Chapter 4

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In a hospital a baby was about to be born. "Push Mikasa!" Mikasa' mother yelled as she was holding her hand while Mikasa was in pain from all the contractions. Mikasa was sweating and pushing as she yelled loudly that the her father and her older brother Levi who flew in from New York all the way to his hometown to be there when his nephew or neice is born. "Levi its a miracle that you came here i thought that you were extremely busy from your job." Mikasa's father said as he looked at Levi all well dressed in a black suit wih a white collar shirt with no tie looking down at the floor as though he was thinking. "Well I just found out that my little sister is pregnant and about to give birth to a baby! I just cant believe it....if only I was here not at my stupid job 500 miles from so disappointed in myself.." Levi said as he looks up to his father, the one that made him this way so he can have a bright future and has been too busy to come over to see his family since he graduated from law school and flew into New York and has become a very successful lawyer. They both looked at eachother disappointed and then suddenly the door to Mikasa's room opens and a nurse comes out "I think you two would like to see your new family member." The nurse said as she smiled and pointed her hand towards the inside. They both walked in into the room.

"Hey.." Levi said nervously as he was about to meet his new family member. They both looked and then they both saw Mikasa smiling beautifuly as ever sitting up in the bed holding a blue blanket wraped around her baby and Mikasa's mother standing right beside her smiling as she suddenly came towards the two "Come meet our beautiful Haru." Mikasa's mom said as she smiled and grabbed both thier hands and led them closer to Mikasa holdind her baby "So it's a boy..and his name is Haru.." Mikasa's father said as Mikasa suddenly moved the blanket so they can see him and nodded in agreement. Levi and her father both smiled as they both saw Mikasa's adorable son. He had the same shiny raven black hair and the same cute nose as Mikasa. Haru resembled Mikasa a lot. Then suddenly Haru opened his eyes a little and they were the color green like the fathers, Eren. "Wow green eyes where did that come from?.." Levi asked as he saw Haru's eyes open. " He got that from his father..." Mikasa said as she smiled as she looked into those beautiful green eyes. "...And why isn't he here?!" Levi asked angrily to his father right next to him. Then they both realized " Ah your right that jerk is probably wasting away in his stress free life.. let's head out to talk about this..." Mikasa's father said as he noticed that a baby shouldn't be hearing loud noises at all or it will make him upset. " Yeah.." Levi said as he smiled at Mikasa and they both headed outside the room and closed the door. "His name is Eren Jeagar and he's probably getting up to head to Mikasa's school." Mikasa's father sadi as he look at Levi with a serious face as they both noded at eachother with the eviliest of looks.

" Man! I hit it off last night!" Eren yelled as he smiled and stretched his arms and placed his has behind his head as he entered Recon High entrance. " Well here come my adoring fans!" Eren yelled with a smirk and his arms streched out for girls to come and hug him like all regular morning. Then suddenly " Hey are you the lowlife idot Eren Jaegar?" Levi asked angrily yet seriously to Eren as he was about to get attacked by the girls in his school but Levi angrily pushed them away "Back off laddies he has business with me and my family so please dont you dare stop us." Levi said with evil smile as he looked at the girls. " Okay!" They all said scared out of their minds and then ran off. "Wha...what do you want?" Eren said nervously as he looked at the demon disguised as a man. "Do you know a beautiful most niciest precious young pretty lady angel named Mikasa Ackerman? " Levi said as he looks at Eren seriously with an anger mark on the side of his forehead. "Ah..ah I...I.. heard of her." Eren said nervously as he started to sweat. Then Levi turned into a monster with a black aura around him as a volcano erupted behind him. "YOU DONT KNOW HER! YOU DONT REMEMBER WHEN YOU....YOU....!!!" Levi yelled very angrily qnf loudly as he grabbed Eren and knocked him out with the hardest puch Levi ever threw and like a piece of trash his is and threw him in Levi's car as they rode off quickly ti the hospital.

Eren woke up witha blurry vision and then heard in echos "HEY LOSER...HEY PIECE OF TRASH! WAKE UP!" Mikasa's father and Levi both yelling in his ear to wake him while they were in the front of the hospital. Eren had a huge bump and other little ones that made his face swollen by Levi and Mikasa's father puches they were giving him while he was still knoked out from Levi's puch. " Where..where am a hospital what...?!" Eren yelled confused as he noticed it was the hospital in the middle of the city. Then he saw both the demon stranger and another bigger demon staring right at him with the angriest of looks. "So you are Eren Jeager?" Mikasa's father asked angrily yet didn't yell. " Yes father this is him." Levi answered. " Why did you bring me here!! This is kidnapping!!" Eren yelled as he was scared to what they are going to do to him. "Hey...I heard from my son that you dont know my daughter Mikasa, is that true?" Mikasa's father asked as he clamed down. " Yeah that...that's true I dont know her...why do you asks?" Eren said nervously yet confused to why they keep asking if he knows such a girl. He doesn't even want to know that he doesn't even remember the any girls name that he has even spoked with.

" Well...Let's put this to as clamly as we can......Mikasa my beautiful little sister in this hospital at 8:35 in the morning today gave birth to your son Haru." Levi said as he rested his arm in Eren's shoulder's as clamly as he could while he looked like he was about to kill Eren. Then suddenly Eren turned pale and blank and Levi noticed as he started getting furious at Eren. "WHAT...WHA...WWWWWHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!?!" Eren yelled shocked out of his mind as to those in the inside on the top floor which is the 40th could hear him clearly.




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