let him suffer for a week..dont you dare go over to his apartment. And we aren't going to let him come to our house. So he learns something! And THATS FINAL!" Mikasa's father yelled angryly as he looked at Mikasa. A tear slid down her cheek, stunded to what he just said as she quickly ran to her room and slamed the door.

"Okay how to change a baby's diaper..." Eren said as he typed in the youtube search bar and a bunch of video's poped out as he then picked the fist one. "Hello My name is Sarah and I am going to teach you how to change a baby's diaper...Okay first you have to take dirty diaper off and dispose of it properly as you then use a sanitized wipe or two to clean and then you put diaper rash cream so the baby doesn't get a rash and then you secure the diaper on like so..." Sarah the instructor said as she showed and said what she was doing and how to do it properly. "Okay...what went wrong.." Eren said as he looked at Haru's diaper was deformed and bumpy as Sarah's was straight and nice. "Okay let's watch it again!.." Eren said as Haru smiled at him. After three more tries "You know what let's just get some duck tape and there!..SIMPLE!" Eren said as he grabbed the duck tape and wraped it on top of the diaper around Haru's waist to hold it in place. Haru's face looked confused as he was used to Mikasa's way of changing his diaper.

Eren's phone rang "Hey.."Eren said as he answered. "Hey Eren are you coming to school today?" Armin questioned nervously as he was waiting in the front of the school as the crazy girls were listening in. "Oh..I cant today something came up...(Haru starts to cry) Oh shot got to go!" Eren said as he hanged up the phone and ran towards to where Haru was taking a nap. "WHAT DID HE SAY!!" "WHY ISN'T MY BABY HERE YET!" "IS HE SICK?!" "WHY DID I HEAR A BABY'S CRY?!" all of them yelled all over and made Armin hate Eren so much. Haru was crying so loud as Eren was holding him and rocking him as he also looked up how to stop a baby from crying and didn't work. Then suddenly he felt a warm soft gentle hand tap his shoulder. Then another hand poped out and grabed Haru out of Eren's hands gently and Haru stopped crying as he saw his mother's smiling face and rocked him gently. "Mikasa?!" Eren said surprised to how she just came out of no where like if god sent an angel to help. "Yeah you should lock your door...and I heard him cry from when I was outside so I had no choice but to come in...sorry I am his mother.."Mikasa said gently as she smiled at Haru's green eyes close.

"Oh...okay and thanks..." Eren said nervously as he blushed a little and smiled at Mikasa holding Haru as it was the most beautifulest of thing he has ever seen. Mikasa then lightly layed Haru down in Eren's bed and placed the blanket that was packed in a bag that Mikasa's father brought a long with the rest of his stuff. "Let's talk out there.." Mikasa said softly as she gently patted Eren's back. "Ah..yes.."Eren said nervously as he went out to the hallway into the living room and Mikasa closed the door enough so she could hear if Haru woke up. "Okay....Im sorry about what my dad did to you bringing Haru here and all his stuf, I'll take it all back and dont stress yourself..."Mikasa said softly as she smiled gently at Eren. Eren's eyes widened to that beautiful smile " it's okay you dont have to apalogise.." Eren said nervously at he reached out for Mikasa's hand as he felt a sharp pain in his chest. "Well isn't this a cute moment.." Levi said suddenly as he was in the kitchen getting himself a drink.

"What!..What is he doing here!" Eren said surprised to see this demon in his appartment and even getting a drink for himself. "Hey! Shut up! Im just here to help my little sister with all the Haru's stuff!" Levi said as he glarred at Eren and drank. "Yeah sorry...I forgot to mention that he took me here to help out pack all the stuff and get Haru back.."Mikasa said as she looked at Levi and then at Eren."Well, I'll get to it..." Levi said as he then grabbed two big bags and went outside. "Yeah we'll be out of here pretty quick Levi is really fast and strong..oh he came back already.."Mikasa said as she laughed a little and Eren's felt more and more empty as Levi took a bag. "Well I'll go get Haru.." Mikasa said as she turned around and Eren's heart skipped a beat to see Mikasa's back turned at him. He stood there blank as he was confused to why he was feeling such a thing. "What are you doing standing like the retard you are?!...Hey Mikasa all done!" Levi said as he noticed Eren standing alone in the middle of the living room and then looked towards where Mikasa was and then walked back to his car.

"Okay! Thanks Levi and bye Eren..I never intended for you to be bothered by Haru sorry again and hope you live your life like any regular teen would...Bye.." Mikasa said as she smiled at Eren holding Haru in her arms and was about to walk out the door as and then an arm grabbed on to her arm stopping her from leaving. "What..Eren.." Mikasa said surprised as she blushed a little. "Dont leave!...Stay with me..and raise Haru with me together!" Eren said suddenly and seriously as he blushed a soft red across his cheeks. "Huh..?!" Mikasa said as she blushed a bright red shocked to what Eren just said.




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