Fancy Dress (Part 3)

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"Wow..." Shayne breathed out. "You look... wow." He raised his eyebrows at you, taking in your full appearance. "I... yeah." His eyes met yours, his face tinting red. You both chuckled at your awkwardness. "You look really nice." He finally said, nodding once he got the words out. 

"Thank you..." You smiled. "So do you." You stated simply. Silence quickly surrounded the two of you; however, like most times this happened, it was comfortable. As you admired each other, everything seemed to fade away, the multitudes of people turning into dark blurs as you focused solely on Shayne. You honestly didn't understand how somebody could be that handsome. That perfect! Everything from the scruff on his face to his high pitched laughter made your heart warm, and now you finally understood why. You liked, maybe even loved, Shayne, and you were tired of pushing those feelings away. I mean, hey, what better night to try and live happily ever after than at an event called: Fairytale Ending. It was almost too perfect (wink). 

"Can I get you a drink?" He broke the silence, bringing you back to reality. You looked over the counter to see the bartendor standing a few feet over from you. 

"I'll take a moscato." You said loud enough for the bartendor to hear. Shayne smiled at you and turned around, waving at the bartendor. The man nodded before bringing over your glass. 

"We should probably go to the table." Shayne said, his eyes flicking over to where the rest of the cast sat. 

"Uh, yeah! Good idea!" You nodded, grabbing your glass and walking towards your friends. Shayne quickly followed, placing a hand on your lower back as you weaved through the crowd. The warmth from his hand against your bare back instantly sent a chill down your spine. You shuddered, the sensation that came from Shayne's skin against yours was a whole new territory for you. 

'You're fine, (y/n)... Everything's fin- WHAT IS HIS THUMB DOING?' Your subconscious screamed, falling out of his chair at the feeling of Shayne's thumb brushing small circles into your back. You could feel him right behind you, the fabric of his jacket brushing against you with every step you took. Your hands shook from the feeling, the sensation leaving you utterly breathless. 

When you approached the table, you immediately locked eyes with Courtney, frantically, and silently, trying to communicate with her that you were freaking out. She sat next to Damien, who sat next to Claudio and Sarah, who sat next to Sam and Olivia, who sat next to Ian, Keith, and Noah. There were two vacant seats left for you and Shayne to fill. He removed his hand from your back, the rush of air making you shiver. He quickly stepped around you, moving so he could pull out your chair. You took your seat next to Courtney, mumbling a 'thank you' as Shayne helped push your chair in. 

"CUTE!" Keith shouted from a few chairs down. He laughed before turning to Noah. "Why didn't you pull my chair out?" He exclaimed, slapping Noah on the arm. Everybody at the table laughed, making jokes about their 'relationship problems.'

"Hey, we've been together for like five years! I don't need to do that anymore!" Noah defended, throwing his hands up. You were happy "Koah" was here to defuse the teasing you and Shayne were sure to get. And lucky for you guys, the topic was lost among the conversation being had at the table. There were a few moments where you swore you felt Shayne's hand brush against your knee; however, when you looked over at him, he would make brief eye contact before you would both turn away blushing. Apart from the little moments you were having with Shayne, you made conversation with Courtney, who was more than excited to tell you that Damien had called her 'beautiful' and held her hand on the way to the table. You were so excited for her. Normally you didn't play in to the ships the fans made with the cast members, but when Courtmien became a thing, you were all for it. 

The event began, the leader of the foundation giving a speech before dinner was served. The food was absolutely phenominal, everything served melting in your mouth as you ate it. Noah, as is tradition, refused to eat about half of what was given to him, making Shayne, along with everybody else at the table grill him for it. You laughed harder than you ever had, leaning into Shayne out of instinct. As you bumped shoulders, you felt Shayne put his arm around the back of your chair. When you straightened back out, you felt Shayne lightly brush your shoulder with his fingers. Your face flushed even more than it already was from laughing as his hand rested on you. Courtney bumped her knee against you, flashing her eyebrows at your current situation. You widened your eyes at her trying as hard as you could to hide the smile that threatened to spill across your face. He kept his arm there as the room finished their meals, the speaker coming back to thank everybody who donated and to inform the guests to enjoy the rest of their evening. 

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