The Power of Love (Part 2)

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"God... finally." You sighed, admiring your apartment. After three days, you were finally completely moved in. As you admired the area, your eyes landed on your window. You still hadn't bought anything for it, but that was a tomorrow problem. Right now, all you wanted to do was crack open a bottle of wine and relax. You had been playing the new Animal Crossing game and were making progress, however, with the move, you hadn't been able to play for a while. It was time to change that. 

After a couple hours, there was a knock on the door. When you opened it, you came face to face with a very handsome, blonde haired man. You smiled as your eyes immediately fell onto the box he was holding. "Can I help you?" 

"Hey, I'm Shayne!" He smiled back. "I live a couple doors down. I just wanted to welcome you to the complex." He held up the box. "House-warming gift."

"(Y/n)." You raised your eyebrows before moving to the side to let him in. "You know, normally people make their new neighbors a pie or something..." You let out an awkward laugh. Shayne set the box down on your couch and smiled up at you. 

"Well I figured you could use these more than a pie." He smirked before opening the box and pulling out a set of white linen curtains. "Couldn't help but notice yours were bare." 

"Oh!" You smiled. "Well thank you! I'll go get the stuff to hang it up." You walked over to your closet to get your tools. As you grabbed them, you could hear Shayne humming a very familiar tune. "Are you humming Huey Lewis?" You looked over to see him attempting to hide a smirk. 

"Power of Love." He smiled. "One of my favorites!"

You quirked and eyebrow. 'That's a bit odd.' But shrugged off any weird thoughts. "That's so weird! Me too!" 

"No way!" He smiled. "It's kind of embarrassing. But sometimes when I listen to this song in particular I like to pretend I'm Marty McFly." He shook his head as he laughed. You slowed your steps as you set your toolbox down on the couch. "Act like I'm riding a skateboard." You stared in shock as he proceeded to perform your improv dance routine from a couple days ago. Skateboard moves and all. Your mouth hung open. Once he finished he took one look at you before bursting into laughter. 

"Get the hell out of my apartment." You deadpanned, making him stop immediately before you bursted into laughter yourself. Shayne let out a sigh of relief before laughing with you. 

"You got me." He shook his head at you. 

"I'm assuming you saw me dancing the other day." You closed your eyes, pushing back the extreme anxiety and embarrassment you were feeling at the moment. 

"I did." He nodded. You mimicked the movement, biting your lip slightly. You thought for a moment before cocking your head to the side a bit. 

"Welp. Can't embarrass myself any more than I already did... Wanna hang out?"

Shayne seemed taken back by your sudden outburst of confidence. 

"Yeah! Why not?" Shayne smiled. The two of you held eye contact for a moment too long before he cleared his throat. "We uh... We should probably get these hung up first though."

"Deal." You smiled, grabbing a screwdriver to install your gift. 

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