Chapter 10

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"Huuuh..found you Eren.."Annie said with a jealous yet sneaky tone as she noticed that Eren was with another girl while she was going all over the place looking for him. She smirked as she looked at them with her furious blue eyes. "Huh...!Annie?!" Eren yelled shocked to his stomach as he noticed Annie one of the girls he used to play around with was right in front of Mikasa the mother of his son.

"Oh..hello my name is must be one of Eren's friends huh..." Mikasa said as she thought in her head that they knew each others name and were staring at each other that she assumed that they were friends, as she brightly smiled at Annie. Annie's smirk turned more twisted after Mikasa spoke and her eyes darkened. "Ha!"Annie said as she quickly rushed towards Eren an grabbed his sweater pulling it and his face towards her as she kissed him. Eren's green eyes widened in deep shock to surprise as Annie made such a bold and terrible move while Mikasa was right there next to them. Annie finally stopped kissing him after a couple of seconds as she pushed him aggressively at the back of the bench. "Ouch!" Eren said as he felt his back smack against the back of the wooden bench. Then he finally realized about Mikasa as he quickly turned towards her "Mikasa....!" Eren said loudly but then stopped as he say her face. Mikasa's grey eyes were wide yet blurry by the water of her tears as one fell from her cheek as her teeth clenched against each other. Eren's eyes widened even more.

Then suddenly a pale hand covered Mikasa's teary swollen eyes as she was about to burst of crying. That hand that led to a fancy black coat and led to a furious yet serious face that Eren always feared. Of all people it was Mr. Evil Crazy Sister Complex himself Levi with his cold dark gray eyes that can make you loose your balance to how scary and intense they are once he gets really x100 which Eren has yet to see. "We're broke the promise...." Levi said in a serious yet calmly way as he got the stroller and helped Mikasa as he covered her with his body so Eren can't see her and quickly left.

"....WAIT!! MIKASA!! LEVI...!"Eren said as he gained conscious from Levi's demon/monster/non human form as he reached out his hand but they have already disappeared from the cold winter snow. Then suddenly a hand grabbed Eren roughly as it made him turn towards the person which was Annie. "Forget them Eren!! Come on let's go to your apartment and have some fun! If you know what I mean...." Annie said as she smiled joyfully and giggled while she blushed a soft red as she thought that she had won. Eren quickly jerked his hand off of Annie's and his green eyes turned serious and cold along with his whole expression as Annie's smiled suddenly turned down to notice that face that she has never seen before on him.

"Are you crazy!! You desperate selfish stupid girl!! When are you gonna get it through your thick skull!! I never really like any of you girls I just liked having sex!! I just used you all for my pleasure!!....And then you of all go and make the...girl.."Eren yells angrily and seriously with his spiked eyes and then suddenly, Annie's hand quickly slaps his cheek hard making a red mark on his face. Annie's blue eyes tear up as she blushes a deep red. "I Love you Eren..! YOU JERK!! YOU IDIOT!!" Annie yells as she slowly punches Eren's chest and then slowly stops. Then suddenly Eren smiles gently as he gently places Annie's hands down. Annie looks up. "I'm sorry...but I can't accept your see the girl that was I was sitting next to me is so beautiful, nice, wonderful, cute and the mother of my son....she has terrible luck to have ended up with such a player good for nothing who uses girls for am I horrible..but I love her..I love her so much that she has changed me to be I hope you find your someone like I did someday...."Eren says as he brightly yet gently smiles at Annie as he blushes a soft red as he finally realizes his feelings for Mikasa and becomes completely happy.

"Eren...thank you for being my first love...go get her..!"Annie says as she smiles brightly and blushes a soft pink and wipes her tears. "Oh! Yeah thanks Annie!!" Eren yells as he blushes and runs off to head to Mikasa's house. "What a loser..."Annie says as she giggles as she sees him run off.

Eren from running through all the people and cold snow as he can feel his lungs tightened and his throat due by the cold wind flowing in his body. Getting closer and closer to Mikasa's house to tell her everything. Eren finally after a couple of minutes reaches Mikasa's house. Eren crouches as he heavily breaths from the running and knocks hard and quickly at the door as he yells "Mikasa! Levi! Anyone open up please!!" As he coughs a little. Then suddenly the door swings open quickly and roughly by Levi who is furiously mad at Eren as Levi begins to open his mouth to shout.

"Sorry for Intruding!!" Eren yells as he quickly passes Levi at the door and heads towards Mikasa's room and barges in the room with a loud slam, as it makes Mikasa notice Eren "Eren!..What are..." Mikasa says as surprised yet mad at him but then gets silenced by a soft warm sweet meaningful kiss quickly given by Eren as he walks quickly towards her. Mikasa's eyes widen in shock but after a while the warmth and the intensity of the kiss makes her give in and kiss him back. As their tongues touch and slide against eachother and thier warm soft sweet lips softly glide and press against eachother.

Then suddenly Eren stops as he gently pushes Mikasa away with is arms. "What's wrong...?"Mikasa says surprised as she notices his serious expression. "Mikasa I want to tell you how I truly feel about you..."






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