Fear Factors

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Thank you to @_sassy-whore_ (this username kills me lol) for the idea! This one is for you! 


"Oh, I don't like this..." You whined in the back of Matt Raub's car. Since October was quickly approaching, you were starting to film Halloween related videos for Smosh Pit. During the pre-production meetings, ideas were thrown out for videos the squad could be in. Unfortunately, the most popular one was for a few of the cast members to face their worst fears. You weren't too keen on this idea, but Shayne had managed to convince you to do it with him. 

"It'll be alright." Shayne chuckled, squeezing your hand. "If you do this now, they won't surprise you with anything later." 

"As far as you know..." Matt teased from the driver's seat. You squeezed Shayne's hand harder before letting out a very shaky sigh. 

"Matt, don't do that." Shayne jutted. "You're going to be fine." 

"Just think about the clickbait we'll have for these videos." Ian joined from the passenger seat. "(Shipname) Faces Their Fears!" 

"Yeah! And it's even better because you're an actual couple." Matt agreed. You smiled to yourself as Shayne ran his thumb over your hand to help calm you down. You drove around for a few more minutes before you heard Ian start the video. You and Shayne didn't need to play up the anxiety that you two were currently experiencing. Not until Matt and Ian reveal who was getting scared today. 

"Alright, we're here!" Ian announced. 

"Who's gonna shit their pants today?" Shayne joked, making all of you chuckle. 

"Shayne..." Ian drew out.

"Great." He groaned.

"You can take your blindfold off because (y/n) is getting scared today!" 

You leaned forward in your seat and put your head in your hands. Your anxiety was through the roof. You felt Shayne rub your back as the others got out of the car. You felt him scoot over so he was right next to you. 

"I'm gonna be right there with you, okay? Just say the word and I'll run in." You nodded and got out of the car. Shayne put his arm around your waist as the three guys guided you to where you're going to be scared that day. You heard Sarah talking to Matt which meant that you were somewhere near the Smosh studio, so at least you were close to somewhere you were comfortable. 

You had a couple ideas as to what was in store for you. When they asked you to write down your worst fears, you had three that immediately came to mind: Nyctophobia (fear of the dark, or in your case, what might be in the dark), Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes... they would never, right?), and Orthopterophobia (fear of grasshoppers and crickets). That last one was the worst of the three. 

When you were five, your parents took you to the pet store to pick out your first goldfish. The fish were in the same area as the spiders and reptiles and as you looked around, one of the spiders jumped against the side of its container. You were so surprised by this that you lost balance and fell backwards into the crates of food for those animals. You knocked over a box which, unfortunately, was filled with crickets to feed the snakes, lizards, and spiders. They jumped all over you and you just started screaming. Your mom and dad ran over and helped you up, brushing off the insects with no problem. Once your mom calmed you down, the three of you left and went home. But for the rest of the night, you could still feel them crawling all over you. To this day, you couldn't even see a photo of a cricket, or even a grasshopper, without being filled to the brim with anxiety. 

"Just a few more steps, (y/n)." Ian said as he guided you. You heard a door open and as you stepped into whatever room you were in, you could hear the chirps. You stopped in your tracks, causing both Shayne and Ian to chuckle a bit at your hesitancy. 

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