Chapter 2

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"So what are the result's?" Mikasa's Mom said as she waited outside of the restroom. Mikasa was in the restroom and was taking a pregnancy test. Since she selpt with a boy but not just any boy the most popular most handsome guy in the school Eren Jaegar. It has been a week since she woke up naked in bed with Eren and doesn't know if they used protection or not. So she told her mother about it just a little minutes ago. Her mother said nothing and ran out the house and came back in a couple of minutes with a pregnancy test and told her to take it now. So this is the current situation. "SO?! SO?! What are the results?!" Mikasa's mother yelled in unpatience and nervousness. Mikasa opened the door and gave her mother the test results as she was shocked as ever didn't say anything and sat down in the couch in the living room still speechless and blank. Then her mother looked at the test result's and saw a pink positive mark across it. " cant be..." Mikasa's mother said in shock as she also sat down at the same couch with Mikasa. "Mom....Im going to be a mom..." Mikasa said still in shock. "Yes...yes you are.." Mikasa's mother also still in shock. "How are we going to tell dad....what are we going to do....i dont know anything! help me!!" Mikasa said as she turned at her mother and started freaking out and her eyes were getting watery. Then suddenly her mother hugged Mikasa and smiled "It's alright Mikasa you've got me to teach you and help you..okay so dont worry.." Mikasa's mom said clamly. "Thanks mom...Love you." Mikasa said as she hugged her back.

"Okay so what are we going to do about school they'll all notice!"Mikasa realized as she looked down at her belly and touched it. "You'll just be homeschooled for a while after a little while when the baby is born, okay?" Mikasa's mother asked as she looked at Mikasa. "Okay.." Mikasa said as she then smiled at her mom. "I forgot to ask who is this Eren Jaegar and does he even know?" Mikasa's mom realized as she looked at Mikasa with an small mad expression. "Oh that... Eren is the most popular and handsomest boy in my school at least that's what I heard to me I dont really care to be honest....Im just shoked that it was him out of all people in my school right?..." Mikasa said as she asked her mom. "What! He's the most popular and handsomest?! No way! I got to see a picture of this kid!!! Do you have one?!?!?!" Mikasa's mom yelled in excitement as she grabbed onto Mikasa's shoulder's and waited for her to answer. "No way mom!!! Yeah like a carry around a picture of Eren around wherever I go.."Mikasa said disappointed and sarcastly and blushed a little. "Okay school is starting right now right?!" Mikasa's mom asked in excitement and looked as she looked suspious. "Yeah... why?" Mikasa asked as she looked at her mother and realized that she was about to do something concerning Eren. Then suddenly her mother in a flash went into her room and came out wearing to cover up like a spy with a mask on over mouth and black sunglasses and a long black coat and black boots and just in case she had pink gloves on and one of her hands she was holding a camera. " Oh my gosh mom you aren't about to..." Mikasa didn'y finish her sentence because her mother than grabbed her and quickly headed out and got into the car."Mom!!" Mikasa yelled in annoyed. Her mother ignored her and laughed creepy all throughout the ride until they arrived at Recon High. They both duked down to where they're eyes could see. "Okay sweetie you stay here and I'll be right back!" Mikasa's mom said as she smiled at Mikasa and then got out the car.

"Okay Eren where are you...?" Mikasa's mom said as she looked around to see if she spotted the one who stood out more out of the guys. All the students were outside waiting until the morning bell rings for the first class. Then suddenly "AHHH! There he is!" "OMG!OMG!OMG!" "EREN OVER HERE!!" the usual girls squeeled and fainted and all blushed and even some were completely red. "Ah there you are Eren.." Mikasa's mom whispered as she hid behind a student who was freaked out to what she was wearing and what she was doing to him. "TARGET LOCKED!" Mikasa's mom whispered loudly and took a bunch of pictures of Eren. "Hey laddies how you doing? Shall we go in together?" Eren asked the girls and didn't notice Mikasa's mom as she made a scene behind him and stood out so much. Eren then headed inside the school along with the girls. "SUCCESS!" Mikasa's mom yelled as she looked up at the sky and raised the camera. "Hey laddy what's your promblem?" the student that she "hid" behind to get pictures of Eren asked as he was scared of her. Then suddenly "HOHOHOHO!!" Mikasa's mom laughed as she quickly ran away and left all those who noticed her pale and speechless. She then finally came back in the car "The mission was a great success!" she yelled in happiness as Mikasa was lifeless and didn't beileve that this women was here mother. "Someone please tell me I was adopted.." Mikasa said in despair.

They both arrived home and came in their house. "Okay now to print out this Pictures!!" Mikasa's mom yelled as she pointed at the computer along with the printer. Mikasa came in depressed and headed to her room "Yeah you do that mom..." she said as she looked down and closed the door of her room. A couple of minutes passed and suddenly as Mikasa was taking a nap she felt a cold chill "Hey Mikasa they're done..." Mikasa's mother said as she appeared out of nowhere and was laying to the side like she was laying on a bed with the creepiest of girns slapped across her face. "AHHH! Mom dont do that!" Mikasa yelled as she backed away quickly across the bed scared out of her mind. "Look! Look!" Mikasa's mom said as she pulled out the pictures of Eren she printed out. Some where blurry and some where perfect but where clearly seemed like someone crazy took them."Oh my gosh mom I dont want them! Your crazy just because he is the father of my unborn baby doesn't mean Im interested mom! Throw them away! He doesn't even know that Im pregnant and he's the dad!" Mikasa yelled at her mom as she blushed really bright red out of embarrassment. "So he doesn't know...why didn't you tell me sweetheart?" Mikasa's mom said as she put the pictures away and reached out to pat Mikasa's hand. "Yeah if he knew it would be too troublesome and complicated for him so I dont want him to ever know okay mom?" Mikasa said as she started crying and blushed a little and hugged her mom. "Hehh, your emotion's are going crazy aren't they Mikasa...? well you are pregnant.." Mikasa's mother said as she smiled and hugged her back.

A couple of hour's passed and it was the time when Mikasa's father arrived from work. " Okay you ready Mikasa and dont forget Im here with you." Mikasa's mom said as they were both nervous and waited in the livingroom for her father to arrive. Then suddenly they heard a car arrive and then key's move, they both took in a big gulp, then the door unlocked and the door opened. Mikasa's Father was in for it when he came in. "Im home!" Mikasa's father said as he smiled then noticed both Mikasa and her mother holding hands sitting in the couch. "Dad we have something to tell might want to sit down for this one trust me...." Mikasa said nervously with a worried expression. Mikasa's Father walked towards the closests couch with a worried yet confused expression on his face " What is it Mikasa?"




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